
  1. P

    Please help!

    I just bought an Agile 728 Interceptor and it's a great sounding guitar but I'm noticing quite a bit of fret buzz, and as I was going to adjust the truss rod it wouldn't move? The neck needs quite a bit of relief and the Allen key isn't going in other than at the very edge of where you'd turn to...
  2. O

    Anyone using Pro Tools having weird minor issues?

    Just thought I would share this video in case it helps anyone, sometimes the solution we need is a simple one, for my issues it was a simple one at least. I decided to shoot this video one day after forgetting to run as admin, this isn't claiming to fix every issue, just something you can try...
  3. P

    Sanpera/Vypyer Troubles

    Hello. I've had a Peavey Vypyr 120 watt tube head since July of last year, and also got a Sanpera II foot controller at the same time. As of recently, I've had problems where when switching channels on the footboard, the channel lights on the Sanpera will go out, and my amp will be stuck not...
  4. Variant

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Figured I'd start a new thread instead of tacking this onto the "Line 6's answer to the Axe-Fx?" thread. Line 6 | POD HD My opinion? Samples sound good, if only single-tracked, without backing tracks, and many of them with goofy processing. The JCM800, in particular, sounds really really...
  5. F

    Recording Difficulties

    Hello recording board. Right then straight down to business, this is a complicated one so you may want to either grab a drink and put your geek hats on OR swiftly ignore this thread as I am sure you have better things to be doing/I am a recording noob. Put simply my daw isn't letting me...
  6. gr8Har V

    Floyd rose trouble

    i hate my floyd rose. :mad: i can't even do a drop A on my seven string without going in the back and even when i fix the tension it is still in no mans land: stuck between B and Bb. should i add more springs? its only got 3 right now
  7. M

    Line-in Recording Problems

    Hello, this seems like a nice community to ask for help as I've had this problem for a while now, and I've had quite enough of it. :) I have a problem recording guitar from my amp (marshal mgdfx50) to my laptop, using CEP 2.0. The problem is that as soon as I have the Line-in connected from...