81 yr old man decides to retire


Pickup Connoisseur
Mar 19, 2015
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The next evolution of the American dream: work yourself to death no matter how long it takes!
most people won't save enough for retirement sooo yeah they're gonna be working til they die.
Fuck, I want cybernetic implants Cyberpunk 2077 style so I can work until I'm 130 years old! 😃🤖
They'll probably repossess your implants Repo Man style if you don't make your quota tho

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SS.org Regular
Mar 20, 2023
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Three days ago. You wanna know all the positions, and if/when I put on the furry stuff?

That is the kind of kink some of you are into afterall...
nah man just trying to find the source of the pent up aggression


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY
Yea but what if the other guy's wrong?
I mean, the word wrong implies there's some discussion going on which is healthy.

It's not a rule but a helpful guideline would be to consider sticking to the content of the actual thread and not invoking things you think you remember about the person from another thread 6 months ago.


Way Cool Jr
Feb 27, 2009
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I'll never let them repossess my implants 🍒


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA
Mod: Warning about impeding thread closure.
SSO: Immediately escalates to provoking eachother and taking the obvious bait.
Yeah this. Come on guys. :lol: I don't understand why phillkilla is as angry as he is either, but if I were him I'd certainly be ANGRIER as a result of this thread. :lol: Let's try to be adults here for once. You know, something different.


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA
Agreed on all fronts. Assuming this was planned, which it sounds like it was to some degree, this was an absolute masterstroke by the Dems. They get to drop most of Biden's baggage and simultaneously invalidate most of the GOP prep work. All of Trump's campaigning against Biden is now irrelevant, all of that time and money wasted. Now they need to start fresh against a new target and the path they're likely going to take is to try and osmosis her into all of those talking points since she was part of Joe's administration but I don't think that's really going to stick with independents.

If they want to retread all the ground from the 2020 primaries I also don't think it's going to matter because this is another anti-Trump election. It's less about voting FOR somebody and more about voting AGAINST somebody, and if she's going to be that figurehead, I don't think dredging all of that up is really going to help them much either. She's just a stronger figurehead than Biden was.

Super interesting to watch. Nerve wracking to live through but super interesting to watch.
Zero chance this was planned. Biden thought he could win, Biden's team thought they could hide probable onset of senility from the public, and it blew up on them all in a very public way. I actually think Biden had an unexpectedly effective first term gven the inbox he interited and the divided government he had to work with, but if he's remembered well by history part of it will be for having the courage to admit he'd made a mistake, and belatedly or otherwise make way for a better candidate.

But, the most telling argument for that, is after months of arguing Biden was too old and shouldn't run, Trump and co are now arguing he should HAVE to run and he can't just drop out of the race. :lol:


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY
Zero chance this was planned. Biden thought he could win, Biden's team thought they could hide probable onset of senility from the public, and it blew up on them all in a very public way. I actually think Biden had an unexpectedly effective first term gven the inbox he interited and the divided government he had to work with, but if he's remembered well by history part of it will be for having the courage to admit he'd made a mistake, and belatedly or otherwise make way for a better candidate.

But, the most telling argument for that, is after months of arguing Biden was too old and shouldn't run, Trump and co are now arguing he should HAVE to run and he can't just drop out of the race. :lol:
I wouldn't call it planned, but I do think the belief Biden was thrown into the deep end of the pool to see if he could swim is still on the table. It was bizarre for them to agree to this early of a debate, specifically with the rules CNN laid out including the lack of prepared remarks, notes, and earpiece etc.

Biden lagging behind in the polls but catching up at that point. I suppose plausible that they expected him to perform better and break out a little, but the info we have since then it's a different story. Several insider accounts of him looking lost and specifically scheduling this debate past is functional hours, and after a significant international trip.

All of this, coincidentally before the convention which would have made his nomination binding. I don't think it was scripted in the sense that Biden was going to step aside from the get-go, but I think we'll start hearing accounts that he was nudged into this debate for a reason. Could take a few years though.


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA
I wouldn't call it planned, but I do think the belief Biden was thrown into the deep end of the pool to see if he could swim is still on the table. It was bizarre for them to agree to this early of a debate, specifically with the rules CNN laid out including the lack of prepared remarks, notes, and earpiece etc.

Biden lagging behind in the polls but catching up at that point. I suppose plausible that they expected him to perform better and break out a little, but the info we have since then it's a different story. Several insider accounts of him looking lost and specifically scheduling this debate past is functional hours, and after a significant international trip.

All of this, coincidentally before the convention which would have made his nomination binding. I don't think it was scripted in the sense that Biden was going to step aside from the get-go, but I think we'll start hearing accounts that he was nudged into this debate for a reason. Could take a few years though.
You know, that makes a lot of sense. I'd buy that.


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Electric City, NY
You know, that makes a lot of sense. I'd buy that.
Also backed up by reports Bidens aids and family (specifically those two groups) openly did battle with his campaign people and debate prep staff afterward. The simple explanation would be that they didn't like the way he performed, of course.

But contextually sounds like the parameters of the debate itself were the part that held Biden back the most, and those same people (who we've subsequently learned were sheltering Biden) clearly weren't the ones who okayed it.