tim walker

  1. Metalhead77479

    Pepperoni-Core At It's Finest!!

    Hey guys, Just spent the day recording with some good buddies, and we ended up writing sort of a hardcore-ish type song. Also, I think this is my best mix to date! Guitars were DI->Boost->Lecto->Gamma Impulse->EQ. Bass Was two tracks; The first: EQ->Comp->2nd Comp. The second: Boost->LeXTAC->...
  2. Metalhead77479

    The difference Mastering makes (Nevermore/Ozone content)

    Hey guys, so yesterday I stumbled on some DI tracks of Narcosynthesis made by Jaymz from the Andy Sneap Forums and thought it would be cool to test out Ozone 5 and see how it really works. HOLY MAGIC 8 BALLS IS THERE A DIFFERENCE!!! :eek::eek: Here's a before and after of the same mix: Before...
  3. Metalhead77479

    Test Mix (Do your worst!!)

    Hey guys, back again with another mixtest. This was pretty much inspired by Ermz's new book, Systematic Mixing Guide. I have always had problems with my drums and bass sitting in a mix but I think this time around it's an improvement. Tell me what you hombre's think! By the way, prepare your...
  4. Metalhead77479

    Critique My New 8 String Mix Test!!!!!!!! (ESP/Revalver/SD2.0/Logic)

    Hey guys, so last night I finally picked up an 8 an recorded a small clip as a mixtest. Gimme some feedback on my mix guys!!!!!!!!! 8 String Mix Test by Tim Walker on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  5. Metalhead77479

    Booty Sweat (New Song!!)

    Hey guys, just wanted to get some feedback on my new material. Tell me what you guys think and any suggestions on making better. Thanks!! :wavey: Booty Sweat by Tim Walker on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free