
  1. GrotesqueCarcass

    Slaving a SS amp into another SS?

    So, I've been thinking of doing this for a while but wanted to get some input on it beforehand to see if it's even possible. I've got a Randall RG100SC combo, It's amazing for my purposes and I love it to death. I've heard before of people 'slaving' an amp into another one, with the most famous...
  2. S

    Which Amp Head for Me (Randall etc)

    Hopefully this isn't too redundant of a topic, and I apologize if it is, haha. Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone has head any experience with the new Randall RG solid-state heads? I've owned a few of Randall's older heads (RG100ES, RG100 Classic, RH150G3, RX120RH) and I've always liked...
  3. X

    Need a amp for my rig!

    I'm curious for some opinions on amps I have 500$ to find a good sounding amp for my rig. I'm running... digitech 2112 preamp fx aphex 201c exciter dbx 1066 comp/gate b.c. rich ironbird nt with a single emg and a b-51 Ls cab on stand by (lookin to throw some mc-90's in) i'm lookin for a good...
  4. I

    Marshall valvestate 8100 head

    what do u guys thing? good for metal? good amp all together? what do u think?