
  1. Edika

    Second Hand Market Prices Drastically Up

    Hey all I've noticed that in the last maybe couple of years the second hand market prices on guitar related have really gone up! The transition wasn't that gradual however, more of suddenly people asking 75-80% of new prices for the products. You still can find some incredible deals if you look...
  2. Seabeast2000

    When Lars and James need a break....

    I'm pretty sure St. Sanders had a heavy influence on this performance.
  3. farren

    NGD: ROFLsome Ibanez RG652AHM Prestige

    I have this problem: I keep letting Ibanez tease me with potential. Last year I ordered an SR5005. It came with a giant mahogany splinter along the top contour. Impossible not to notice as it would literally rip a hole in your shirt (personal experience). The dealer made me go the warranty...
  4. P

    Crazy bass sketch WIP - Super long scale conversion neck for Warmoth Gecko

    Hi, After a long absence, I present something I've been working on for the past month: The scale length is 49.5", so a standard string set* would tune F0 Bb0 Eb1 Ab1 Db2, a tritone lower than standard tuning. This neck is meant to allow greater expansion into the sub-contra and super...
  5. jasonsansburn

    Odd REAPER problem

    So I just got a new guitar, Ibanez RGIX27FESM Iron Label 7 and I couldn't be more happy with it. Despite me hating my EMG 707s in my previous 7 string, they sound great on this guitar. But, that'll be for a different post soon. So I'm dialing in tones and decided to re mix my drums from...
  6. asetic

    How do you deal with frustration in the studio?

    I can't be the only one that finds themselves absolutely torn after spending countless days working on a mix and it not being on par with the sound you hear in your head. How do you all cope?
  7. U

    Ultimate Guitar not loading, anybody else?

    Is anyone else having trouble loading Ultimate This past few days it hasn't loaded for me, either it loads for ages or it stops and says no data received. Only UG isn't working for me, every single other site is working. Is this happening with anybody else?
  8. dedsouth333

    Magic music beatle! (more CL lolz from the Southeast)

    I can't believe some of the crap people post on CL down here and this one is one of my top picks for hilarity and stupidity. I figured I'd share it with you guys so you could join in on the lawlz. magic music beatle!!!??
  9. XEN

    XEN European Run - Feeler

    Hey guys! XEN has partnered up with Rusti Guitars in Italy for our European customers. I just wanted to drop this here and see if any of our Europe based members would be interested in a limited XEN run at 20% off our street prices. We have our core models to choose from: We could also do a...
  10. SilenceIsACrime

    Once you've finished your Shake Weight workout....

    Skip to the 30 second mark.... I dare say the two devices compliment each other rather well, yes? :lol:
  11. SilenceIsACrime

    IDermal (Built-in iPod Content)

    I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it's totally badass that he installed it on himself. On the other, it seems entirely impractical and doesn't even look that good once it's said and done.
  12. habicore_5150

    AHC - Just So You Know Cover/Mix-test [Pod X3 Live, SD2.0] i know its been a while since i posted anything in this dimension, but fuck it decided to do just a simple cover (or a spit-take, whatever you wanna call it) song, solely for a mix-test/critique using the following Ibanez RG7321 (i know, i know)...
  13. Shogun

    Creepy Songs

    So i was sitting out on the porch the other night listening to some relaxing ambient and then this song came on. It scared the shit out of me and yet i couldn't stop listening, weird. It also didn't help that it was late at night and i was seeing shit moving around :ugh: What songs freak...
  14. heretic

    Lets all masturbate?

    I remember being confused by this show when i first saw it 15 years ago. im none the wiser now ... Mod Edit: WTF
  15. GATA4

    The Greatest Thread in the History of the ESP Board (Link NSFW)

    I used to post a lot on the ESP Message Board but have since turned my attention to this forum. This thread is a legend though. It's 999 pages long, and it's full of some of the most ridiculous stuff ever. Me and cyanide540 are blasting our way through it. We should make something like this...
  16. Dan

    I Met a Butterly The Other Day... (major lulz inside)

    :rofl: EDIT: damn keyboard ¬_¬, can mods change the title please :D
  17. FretWizard88

    Oh Japan, you are so weird....(WTF content inside)

  18. cyril v

    NGD... w/M.Night Twist! (nobody uses 56k anymore so no worries!)

    Short story cut super-short.. the pabst got the best of me and for the other day and completely unrelated to anything I was considering up until this point I ended up buying a new six string guitar. For this I blame for being down for two days or else I would've ended up with a new...
  19. Wolfenstein

    People of Walmart. Greatest Webpage Ever?

    *EDIT* If you find a funny pic right click the image and copy paste the URL then when replying here type "" in the quick reply Ok so my friend sent me some pics from And I can't stop fucking laughing at how genious this idea is. Fucking Trolling Walmart looking for...
  20. HamBungler

    What...the....fuck? (Kitty Content)

    :lol: I don't know what to think of this.