sig x

  1. ShiroNekoMusic

    Is ENGL Savage that sharp?EVH 50w stealth? Used VHT/Fryette Sig: X

    Hello fellas! I've been a proud owner of ENGL from many years ago, the Savage being my main amp, but lately I did acoustic treatment in my studio, picked up a ENGL Pro 4x12 straight and also bought an Invader 1... And the result is that the Savage is just too sharp and weirdly voiced. The...
  2. mike0

    5150 w/JC-120 vs Sig X

    hi everybody! i have a 5150 now, and the sound isn't really sticking wit me. don't get me wrong, i love the distortion and tone i can get out of it, i think that the problem is that it just doesn't do enough (i.e. not enough versatility), and it doesn't seem tight enough (maybe i'm just being...
  3. I

    NAD: VHT/Fryette Sig X

    I live in Hong Kong and it's very hard to get nice amps in here. I'm now overwhelmed. Thanks Nick! Here u go~ Thick packaging O! The super footswitch Flightcase included Tata! Sig X and Orange 412:yesway::yesway::yesway: Amazing amp. Super versatile. Clear and articulate. Damn...
  4. Deliverowned

    FS/FT amps!! Framus Dragon, VHT Sig X, VHT Deliverance 60

    UPDATE D60H got offers, got offers for the sig x, trade offer for the dragon now at a 1500$! Mostly looking to sell, shoot me cash offers! For trades, id be looking for 2 channels ENGLs Rivera and such amps. Hey, downsizing because I have just too much gear for what i can play ie 1 amp at...
  5. Codyyy

    Slowly, more Sig:X videos are appearing...

    It's YouTube. No, they aren't good quality videos. But this gives me hope for extreme versatility. I'll post more when I find them.