
  1. J

    music and emotions

    hello all together, if you are interested in participating in an online study about music and emotions, have a look! We have a study ongoing, where we test a short version of a music-emotion scale. You would just have to rate different songs erxcerpts in their emotional response and repeat this...
  2. jonajon91

    Running the marathon for spinal research! - shameless self plug fund raising

    So my brother is running the London marathon next week with the money from donations going to spinal research. The goal is set at £1,800 and getting that from people we know has proved more than challenging, so I turn to the internet for help. He needs a minimum of £1,000 to actually run (small...
  3. JEngelking

    Help me choose a music related research topic!

    So in my Composition II class, we're writing like three or four papers over the course of this semester. The catch is that they're all argumentative/persuasive research papers. AND they're all over the same topic. So we're taking the first couple weeks to develop a topic because my professor...
  4. D

    Quick Pickup installation question?

    Putting a Dimarzio D-Activator 8 in my Schecter Omen 8. How do I fasten the pickup in? I was just about to solder the wires and noticed there is no way for the pickup to stay put, no holes for example to screw it down. Thanks! I believe the stock pickups currently in my guitar are active...
  5. S

    Which one are you?

    A study of more than 36,000 people from around the world concluded that musical tastes and personality type were closely related. The research, which was carried out by Professor Adrian North of Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh in the UK suggested classical music fans were shy, while heavy...
  6. phaeded0ut

    One, Two! Lunar Punch!

    Dear all, Wanted to bring this one up as this could once again bring back the strategy of using our Moon as a staging point/jumping-off point for further space exploration. If water is available in this southern region of the moon, this would actually make a lunar station viable. The other...

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