sworn in

  1. Depraved

    Quad tracking for a very wide sound

    Hello forum, my band is looking to quad track our guitars as to get a very wide sound. Similar to Deftones ( notably diamond eyes and tracks similar in tone/wideness ), Sworn In ( The Lovers/The Devil ), Meshuggah, etc. Idk about Deftones or Meshuggah but I know for SI's new album, Will Putney...
  2. FingersuvfireNfury

    Fans of Bermuda, Molotov Solution, Sworn In, Villains, Barrier, and so on.

    My bands first single. Feedback please! http://www.facebook.com/WATCHERSmetal Also please post any bands in this realm in here for us all to hear! Low tuned, breakdowning, two-stepping, hatefulness.
  3. slenderman

    Sworn In - latest song

    Hi. Just a little bit ago my band released our latest single called A Song For the Nameless. It seems a decent amount of you on here know about us, so I figured I would try spreading this around a little bit. We're also releasing our cover of Linkin Parks "A Place for my Head" this...