9-string bass video

  • Thread starter Desecrated
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Garry Goodman

Feb 19, 2006
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I get where your coming from but you need to lighten up. You always jump to conclusion and always print the same rant over and over again. this may sound harsh coming from me, but it's really more out of concern for your reputation. these attacks on other players are hurting your reputation more then their poor videos are :)

I think that your message is good to hear at least once and there is a lot to think about, but don't assume that every other ERB-artist is jerking around just because some of them are.

I posted the first video because I think it was a good musical piece that happened to be played on a 9-string bass. the fact that he is using the higher strings makes it interesting cause I've seen many good bassplayer fail completely when playing higher notes. You may call it noodling but I'm impressed.

And yes you really need to post some videos of you playing something plugged in, with good audible sound and it would not hurt if it was in a band situation. Because I know that you are a great player and that there is a need for serious videos on youtube.

Interesting post. Forget that he is playing a 9-string. Listen to "Feel Like Makin' Love" How about he just intonates and tunes the bass? If you can't hear that and are impressed, then you will never understand what I've posted above. If saying an out of tune bass is out of tune is going to hurt my reputation, so be it.

Wtf? :spock: For such a mature player, that wasn't a very mature comment. :noway: Not cool.

So you are not capable of having a professional discussion and resort to this?

The Dark Wolf

Apr 15, 2005
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Toledo, Ohio. USA
Let me ask you something. Do you practice your guitar? If you do then why bother if this kind of ERB performance is considered good?
This was totally uncalled for. Passive aggressive, if there ever was anything considered such. I don't blame JJ for not dignifying that garbage with a response.

Pay attention Desecrated - this is how I moderate. ;) Garry, anymore comments like that, and you might be taking a nap. There is zero, zero need to be insulting to established members.


Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Interesting post. Forget that he is playing a 9-string. Listen to "Feel Like Makin' Love" How about he just intonates and tunes the bass? If you can't hear that and are impressed, then you will never understand what I've posted above. If saying an out of tune bass is out of tune is going to hurt my reputation, so be it.

But you didn't say that his bass was out of tune until this post. I took a listen to that "Feel Like Makin' Love" song and the bass was a little out of tune, but it wasn't that bad. And he was also using a lower register than he used on the first song (seemed to be about 3 strings over to the right, compared to the first song). The side-note said that it was an 8 string bass. While it might not have been completely in tune, this kind of stuff happens live. I've had my own guitar go out of tune live and the other guitarist's also go out of tune, but when you realize that, you've already started a song and can't retune until the song is over. I thought that WHAT he was playing, even if it was out of tune, sounded completely in step and groove with the other members' instruments.

For me and for a lot of other ERG and ERB players, the purpose of the extended range is not to necessarily use the entire range on every single song. Sometimes it is so that you don't have to carry 4 different basses or 4 different guitars to switch from song to song. Obviously a 7-string guitar isn't as big of an extension of range as an 8-string bass, but I have songs where I never touch the low B string and songs where I never touch the high E string, and yet other songs where I play both the low B and high E but don't play one or two strings inbetween. I don't want to lug around 4 guitars when I can play all of those songs on one guitar.

I don't make every single one of my songs with the purpose of showing the full range and potential of a 7. I have at least 2 songs in my band that could be played on a standard-tuned six and at least 2 songs that could be played on a downtuned six (in B standard), but I don't bring extra guitars because I like to have multiple guitars included in one - and I do have about 3 songs that use the full range of the seven from the low B to high up the fretboard on the high E. But if you listened to a particular one of my bands songs where the low B is never played once and where most of the stuff played is simple, you might jump to conclusions quickly and say, "That guy doesn't need 7 strings." My response would be, "Maybe not on this one song, I don't, but on a lot of other songs, I do."

It seems to me like your nitpicking a little too much just because he isn't using the full range of the 8-string (or 9-string). I seriously doubt he's trying to emulate you or any other "famous" ERB players (I really wouldn't consider any of the ERB players I know "famous," to be honest). I assume he just wanted more options, regardless of whether he's using them all or not. And, from the videos I saw, it seems that he IS using the range of the bass throughout the different songs.

Not everyone has your style of playing.
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Garry Goodman

Feb 19, 2006
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This was totally uncalled for. Passive aggressive, if there ever was anything considered such. I don't blame JJ for not dignifying that garbage with a response.

Pay attention Desecrated - this is how I moderate. ;) Garry, anymore comments like that, and you might be taking a nap. There is zero, zero need to be insulting to established members.

How so? I was making a point. This is an extended range forum. I played a major part in the creation of the "extended range bass". I have a right to my opinion just like the guy in post #4 did. If you don't like, great, but by throwing me off of this forum, you are saying that anyone who doesn't agree with you "takes a nap". You are abusing your moderator position.

I am am supposed to take insults here? The Dark Wolf and the passibve aggressive comment?
The comment about stopping practicing was to make a point and show me where it offends anyone? This guy with the ninestring needs to put in some time on this bass .9-string basses are judged by many people you do know of and this video doesn't help. You think he is good and I don't, so you will kick me off the forum?

It's my opinion. If you can't discuss things, you threaten to throw me off.
Don't bother, I won't post here after today.


Forum MVP
Dec 14, 2004
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The woods..
How so? I was making a point. This is an extended range forum. I played a major part in the creation of the "extended range bass". I have a right to my opinion just like the guy in post #4 did. If you don't like, great, but by throwing me off of this forum, you are saying that anyone who doesn't agree with you "takes a nap". You are abusing your moderator position.

I am am supposed to take insults here? The Dark Wolf and the passibve aggressive comment?
The comment about stopping practicing was to make a point and show me where it offends anyone? This guy with the ninestring needs to put in some time on this bass .9-string basses are judged by many people you do know of and this video doesn't help. You think he is good and I don't, so you will kick me off the forum?

It's my opinion. If you can't discuss things, you threaten to throw me off.
Don't bother, I won't post here after today.

:rofl: sorry it made me laugh.. I know it may be true but still..

Well you better hold up to that then. You can have your opinion, People are just saying you were insulting.. :wavey:


Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
No offense to Garry, but he does seem to a little touchy when it comes to the subject of ERBs and seems to take a lot of what other bass players do a little personally. Regardless of whether someone played a major part in the creation of the extended range bass, people will do with it what they want to with an instrument.

I can't really disagree with him on the "noodling" aspect, because it really did sound like that bass player was noodling around and hadn't come up with any specific planned out bass lines or bass leads for the song before playing it there. To me, it seemed mostly improvised and he probably could have gotten much better results if he had planned everything out exactly beforehand. But this is not a famous band - even in the jazz community - so I guess that it doesn't really matter. The only real thing Garry said that I took issue with was the guy "not using the whole range of the 8-string bass." :shrug:


May 3, 2005
Reaction score
Millersville, MD
Garry, your reputation as ERB guru is not influenced in any way by other players' techniques or lack thereof. No one outside of our small ERG/B community really cares who came up with these concepts, and your arrogance and offensive language serve only to alienate those few of us who may actually give a damn.

The Dark Wolf

Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio. USA
Well you better hold up to that then. You can have your opinion, People are just saying you were insulting.. :wavey:

Exactly. Where did I say anywhere you can't have your opinion?

I said you cannot post insulting comments like that to established members. If that's your idea of an "opinion", then by all means, go away. We don't want people like that here, to be honest. That said, if you want to post constructively, you're more than welcome to stick around.

A few comments - First of all, moderators don't give "threats"; they give warnings. ;) The first warning wouldn't result in "throwing you off" the forum, although it could potentially with repeated offenses. It would result in likely a 1 or 3 day ban, which could of course go into a longer period, based on the nature and number of possible offenses.

No matter how you attempt to justify yourself, there's no getting around the insult you leveled at JJ with your comment. He deserves an apology ASAP, in my opinion. Completely uncalled for.

Garry Goodman

Feb 19, 2006
Reaction score
But you didn't say that his bass was out of tune until this post. I took a listen to that "Feel Like Makin' Love" song and the bass was a little out of tune, but it wasn't that bad."

Oh,ok. I thought it was very out of tune.

Exactly. Where did I say anywhere you can't have your opinion?

I said you cannot post insulting comments like that to established members. If that's your idea of an "opinion", then by all means, go away. We don't want people like that here, to be honest. That said, if you want to post constructively, you're more than welcome to stick around.

A few comments - First of all, moderators don't give "threats"; they give warnings. ;) The first warning wouldn't result in "throwing you off" the forum, although it could potentially with repeated offenses. It would result in likely a 1 or 3 day ban, which could of course go into a longer period, based on the nature and number of possible offenses.

No matter how you attempt to justify yourself, there's no getting around the insult you leveled at JJ with your comment. He deserves an apology ASAP, in my opinion. Completely uncalled for.

Where did I insult anyone here? Where? I was warned because I used an anology about not practicing and still being considered a good player. where's the insult? I don't think the guy in the video is good. Is that an insult? Show the insult.


Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Oh,ok. I thought it was very out of tune.

It was enough out of tune that I did notice it, but I don't feel that it ruined the performance of the piece they were playing. I have, unfortunately, had experiences live where various factors have thrown my guitar further out of tune such as the bass player's bass hitting my guitar's headstock, knocking the tuning down about 1/4 of a step or use of the tremolo bar throwing one or two strings slightly out of tune (either through heavy trem use or another factor). In a live setting, I can usually forgive these things as long as it doesn't seriously interfere with my listening to the music or, even if it does seriously interfere with my listening to the music, they fix the tuning problem after the current song concludes.

The Dark Wolf

Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio. USA
Where did I insult anyone here? Where? I was warned because I used an anology about not practicing and still being considered a good player. where's the insult? I don't think the guy in the video is good. Is that an insult? Show the insult.

Read the comments in the thread. 'Nuff said.

Don't waste time arguing about it, just consider yourself suitably warned.

The Dark Wolf

Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio. USA
Deleted post. Enough arguing. Read my prior comments, enough going around. This isn't a debate - it's a thread about a 9-string bass player and the video he made.
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