
  1. Customisbetter

    SSO One Hour Competition!!! prep thread

    Anybody down for another contest this month? I was thinking either The weekend of the 26th or maybe the weekend after in May? What works for you guys? I will be running the contest slightly different this next go around as well. I will be creating a separate dedicated email for the contest...
  2. Customisbetter

    -VOTE- 1-Hour Recording Comp V5.0

    This competition was about composing and recording a song based on a theme in about an hour. Here is the original thread so you can get an idea of how it worked. The Theme for...
  3. Customisbetter 1-Hour Recording Competition V 5.0

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WELCOME to the Setember 1-Hour Recording competition! Have a seat, sit back, and relax as we take you on a very special journey. Contestants will attempt to compose and record a song based upon a theme...
  4. Customisbetter

    New SSO Community Video Idea!

    So I got this idea randomly today as a means to promote creativity for the users here. IDEA: We set a date for a everybody to create a screen capture and/or live shot VIDEO of themselves creating a piece of music. WHAT THE FUCK? Hear me out. On a set day, everybody gets in front of...
  5. Customisbetter

    SSO One-Hour Recording Contest Pregame SEPTEMBER

    Sup guys! I'm starting to get my life back together and hopefully should have some time in September for the OHC! Who is in? I was thinking September 17th - 20th to hold the contest. Is that a good time for most people? Post up in this thread if you are excited, horny, or if you just love...
  6. Customisbetter

    VOTE - SSO One Hour Competition. V.5 *

    This competition was about composing and recording a song based on a theme in about an hour. Here is the original thread so you can get an idea of how it worked.
  7. Customisbetter 1-Hour Recording Competition V 4.0

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WELCOME to the March 1-Hour Recording competition! Have a seat, sit back, and relax as we take you on a very special journey. Contestants will attempt to compose and record a song based upon a theme...

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