soundcloud original music

  1. Cobhc221

    Recording DI with my Engl SE E570 Pre

    im not the greatest at making songs (recording wise) so go easy on me cause i am recording D.I so noooo cab impulses. i did do some magic by putting come compression on the guitars and making the lead shine a bit more with a smidgit of gain. Guitars are panned hard left and hard right...
  2. Kontra5t

    Suggestions on this mix?

    So doing a one man EP type deal at the moment. Just curious on any input that could help this mix at all? Using superior drummer and pod farm in reaper with no bass tracking capability as of yet.
  3. The Mighty Sunfish

    2 piece post-rock instrumental band from Manila

    Hey guys! So I finally got an EP out after 3 years of procrastination :D I just wanted to hear what you guys think. Cheers!
  4. Ell

    First Thread From The New Guy

    Hi guys, just joined Seven String today. I was going to post up my gear but ill do that later on when i have the time. For now i just thought i'd share with you what i do with my stuff..... Any Comments or Feedback would be appriciated. Lost Atlanta's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record...