spine extraction

  1. B

    Feedback on my Solo Project

    hey guys! I play for a band here in NC known as Spine Extraction, you may have seen my other guitar player lurking around the forums "Evil7" we have a Album that will drop digitally worldwide on the 1st of august! you can click this link for more info so I don't bombard your screen with a huge...
  2. Evil7

    Official World Wide (Spine Extraction) self titled album release august 1st

    I am really excited to let everyone here at SS.org know my band is releasing our album world wide august 1st on almost all major digital distributions! Hope you guys dig the Metalz! :hbang:
  3. Evil7

    Get funding / create a donation site for your band!

    I just wanted to share my experience checking out an awesome website. The idea is set up a donation page with your story for a creative project. It does not have to be music. I can be any creative project. You offer rewards to people making donations in scale of the ammount of the donations they...
  4. Evil7

    My band's Tracks = posted-Producer/Engineer of Wretched/ThroughTheEyesOfTheDead/BTBAM

    Thanks for opening this thread! Please follow the myspace link in my SIG to check out the tracks from our un-released album! These were just posted, so we would love some feedback on our music! Spine Extraction Produced/Recorded/and Mastered by Jamie King Thanks! - Jarrod Bryant
  5. Evil7

    My band is Auditioning 5 String Bass Players/ Hickory,NC/Metal \m/

    We have recently lost our bass player because of personal issues in his life... We are searching for another really dedicated bass player with music as a career set as his goal. I play Baritone 7 string guitar through a Peavey 6505+. Please check my signature for more info about Spine...
  6. Evil7

    First Attempt at Video Editing with Imported audio! (Agile Content) Spine Extraction

    So after many hours of work here is my first edited video! I used a trial version of Magix Movie Edit 16....
  7. Evil7

    Check out this new Music Video From a band In my area. (A Road Eternal)

    So I Post here on SevenString.org often... I think some people here may enjoy my opinions. I have a great idea for helping out the local scene. I have decided to start promoting some bands in my area to this world wide community! If someone in another country likes this band. BAM! I...