
  1. Ataraxia2320

    Katana fret leveling tool - anyone ever heard ot this?

    Hey all, first post in this subreddit. I've recently come into possession of a cheapo guitar which badly needs a fret level and I was looking into trying to do it myself to learn some basic guitar tech chops. I was looking up videos on youtube on how to do this when I came across this video...
  2. Science_Penguin

    Hughes & Kettner Tubeman - Any Good For 7's?

    Looking to downsize my rig to a "Preamp --> FRFR" setup. I figure it'll make recording easier since I won't have to bother with micing, and I'll be able to plug direct into a PA live. I was looking at the H&K Tubeman, since a few guitarists I admire used it back in the 90's. I was wondering if...
  3. VincentBaills

    Vahn - Concept

    mod edit: please keep the promotion in Dealers Well, hello there guys!! After a long time of not posting I'm back with some new stuff. I just wanted to post a little link to share with you guys the concept we have been working on for quite some time, let me know what you think!! Concept /...
  4. C

    TC Electronic Nova System

    Classified Rules - read them?