recording studio

  1. Kiju

    Concrete walls and floors with plywood ceiling?

    Hi! My room is all concrete but there's a beam hanging in the middle and it would catch a bad frequency and I can't treat the corner there so I thought about putting a plywood but the ceiling would not be concrete anymore. My concern is, is it better to have the ceiling as concrete but with a...
  2. Kiju

    Should I put a ventilation on my Bedroom Studio?

    Is ventilation good for bedroom studio? If so, does having ventilation for air in and air out the same with only air out and an air conditioner? Which is better? Or does having a window only the same? I live in a tropical country which have an average temp of 15-20C. Thanks
  3. Christopher Beattie

    Mix advice

    Hey everyone, I just posted a new song I've been working on and noticed the cymbals sound a bit strange after uploading the track to soundcloud. It sounds fine in Reaper and when I play it back on my computer so I assume it has something to do with compression when converting the file? Anyone...
  4. -Nolly-

    Show Us Your Home Studio Setup!

    I thought there was a running thread on this already, but a search is showing up nothing, so here goes! As well as posting pictures of your recording setup, it'd be cool if you say what you're planning on adding/upgrading. If you want to sing the praises of your favourite hardware/software then...
  5. mr95

    Bad omens- Exit wounds instrumental mix [RAW MULTITRACKS INCLUDED]

    I made this quick mix of Exit Wounds by Bad omens,props to Seeker studio for the sick instrumental raws and their mix! I included a link to their mix and raw in the description.
  6. P

    Which Line 6 POD Product for Recording?

    I am relatively new to gear in general as I've been a bedroom player for years, but no recording experience. I'm quite interested in a Line 6 POD product as they are within my budget: but there are so many to choose from I don't know where to start. Specifically, I'm looking to get a...
  7. L

    Crackle/hum in monitors due to monitor?

    Hi I recently bought a new pc and used my old monitor from a pc I had about 5-6 years ago. Everything runs fine - however when I set up and turn on my monitors there is a pretty horrible but low level hum and crackle which intensifies if I moved the cursor and click on an icon. I am...
  8. Decapitated666

    Recording studious in NY/NJ for avant-garde metal (Altar of Plagues/Ulcerate style)

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for some decent suggestions for a recording studio in NY or NJ that can help me record some avant-garde black metal stuff. I'm familiar with Colin Marston's Menegroth studio, yet he seems pretty filled up schedule-wise all the time. Also, I'm looking for a cheaper...
  9. Viaticus

    Bad Studio Experience Detroit Michigan

    Thought I would share this as it is still fresh in my mind. So I live in Asheville, North Carolina and drove(split gas) with 2 friends to Detroit Michigan to let my friend finish vocals with a producer who has some "legitimacy in the industry" in order to finish our demo we recorded with Jamie...
  10. Imdeathcore

    M-audio Profire 610 or Focusrite Saffire Pro 14

    Hey guys i can´t decide between the profire 610 and the focusrite saffire pro 14 i'm not gonna use the mic preamps for a now.. only direct using the Hi-Z instrument imput i'm looking for the best A/D-D/A conversion quality but booth are very good interfaces i guess... i don't care about the...
  11. jb91

    Avalon Vt 737sp Mono Mic Pre/Compressor/EQ

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Great condition Avalon Vt 737sp Mono Mic preamp/compressor/eq ALL TUBE. From smoke free home studio, never left my house. If you need an AMAZING mic preamp, look no further. These are industry standard and would be awesome for your studio or home...