
  1. ixampano

    Crack on the neck of my Ibanez S8QM. I need help

    First a little bit of context. *Note: I'm from Mexico, so prices here are way different than in the USD. A couple of weeks ago a music store nearby closed down (Fuck COVID), and I was able to get a Seymour Duncan Pegasus Bridge (8 String Version) pickup for dirt cheap (roughly 25 USD). I...
  2. LeviathanKiller

    EQ'ing Guide

    Found this on my computer. It's not my guide but I thought I'd share it here. I don't think the original exists any longer. Some of you have probably seen this before but there's plenty that hasn't. Just a general guide. Every mix is unique so sometimes certain things don't apply. Hope this...
  3. HexaneLake

    FS 2016 Aristides 080 Satin Desert Tan Marble

    Brief & Accurate Description of Guitar: 2016 Aristides 080 Satin Desert Tan Marble Modifications: None Accessories: Mono Aristides gig bag & strap, tools, certificates. Location: San Francisco, CA 94103 International OK?: No. Contact Info: PM or email me at unitecomposeevolve@gmail.com...
  4. neurosis

    Bands with 7s, 8s and ERG that aren't doing core or djent

    Hi guys. I am sure we are all familiar with most heavy bottom, low tuned bands that are popular right now. I love Meshuggah, but I have a hard time with most other bands using 8s in a similar way and then haven't heard a lot of stuff out of that box that I like. Pig Destroyer and Anaal...
  5. A

    Would you trust this seller?

    I'm thinking of getting a guitar with 7 strings, 27 frets, and a floyd. I found this inexpensive one at DHGate. I know it's probably really low-quality. I'm thinking that after I buy it, I'm going to make a lot of changes (replace the pickups, scallop the fingerboard, give it a setup, etc.)...
  6. P

    [ERP]Pianos that can play the basslines of today's new 'djent' bands.

    Ever since I came across this subgenre of metal, I immediately fell in love with the ultra-low notes used by many of the bands with 'djent' elements. Soon after that, I was replacing strings on my old Fender loaner with thicker and thicker gauges, until my interest in guitar playing eventually...
  7. Kush

    Looking for some advice on choosing tubes.

    Hello! I play heavy tech metal and jazz on a Bugera 6260 head along with my Bugera 4x12 cab. I use a 7 string Schecter Damien Elite-7 and an 8 string Agile 827. Recently one of the tubes went out and I'm looking for a good brand that would sound clean when I play jazzy riffs with my...
  8. Scott Fernandez

    My first recorded song on my 12 String Bass.

    I would really appreciate it if you gave it a listen. It's a very big deal to me and I sure as heck hope you enjoy it. Thank you. It was done with No Delays. No Loops. No Backing Tracks. Just my bass and myself... Don't Be Butt-Hurt by Scott Fernandez on SoundCloud - Create, record and share...
  9. Horizongeetar93

    NCD: I join the Mesa family :D

    Ok so my drummer was helping me out by constantly searching CL for a decently priced Mesa 4x12 cabinet and he came across this one. It is a Mesa Slant 4x12 Stiletto/Traditional model with Celestion Vintage 30's (which sound amazing!). Got it with a trade for my Marshall 1960 A First...
  10. All_¥our_Bass

    EPICLY Screwed Up Idea I had...

    For those who want to test 8 string range with only a six string guitar. I've already mentioned and done the stacked fifths tuning scheme. But I got a far stranger idea while plugging away at work yesterday. Take a six string guitar and keep the three highest (pitch) strings at the same...
  11. TheDjentlman

    Man plays 27-string guitar.

    From my understanding he also, built it himself. This is just incredible.
  12. D

    Looking for extended range templates

    I am looking for a place where I can get 7 string floyd rose templates, 7 string pickup Standard and Emg/SD 707, and 8 string pickup templates as a nice bonus would be cool, not needed at this time though. Thanks in advance:hbang:
  13. D

    I am trying to get more custom orders. What criteria should I be trying to meet?

    I work for a luthier that mostly does classic style, blues oriented 6 string guitars. However I am trying to expand his work into extended range, and trying to meet the ideas of the less vintage guitar crowd. So I am asking you guys, what do you want to see in a custom shop? i.e. Price range...
  14. Andii

    Agile 8 intonation range

    I'm looking at Agile 8 strings. I want to get one very soon, I might order one Monday. I noticed that in the picture of the intrepid I'm looking at, the bridge saddle on the lowest string is almost all the way back. I wouldn't be able to stand it if the guitar won't intonate perfectly. Even...
  15. sh4z

    Decreasing ZR trem Stiffness/Woes

    Hi guiz! Hopefully someone can shed some light on this. I have an ibanez S7320 and I would like to make the trem a little more easier to move. It's mostly the up-bends that are a bit harder, and the range is not very far either I can barely bring it up 1 step without feeling like the...
  16. Adil-2552


    I am appalled with Ibanez’s limited range, seriously though...1 prestige 7 string? Come on, instead of thinking about cutting costs they should invest more money in building a better, more diverse range. In general, I don’t think Ibanez has much to offer...Woods, pickups, finishes...
  17. loneguitarist

    Worlds first 15-string single course Bass

    Ebay item - 15 string bass Well someone's actually overtaken that idiot that made the 'worlds first 13 string super bass' - and it's some eastern manufacturer of strange musical instruments. Garry Goodman, Jean Baudin, Yves Carbonne and any of the other proper ERBists will probably die a...