
  1. Guitarmiester

    (Ambient) We Live Inside a Dream

    https://soundcloud.com/officialstrangers/we-live-inside-a-dream This is something I've wanted to do for a long time but could never really materialize the idea from my head into Reason. That day has finally come although I was also hoping to create a video for this. Saving that for a rainy day...
  2. Gmork

    Other reverbs that do downward pitch swell like the mercury7???

    Oh my damn god i think im in love!!! The mercury7 seems CRAZY cool! I love its haunting downward pitch swell so much!!! It does so much more but that spooky downward swell is my jam! Any other reverb type pedals that do that? Preferably as expensive or less so.
  3. Guitarmiester

    Spooky Music

    We're days away from the spookiest day of the year. I made sure to whip something up. This one pays homage to a classic. Enjoy and keep it spooky. https://soundcloud.com/officialstrangers/emergency-broadcast
  4. Guitarmiester

    Spooky Halloween Music

    Hey guys, Halloween is my favorite time of the year and have been working on a short, creepy track to share with you all. I was originally inspired by David Lynch's use of wooshing in all of his films and throughout Twin Peaks. I ran with the idea and took it to a creepy level for some spooky...
  5. Chi

    Intro track of upcoming horror-concept EP - Eerie content

    What's up boys! I released a teaser song for my upcoming horror-themed EP "Black Fairy" today. If some of you guys are familiar with my older release "Roots", which was way more Nu Metal focused, this will be a little different but still tries to maintain this raw fatness I'm usually going for...