solo album

  1. Guillaume SIMON Jazz

    Solo Album || "Premier Rendez-vous" by Guillaume SIMON

    Hi guys ! Today releases my solo album "Premier Rendez-vous", recorded with my 7 string jazz guitar. You can listen to it on all streaming platforms. It is also available on Bandcamp. Thanks for listening. Have a good day. Guillaume. (From France.)
  2. villis

    My debut solo album!

    Ok the time has come guys! :banana: ***** Check out my first bass solo album, based on jazz fusion and progressive metal elements ***** Official web page : Official Facebook page : Production by Kristian Efremidis and...
  3. Grand Rabbit

    John 5 and the Creatures

    Not sure if anyone's made a thread about these guys yet, but here's a music video by them. I've known that John 5 can play for a while but I've never checked out his music for myself. This was the first song I heard, and I actually enjoyed it...
  4. classicalmetal24

    John Petrucci Second Solo Album

    Does anyone know what's happening with John Petruccis' second solo album? He played some new songs at G3 and last I heard he was writing a second album... but now I've heard absolutely nothing, no updates or anything and I can't find anything on google.. Was I imagining things perhaps?? haha :ugh: