
  1. Rizzo

    Pc for home recording, help

    Hi guys, hope i'm posting in the right place. I need a performing pc for home recording an other multimedia use, but I'm in a really awkward situation. I'll explain it briefly. I actually got 3 PCs at home right now. 1x Compaq Desktop - very old (8 yrs approximately. Slow as fack at anything...
  2. Shredin0id

    Ways to Make Money with Guitar? (Online)

    Ok, so I'm trying really hard to save up for my final guitar (for now) and some college funds for a really good music school. And I want to make money with music. So I will try to do real life work but I want some help with some ways of how I could make money on the internet playing the guitar...
  3. virus5150

    Important question about a band

    After being in my band and being the lead guitarist for over a year, i'm in a battle between staying or leaving due to my drummer and other guitar player. Our other guitar player refuses to tune to G even though we both play 7's becuase it's aparently to muddy and sounds like shit. The truth is...
  4. george galatis

    Hey it's my birthday and i'm sad!

    yeah i'm turning 21! wish me something good guys....honestly i really need it! first of all last week a broke up with my girl cause of my shit mistake, my total gear needs service ASP and the best part; :wallbash: sadly I am SICK into my bed after the work and no one friend of mine wish to...
  5. Demonofthefall

    Who here works in a music store?

    Whether its privately owned or a guitar center, or any musical instrument retailer to put it simply, im interested, but live in a small town where theres only one music store, but they dont hire because its small and a family business, what you do, what you have to know to get in, what...
  6. DarkKnight369

    Band Logos, myspace pages, merch, CD artwork, etc...

    If any of you need any creative work done for you band, I am offering my services. I just launched my website.... Zumbek Media - Home EDIT: My Website Sucks major ass! It was an experiment to try out a full blown CSS driven site. I hate it and never finished it. It will get a full...
  7. FYP666

    ... And so I got a job and I'm saving for a 7-stringer...

    U read it. I got lausy job as paper boy at wendesdaysdesdays. I get, like, 90 bucks per month, which sucks totally, cause I do work about 12 hours a month so... Anyways, I do it cuz I don't wanna sped my other earnings that I go from CUSPICOUS ways. :fawk: :nuts: But now to the main point. I'm...