
  1. neurosis

    Can you recommend a luthier or skilled techs in VA or DC for a refret?

    I have been working on a Japanese Les Paul Custom whenever I had time throughout the year. I fixed the binding, changed the electronics, restored the broken neck and headstock. Refinished it as good as I could to a satin finish and attempted to work on the frets twice. The first time I just...
  2. neurosis

    Modding my MIJ LP Custom (DIY or Luthier?)

    Hello all, I have a broken headstock Les Paul Custom. It's a Japanese made Epiphone with the regular Gibson headstock. It was repaired and when I bought it I did so because it showed huge potential. I cleaned it. Took out the guts and rewired it with a BKP Painkiller (B) and Gibson Custom (N)...
  3. conortheshreder

    Where to get my guitar refretted in london?

    hey 7 stringers:hbang::hbang: Ive decided im gonna refret my agile interceptor:shred:,but i dunno where to get it done:scratch:, I live in Reading, UK, and i was wondering if any of you could recommend a good luthier? Also im re-fretting the guitar with some stainless steel dunlop 6000s...
  4. conortheshreder

    Refretting an Agile interceptor pro 727

    Has anyone here refretted their agile interceptor?I recently got a an agile interceptor its and pretty close to my dream guitar:shred: but i find the frets to be a bit small on it,I was thinking of replacing them for some dunlop 6000s, has anyone had any experience with refretting their agile...