9-string bass video

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Warrensburg Missouri
Hey, all that matters is that they are having fun, right?

(what i meant to say was all that matters is they have a nine string bass and i dont. Fuckers.)

Garry Goodman

Feb 19, 2006
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I am pretty sure nobody wants to hear what I have to say....:spock:
How about that percussionist?

The Dark Wolf

Apr 15, 2005
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Toledo, Ohio. USA
If it's going to be negative or bashing, then no, no one does.

If it's interesting or positive, or contributes something to the discussion, then yes.


Aug 21, 2005
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Los Angeles
I found it very interesting and, while I didn't really did what the guitar player was doing, I thought the bass player was playing some pretty interesting and good-sounding stuff. I wonder if the percussionist actually plays the drums on any of their other songs... :ugh:

Garry Goodman

Feb 19, 2006
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Like this stupid comment. :rolleyes:

"To bad your's grammar and spelling was as awful as penis"

No more of that nonsense, especially from a total newb with 26 posts. Please.

Thank you.

This guy looks pretty cool with that big bass and all those strings but I am not hearing anything that couldn't be played on a 5 or 6-string. There is no playing concept and he is not doing the job a bassist should in a trio situation.
I suppose that if this were a tool forum and I told a guy that he shouldn't use a power saw to hammer nails with, you would consider it bashing.

Videos like this reinforce the idea that basses with lots of strings are best left for "Spinal Tap". If this is considered negative or bashing then musicians have really lowered "the bar" over the past 30 years.
I see the same thing happen everytime. A bass player gets a 7,8,9,10,11 string and quickly poses with it before taking the time to learn how to play it. This guy misses the point of having 9 strings.


Jan 8, 2005
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^ :agreed:
I agree with you, but sometimes it's nice to see guys like him.
I've read your posts at Yves Carbonne's forum about that "posing" using ERG :) I understand your point of view, it's extreamly professional, as it should be, but I think it's bad only have ERG and use it as standard guitar, but I think also a real player will be always on top, no matter what :) Growing popularity of ERG, I hope, give us a real professional players, maybe not today, but maybe in future. Personally I think those "posers" with ERG/ERB will fall, because maybe it looks cool, but it sometimes harder to play the same using ERB/ERG than using standard guitars, espetially when this player really don't know what to do :) instrument is bigger, neck is wider etc....
I think also it's much harder to be good ERB player, than good ERG player. There're great ERB players like you Garry, Ives Carbonne or Jean Baudin and it's much harder to be good looking and them :) And in ERG world there aren't as many ERG players, so it's easier to be noticed :)


Forum MVP
Dec 14, 2004
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The woods..
This guy looks pretty cool with that big bass and all those strings but I am not hearing anything that couldn't be played on a 5 or 6-string. There is no playing concept and he is not doing the job a bassist should in a trio situation.
I suppose that if this were a tool forum and I told a guy that he shouldn't use a power saw to hammer nails with, you would consider it bashing.

Videos like this reinforce the idea that basses with lots of strings are best left for "Spinal Tap". If this is considered negative or bashing then musicians have really lowered "the bar" over the past 30 years.
I see the same thing happen everytime. A bass player gets a 7,8,9,10,11 string and quickly poses with it before taking the time to learn how to play it. This guy misses the point of having 9 strings.

So all 9 strings have to be used at all times? Maybe he uses it more on other songs.. not likely but just saying :lol:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
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This guy looks pretty cool with that big bass and all those strings but I am not hearing anything that couldn't be played on a 5 or 6-string. There is no playing concept and he is not doing the job a bassist should in a trio situation.
I suppose that if this were a tool forum and I told a guy that he shouldn't use a power saw to hammer nails with, you would consider it bashing.

Videos like this reinforce the idea that basses with lots of strings are best left for "Spinal Tap". If this is considered negative or bashing then musicians have really lowered "the bar" over the past 30 years.
I see the same thing happen everytime. A bass player gets a 7,8,9,10,11 string and quickly poses with it before taking the time to learn how to play it. This guy misses the point of having 9 strings.

Judging him as such is kind of an unfair assessment without seeing everything else he played during that set. Sometimes I play 6 string songs on my 7 when jamming with my band and ignore the top string, sometimes I play stuff on the lower 3-4 strings, and could get away with a down tuned 6. It's the fact it's there and accessible should you want to use it that's the point of an ERG, I figured you of all people would get that.

Garry Goodman

Feb 19, 2006
Reaction score
^ :agreed:
I agree with you, but sometimes it's nice to see guys like him.
I've read your posts at Yves Carbonne's forum about that "posing" using ERG :) I understand your point of view, it's extreamly professional, as it should be, but I think it's bad only have ERG and use it as standard guitar, but I think also a real player will be always on top, no matter what :) Growing popularity of ERG, I hope, give us a real professional players, maybe not today, but maybe in future. Personally I think those "posers" with ERG/ERB will fall, because maybe it looks cool, but it sometimes harder to play the same using ERB/ERG than using standard guitars, espetially when this player really don't know what to do :) instrument is bigger, neck is wider etc....
I think also it's much harder to be good ERB player, than good ERG player. There're great ERB players like you Garry, Ives Carbonne or Jean Baudin and it's much harder to be good looking and them :) And in ERG world there aren't as many ERG players, so it's easier to be noticed :)

I think I like this forum because we can discuss things logically. I spent about 17 years getting my 7-string bass playing to a place that allowed me to create bass lines that use the 7-string. It is a different instrument and it is used for different applications to do what CAN'T be played on a 4,5 or 6-string bass. I know it bothers some people for me to voice my opinion. I did conceive of the 7-string bass and did have the first one built. I was laughed at at first because a 7-string bass was perceived like an automobile with 5 wheels.

The 7-string was made for advance bass/groove and solo concepts. Not so I can play lead guitar on a bass. What other people want to do with it is none of my business except when it begins to affect my working as a musician.

When I show up to a gig with a 7,8,9,11,or 12-string bass and before I play a note I am asked to use a 4-string, I get PO'd. I aske why and the MD or leader refers to a video like this one and says the bass is an eye sore and there's no musical reason to have one.

If you get a 9 string and you don't already have a playing concept for it (haven't seen anyone who has had one yet) then it's playin' a little bass then some lead and no substantial parts. Why be a not ready for prime time player?
I mention I play 9 to someone and they do a Google and come up with this? This video is clearly about being seen with a cool bass. I spend years working on my Adler 12-string playing and when I release a video of me really playing it, the reason why it has 12 strings will be self evident. I see what other players due with 9 plus strings basses, and it has been using 5 or 6 strings. If you are going to post a video of you playing an 11-string, show us what an 11-string is all about. "I just happen to be playing my 11 and playing some 4-string lines", why bother? Oh, because you look cool with an 11-string.

Am I wrong for expecting this bass player in the video to support what the guitarist is doing? This guy should spend a few years with the bass and then post a video(unless he already has....).

So all 9 strings have to be used at all times? Maybe he uses it more on other songs.. not likely but just saying :lol:

When you conceive of an instrument and playing concept, you generally make recordings and videos that show why such a bass exists and it's musical application. Not to do what you can on a 5-string.

Maybe this is a difficult concept for some, but there was no 7+ string basses until I introduced the first 7-string in the late 1980's. I also spent years learning to play it and write parts that make using a bass with less than 7-string indispensible. I used my 7-string on gigs to play 4 and 5 and 6 string parts, but what was presented was a CD ten years in the preparation that has bass parts that can only be played on 7 and 11-string basses.

Meanwhile, luthiers build these crazy basses and people buy them and they are fun to fool around on. When you start posting videos, if you are really into expanded range basses, you do everything you can to help establish their purpose.

The guy in this video isn't laying down a bass part to support the gutarist, isn't playing a rhythm groove and isn't playing a solo. He is what we used to call "noodling". He does this on a video and it gets posted here and anyone curious about 9-string basses watching this might think that this is what it is all about. He represents me and all that I worked for since the mid 1970's. He helps keep the myth alive that ERB's are sort of a joke.
sorry if you can't get behing my POV.

Judging him as such is kind of an unfair assessment without seeing everything else he played during that set. Sometimes I play 6 string songs on my 7 when jamming with my band and ignore the top string, sometimes I play stuff on the lower 3-4 strings, and could get away with a down tuned 6. It's the fact it's there and accessible should you want to use it that's the point of an ERG, I figured you of all people would get that.

Sorry, I make a living turning out a totally professional recording in one hour for air play. It's my job to catch an out of tune G string on a guitar in a mix with five other instruments. What this guy is playing could be played on a 6-string bass and even then it doesn't serve the music.
Let me ask you something. Do you practice your guitar? If you do then why bother if this kind of ERB performance is considered good?

I play jazz gigs with a 7-string and no one could tell by listening I am not using a 4-string. when I post a video of me playing a 7, I play things that would be tough even on a 6-string. (-strings are still new and their purpose has to be established. This video isn't helping. I am not negative or bashing him . Children studying classical piano don't give a recital until they can play several pieces of music. I think my 9-string playing needs work so I don't post videos. Maybe I should.


I posted these videos last month, and was glad to see him posting more videos. I think he uses all strings in this set.


I get where your coming from but you need to lighten up. You always jump to conclusion and always print the same rant over and over again. this may sound harsh coming from me, but it's really more out of concern for your reputation. these attacks on other players are hurting your reputation more then their poor videos are :)

I think that your message is good to hear at least once and there is a lot to think about, but don't assume that every other ERB-artist is jerking around just because some of them are.

I posted the first video because I think it was a good musical piece that happened to be played on a 9-string bass. the fact that he is using the higher strings makes it interesting cause I've seen many good bassplayer fail completely when playing higher notes. You may call it noodling but I'm impressed.

And yes you really need to post some videos of you playing something plugged in, with good audible sound and it would not hurt if it was in a band situation. Because I know that you are a great player and that there is a need for serious videos on youtube.

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Let me ask you something. Do you practice your guitar? If you do then why bother if this kind of ERB performance is considered good?


I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer, except to say that is totally not fucking cool.
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