
  1. J

    7-string semi-hollow baritone options?

    Hi folks, I wanted to see if I liked the seven-string world, so I started out with an inexpensive Jackson to test the waters. Now that I know I like it, I'd like to get a semi-hollow. Does anyone know what options are out there for such a beast? I saw an Agile AS-1000 727 sell on eBay a...
  2. mcsalty

    NGD: Better Late Than Never

    So around November (I think) of last year, I put in an order for a semi-custom Agile Interceptor for the May 2014 run. Well, there were some delays, and it showed up this Wednesday. Kurt was great throughout the whole process (as was expected), and before I even placed my order he actually added...
  3. R

    Semi Custom Shops

    Shopping around for a semi-custom shop. I have been looking for somewhere that can get me a all mahagony Neck through 7 with a quilted transparent finish top (ideally a natural back but i can do that myself if its not an option), Maple board, hard tail bridge, 27in scale yadda yadda yadda. I...