7 pages later, yeah, but what pickups do I need?


New Member
Feb 19, 2013
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I've just read through the pickup guide, about 160 reviews so sorry if you've answered this question and I've had a dose of the Andromeda Strain and missed it.

My guitar collection is the history of my life, and my life has a hole in it. My rock'n'roll guitar, a Harmony Rocket II, was stolen way back in the day. Over the last decade or so as retirement got ever closer I've been looking to fill that hole, and with the lousy deal retirees get these days I decided that I was better off spending my savings on something rather than letting it devalue in the bank any longer, so I decided to have my ideal rock'n'roll guitar built for me.

Basically that meant something that looked like a Gretsch 6120 and sounded like every skiffle or rock'n'roll guitar ever. I settled for one that would twang like Duane Eddy, overdrive like Charlie Gracie playing live, ring out like Eddie Cochran when he played those 'Link Wray' type chords, and double as a jazzman because they were the only lead guitarists available when skiffle was king in the UK.

Duane Eddy was the problem because although he used a perfectly normal 6120 for most of his output, his copyists would cheat and play on detuned, or even bass, guitars. So I decided my ideal guitar needed to be a 7 string. :wallbash:

So before you fall asleep - the ideal pickup would have been a DeArmond Dynasonic, but you just try to find a pair of those in 7 string. Can anyone recommend a suitable stand-in? :scratch:

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Nov 26, 2011
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from the metal world "Kloud"
Seymour Duncan have just released the "Whole Lotta Humbucker". I do not know too much about it, save what has been posted by Seymour Duncan on their Facebook page. In particular, how it was made for Jimmy Page(?) and had a limited run in the UK, some years ago.

Perhaps you may want to check that over, give Seymour Duncan's customer service a call and if possible, get a custom 7-string version of this, "Whole Lotta Humbucker".

It was fresh on my mind, as I just came from Facebook. Trying to help get the ball rollin'. :)

Congratulations on taking the plunge and much success on your journey ol' boy. :)