
  1. neurosis

    How do you calculate import taxes on guitars?

    Simple question but doesn't seem to have an easy answer. Looking around here and other pages I can't wrap my head around it. Isn't there a percentage or specific ratio that's official? Looks like it depends greatly on how the guitar or other gear are sent and from where the package is coming...
  2. hilljack13

    Taxes vs duties?

    Wasn't sure where else to post this question.. So this may sound dumb, but what is the difference in taxes and duties? I have ordered several guitars from overseas from individuals and business. Only when UPS is the carrier was I told I owe money. Seems sketchy. Anyway, I thougth the new law...
  3. caparison_x

    Official Import Taxes Thread *for sending gifts*

    I would very much like it if any of you guys from countries other then the UK could find info on the import taxes on gifts TO your country. (ie what the recipients tax liability is upon receiving a gift in the mail) The Idea is that forumites have a resource for their pals when sending gifts...
  4. ohio_eric

    Warren Buffet: "I'm not paying enough taxes"

    Warren Buffett: Tax the Rich! Warren Buffett's Fellow Billionaires Don't Bite on Million Dollar Tax Challenge :agreed: I like Warren Buffet more all the time. Not only doesn't he live a rich asshole. He's also giving most of his money away to charity. Of course this will take forever...