81 yr old man decides to retire


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2011
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Ooo now show the one where it's Trump being propped up by paedophile billionaires, the constant fear of being outed as a paedophile himself, Fox news, and small-time gifts where he doesn't pay contractors or tries hocking steaks!
Just ignore him, this is the guy that brags about celebrating January 6th

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SS.org Regular
Aug 30, 2020
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Kamala is a fuckin cop, so it's not like I'm excited about her. But for now I have hope that she'll basically continue Biden's agenda, with a sliver of hope she puts some pressure on Netanyahu, since that was Biden's biggest flaw. Regardless, it's not like any reasonable person can vote for the fascist pedo and his based pepe beta cuck copium dei cry laugh emoji cry laugh emoji clown clone army.


Sep 12, 2008
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That is an absolute genius move by the democrats. Let the republican party blow their wad dedicating their campaign against him and then drop out after the RNC so it was all wasted. A lot of leftists and centrists were wishy washy about Biden because he's old as fuck and been in Washington since before most people were born and how he keeps helping Israel bomb and murder civilians of any nationality in Palestine. Now if you don't vote for Kamala, you're racist and sexist. Checkmate!


Shameless Contrarian
Sep 18, 2013
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Chico, CA
I don't understand the campaign cycle at all. I could've sworn there was a time where people were not impressed with Kamala as a VP, but now people are like "we are SO back!" maybe it was just conservative news rhetoric at the time. I'm also not sure how the public at large, especially those in swing states, view this, especially *gasp* a woman.
The previous previous election, my dad wanted to vote for Bernie. Hilary got the nomination, and he didn't like her, one of the reasons being she is a woman 😅 So he voted Trump. Now he fiercely hates Trump, so I assume he'll vote for Kamala. But uh my point is, voters are fucking weird and nonsensical.
I think the reason things are so upside down is because we didn't really....have....a campaign cycle. From what I saw, Dems didn't really get a choice on whether or not Biden was their guy. When he decided to take his ball and go home, you've got this gigantic pool of 'fuck Trump' energy that needs a direction; and with Kamala being the most immediate choice, that's where it goes. I don't think most of the general electorate chomping at the bit for her right now really know or care about what she thinks about anything policy-related. She can channel the fuck Trump energy at least as well as Joe did and that's enough.

I think the fact that she's a woman is largely beneficial. Most of the surge in organic support I've seen for her so far is the same crowd that went all-in on Hillary specifically because she's a woman and "it's about time." Tack on the fact that she isn't 739 years old, removing age from the equation after it just drove Biden into retirement, and even allows them to flip the script on Trump since now he's the old guy? It doesn't matter that she fell flat on her face on policy when she ran in 2020. She's killing it right now on all of the lowest common denominator, lizard-brain points that are plainly evident to the general populace. Not Trump, not old, making history, and not a wild card. I think it will peter out come the election but I do think the Dems are better off now, strangely. idk man it's been a wild ride these last couple months.

Yeah but how good is Kamala at golf?
FINALLY someone asking the REAL questions! An official major party candidate and we don't even know what her handicap is, for shame; we used to be a country.


Aug 11, 2010
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I have allot of hope for new voters (kids who are just getting outa HS who experienced how much it sucked under the trump admin) and the fact that allot of the baby boomer generation is passing away. I have allot of love and respect for the elderly, but sadly most of them never questioned their religion or politics and kinda judged leaders by what they say and not their actions for the most part. They also didn't have the internet.:lol: I also know that statistically younger people don't vote as much, but I'm hoping that a fire was lit under their asses during 2020. 🤞

What really grinds my gears is the fact that where I'm from Libs are looked at like weaklings and turmp is the epitome of MAN. :mrburns: These same people live a pretty liberal lifestyle and have no idea. They worship rockstars for the most part and have a unjustified hate for the LGBTQIA+ but when Queen's we will rock you comes on they roll a joint and are like "man I love Queen". :shrug: Fucking troglodytes!
