
  1. DaftFloyd

    I'm streaming the writing of songs on Twitch

    Hi guys, I will be streaming on Twitch the writing and recording of some songs tonight and like 3-4 evenings by week. If you're interested in the process, you can come to see and talk with me here : You can also hear what I've done here ...
  2. budda

    Buy from the table Short version: Gov't approves 44% rate increase in streaming royalties across 5 years in US...
  3. dmchannelitaly

    Mastering. Loudness War Vs. Streaming Platforms

    Is the loudness war over? Well, online it probably is. Check out this website, provides info about how loud your master will be played on popular streaming platforms. There's also a good podcast about this website with the developer Ian Kerr from MeterPlugs...
  4. budda

    Cloudkicker - entire EP streaming

    Cloudkicker on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads All of "the map is not the territory" EP is streaming.. and "Ever thus to deadbeats" is epic win. I downloaded this EP (free DL) but havent listened to the group in a while.. it's time to update the mp3 player...