Advice needed from all master out here,

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2005
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hi,.. am my name teg
male 23 years old, been playing guitar since 17 and last 2 year i play 7 string
maen axe : RG 1527, upgraded with SH-6 on brigde. and i dont do solo, shred, or lead guitar, i just love playing power chord, :)

here are some sample song from band that i am in now.
here the link to my band page on myspace

1. song called "Alienated", writen in english, but not pronounced correctly, recorded using stock pup on my 1527, no amp direct to my audigy2, with behringer GT2 clone. i actually did the drum programming, and fill the bass track,

2. "Livin In hell". written in Indonesia, added 2 line in english on last secsion, recorded using SH-6 on 1527, still no amp, direct with behringer gt2 clone. and no bass track, unfortunately the bass player left the band. and with new vocalist.

any advice are needed, and support aswell, feel free to critics,


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