victor wooten

  1. thoughtpyotr

    where do you share your music?

    Hey guys I made a tune the other day in order to practice thumping. It kinda sounds like AAL: Soundcloud isn't what it used to be though. I find little to no action there and instead have to send Soundcloud links elsewhere (like here). Do you...
  2. RayM

    Victor Wooten on Guitar

    Hey guys, been really brushing up on Victor Wooten's thumping techniques. I've been trying to implement them in my playing, especially on my 8 string. Let me know what you guys think! Does it work??
  3. progmetaldan

    Sick Steve Bailey & Victor Wooten jam

    So awesome, had to share. :yesway:
  4. ToMurderAMachine

    New Music made with only BASS

    That Deep Sauce | To Murder A Machine I'm new around here, and don't know exactly what to expect, but i figured i'd show you fellow bass players some of the music i write using only bass guitars. Above is a three song EP entitled "that deep sauce". Each song was written and recorded on my...
  5. Danukenator

    Tosin Abasi Slap Technique

    I have been trying to figure out what Tosin is doing in the song "An Infinite Regression." He has a really smooth hand motion an appears to be popping the strings with his fingers somehow. Any idea how this technique works?