
  1. BrianWaymire

    7 string'd Progressive Heavy Metal with vocals

    https://soundcloud.com/brianmichaelwaymire/neo-star-nova-z-chaos-trigger or Neo Star Nova-Z -Chaos Trigger . I recorded and produced everything in this song. would love to get your comments on this whether great or not so great! You can download the song as well if you want!
  2. BrianWaymire

    Prog. Metal Mix Critique it Please?

    http://soundcloud.com/brianmichaelwaymire/chaos-trigger-sample-rough/s-L16py I just wanna take this mix over the top. I want album 3 to have that edge y'know? It's just he guitars,bass,drums, and some synths no vox or leads. Just what would you do differently? I'm happy with it but I just...
  3. BrianWaymire

    Prog Rock/Metal/Electronic music with vocals

    Hey guys/gals I'm just posting my 2 newest songs (remixed) and 3 old ones. btw I must bought some AKG k240s and they make my studio time that much better!!! Highly recommend them!! and whether you love or hate the songs tell me your thoughts?
  4. BrianWaymire

    2 free tracks from upcoming Neo Star nova-Z record

    ReverbNation Hey click the link and enjoy (and critique it to hell and back if you want) It's more or less metal oriented so maybe you guys can enjoy it!
  5. BrianWaymire

    Neo star nova-Z Falling From Oribt (With Critques implemented)

    Neo Star Nova Z - ReverbNation people across the internet gave me various opinions so I dare say this is finishes. I think so anyway what do YOU think?
  6. BrianWaymire

    My new song "Fall From Orbit" with vocals

    I do prog rock/metal stuff but most importantly I SING ON THIS ONE!!! I won't go onwith the details (unless you wanna know :) ) http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_14373169?utm_campaign=opengraph&utm_content=song&utm_medium=link&utm_source=facebook rip it to shreds for me? EDIT I...
  7. BrianWaymire

    Hey there!!!

    So my name is Brian Waymire. As this is a guitar forum with people actually here I figured I should sign up! I primarily play 6 strings but I'm moving to a 7 string soon for my next album. Hopefully If i have questions you guys/gals can help and hopefully I can help you as well feel free to...