
  1. F

    How do I make this sound?

    yeah, I'm not sure how to make the odd quavering noise that they create with the first note I think it has something to do with the tremelo but I just don't get it, anyone wanna explain?
  2. M

    Pick Grip trick?

    Hey everyone, had a quick question concerning pick grip. Basically, I use either the Ultex Sharp 1.14 or the black John Petrucci pick (not the jazz picks, it's a little bigger, similar to the Ultex), but I forget the model name. Anyways, I love both these picks, but here's the problem: they...
  3. BenEllerGuitars

    NEW This is Why You Suck at Guitar lesson: Your Pinch Harmonics SUCK!

    Behold true believers! You all asked for it, and i heard your telepathic cries for guidance and wisdom on the subject of the ancient art of the pinch harmonic. Other wise known as artificial harmonics, pick squeals, or Fran Drescher, this technique is going to get your guitar squealing louder...