Advice on buying a new amp and cab

Genuine Carrot

Active Member
Dec 5, 2010
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I'm looking at getting a new amp in the future, however i can't afford to buy everything together, so i was considering buying a 4x12 cab and the Electro Harmonix 22 Caliber (22W Power Amp) to do me for the time being and then replace the amp in another year or so after I've sorted out college and the like.

I was wondering if it was possible to run the headphone out from my Roland Cube 20x into the 22 Caliber to run the 4x12. Or even to wire the speaker line in the Roland Cube to the 4x12 Cab, i'm aware of issues with ohms and such but just need someone to clarify the finer details if that's possible, thanks.

The amp and cab in question are
ELECTRO HARMONIX 22 CALIBER - Thomann Irish Cyberstore
HARLEY BENTON G412A VINTAGE - Thomann Irish Cyberstore

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Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
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St. Louis, MO
Depending on what the Ohm rating is on the internal cabinet speaker, the simplest thing might be to remove the leads from the internal speaker and connect them to 1/4" jack (drill an appropriate whole on the back of the cube to mount the jack).

If you want to get more complex, you could install and auto-switching jack that would allow you to have the internal speaker wired and it just be disconnected when an external speaker cable is inserted.

Genuine Carrot

Active Member
Dec 5, 2010
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I'll have to take the amp apart first and read the ohm rating off the speaker itself to make sure but the cab can run stereo 16 ohms so i'll just run it into the right half and use the 2x12 when connected to the cube.

My idea was to drill a hole beside the current speaker and then install a female jack there and then place a DPDT switch above it to select which speaker route to go, i wasn't aware of auto-switching jacks however so i must look into it more.

Any advice on the Cube=>Power Amp=>Cab??


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
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Outside your bedroom window
I'll have to take the amp apart first and read the ohm rating off the speaker itself to make sure but the cab can run stereo 16 ohms so i'll just run it into the right half and use the 2x12 when connected to the cube.

My idea was to drill a hole beside the current speaker and then install a female jack there and then place a DPDT switch above it to select which speaker route to go, i wasn't aware of auto-switching jacks however so i must look into it more.

Any advice on the Cube=>Power Amp=>Cab??

I think the cube to poweramp to cab idea would be best. Because then youre using the cube's preamp section only so the poweramp can push the cab harder. The cube alone wont be able to push a cab


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
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Because then youre using the cube's preamp section only so the poweramp can push the cab harder.

Wrong, unfortunately. To use the preamp section of an amp only, the amp needs to have an effects loop, which the Roland Cube 20 does not have. It does have a Headphone-Out and a "Recording Output", but both usually have a (crappy) Poweramp+Speaker simulation already, sending that through a power amp and through a guitar cab again, won't do the sound any favour.

The cube alone wont be able to push a cab
If he could disconnect the interal speaker and connect the wire to the cab instead, there wont be a problem. (if resistance is matched. the "ohm's")

The plan, imho of course, isnt the best. The Caliber22 + the HB V30 cab cost you what? 400,- or something? The result won't be any good. For that money, you can get a full gigable, GOOD SOUNDING setup already, just buy used. Marshall 8100 for example, goes for ~200,- used, plus a used 212 version of the mentioned HB cab..or if it needs to be a 412, watch out for old Peavey ("Ultra" for example; the amp itself is also awesome and can be had for cheap! Its a pre-5150 amp, sounding close to it) cabs...the cheap Randall cabs arent bad either, and can be found for ~200,- used..


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
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Outside your bedroom window
Wrong, unfortunately. To use the preamp section of an amp only, the amp needs to have an effects loop, which the Roland Cube 20 does not have. It does have a Headphone-Out and a "Recording Output", but both usually have a (crappy) Poweramp+Speaker simulation already, sending that through a power amp and through a guitar cab again, won't do the sound any favour.

If he could disconnect the interal speaker and connect the wire to the cab instead, there wont be a problem. (if resistance is matched. the "ohm's")

The plan, imho of course, isnt the best. The Caliber22 + the HB V30 cab cost you what? 400,- or something? The result won't be any good. For that money, you can get a full gigable, GOOD SOUNDING setup already, just buy used. Marshall 8100 for example, goes for ~200,- used, plus a used 212 version of the mentioned HB cab..or if it needs to be a 412, watch out for old Peavey ("Ultra" for example; the amp itself is also awesome and can be had for cheap! Its a pre-5150 amp, sounding close to it) cabs...the cheap Randall cabs arent bad either, and can be found for ~200,- used..

Hell, he could get a used crate gt1200 stack for probably 200-300 easy:yesway:

Brian D

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2011
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United States
I think you could find yourself a nice deal on a really nice 4x12. I'm on Long Island, and people are dropping 4x12's like crazy for next to nothing on Craigslist, looking for a nice 2x12 or just in general downsizing. I even saw a Mesa Recto 4x12 for $250 in almost perfect condition, practically begging to be taken away. If I wasn't in the market for a 2x12 myself at the time, that thing would've been mine.

In my opinion, there are great deals to be had and you shouldn't "halfway" yourself to an upgrade. If you can find a great deal on a cab, get the cab, then find a good deal on a nice head -- I can't really tell you what you'd want, but odds are if we're talking your first tube head you'll be pretty happy with something not too expensive.

Genuine Carrot

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Dec 5, 2010
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It is my first tube head, the reason i really like that particular cab is that it's loaded with V30's and looks great value considering i've seen diezel cabs for three times as much loaded with the same speakers.

i may take your advice and wait a while before dropping half the cash and just looking at half a proper rig for months. I might try pick something up mid-summer after my exams are over. Unfortunately i live in ireland :/ the used amp market is highly undesirable, up to about €500 most are Marshall SS/Tube hybrid combos which i'm really not interested in, and anything i'd even consider buying (ENGL Screamer 50w combo was overpriced at €800) which is out of my budget anyway.

What are people's opinions on Bugera?? For example the V55HD?? I could throw a decent distortion pedal and an EQ in the mix which i would presume could bring out a nice metal tone??

Genuine Carrot

Active Member
Dec 5, 2010
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It is my first tube head, the reason i really like that particular cab is that it's loaded with V30's and looks great value considering i've seen diezel cabs for three times as much loaded with the same speakers.

i may take your advice and wait a while before dropping half the cash and just looking at half a proper rig for months. I might try pick something up mid-summer after my exams are over. Unfortunately i live in ireland :/ the used amp market is highly undesirable, up to about €500 most are Marshall SS/Tube hybrid combos which i'm really not interested in, and anything i'd even consider buying (ENGL Screamer 50w combo was overpriced at €800) which is out of my budget anyway.

What are people's opinions on Bugera?? For example the V55HD?? I could throw a decent distortion pedal and an EQ in the mix which i would presume could bring out a nice metal tone??


Do not criticize as this
Jan 22, 2007
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*I wish I was in the states for these 412 deals*

If you want the good gear, save for the good gear. It may take longer, but instead of $300 + $800, you're only spending $800. Make sense? It's a pain in the ass and I should follow my own advice, but at least it's sound :lol:.

I'd wait and save. What Laneys and Peaveys can you get access to?

Genuine Carrot

Active Member
Dec 5, 2010
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in Laney there's..
LANEY LX120R for €265
LANEY LV300 for €289
LANEY L20H for €529
LANEY LH50 for €589
LANEY GH50L for €666
LANEY GH100L for €799
LANEY VH100RN for €1168

and in Peavey....
PEAVEY 6505 for €1079
PEAVEY 6505 PLUS for €1379
PEAVEY 6534+ for €1444
PEAVEY 3120 for €1477

as you can see they're all heads as i'm not awfully interested in combos and they're all new, i don't see the point in second hand if i'm only going to save €100 max :/ and my budget is going to be around €800 or so if i save, then if i get a few gigs i'll pick up a
7-string to go with it. BTW i've only been playing about 2 years so i'm not ready to gig any metal yet, but i've been singing all my life and can strum away grand which is what i plan on gigging with to start. Besides, there's no market for metal bands in ireland unfortunately :'( a lot of people round here would be more impressed by the intro to sweet child of mine than Jeff Loomis' intro to Miles Of Machines (note the capitals on the latter)


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Austin, TX
I'd just keep saving until you can buy what you want. Buying something to "get you by" only costs you more money in the long run. Not to mention you won't be that happy with your setup anyway.

This is my bias: Unless you're playing outdoor gigs with no PA why not just get a decent combo amp? A 5150 combo can be had for cheap and sound really good(minus the hiss).


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
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It is my first tube head, the reason i really like that particular cab is that it's loaded with V30's and looks great value considering i've seen diezel cabs for three times as much loaded with the same speakers.

But play those two side by side and you will here why. The speakers do in these cases deliver such a small contribution to the tone, one wouldnt believe. Good wood, construction and craftmanship are pricey. The HB-v30 doesnt sound "bad", but it will always sound cheaper than most of the common "standards" (Marshall 1960 or something like that...which are used the same price than these are new).

the used amp market is highly undesirable, up to about €500 most are Marshall SS/Tube hybrid combos which i'm really not interested in

Dont rule them out, to be really honest: In that price region you are in most cases better served with a SS/Hybrid Amp than a cheap tube head. Said Marshalls - 8100 and VS100 for example - are amazing amps, have a brutal distortion, and are highly udnerrated imho. Or the Randall G2 and G3 series; can be had amazingly cheap and still eats most tube amps in the >700,- region for breakfast.

Just sayin...I mean if it MUST be a tube amp for you, than get one. Jsut wanted to give tthe input that tube is not always better. :)

A 5150 combo can be had for cheap and sound really good(minus the hiss).

OP is in Ireland, and we europeans are FUCKED when it comes to the pricing fo Peavey and Mesa. :lol:

Genuine Carrot

Active Member
Dec 5, 2010
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Damn peavey is a bit pricey in europe:lol:

And that's off the biggest online stores in Europe from Germany, you'd add on about €200-€400 to any amp in a shop that actually stocks them, most places have at most one maybe two high end amps. The rest tend to be Roland Cubes, 10-30w SS Marshal MG's and Line 6 Spyders (all once again overpriced) which i might add "sound the exact same as any €2000 plus amp, the bigger ones are just louder" just something i heard a sales clerk telling a mother who's son was saving up for a proper rig, i wanted to slap the guy, trying to make the woman drop some cash on a POS Spyder as an xmas gift.

OP is in Ireland, and we europeans are FUCKED when it comes to the pricing fo Peavey and Mesa.

Mesa Dual Rect is €2269 online :/

Plus in ireland our VAT rate is going to rise from 21% to 23% on top of already one of the highest cost of living rates in the world :wallbash:


Do not criticize as this
Jan 22, 2007
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My brother has a Randall G3 212 and that thing kills for the $250 it cost us used at a store.

if I were the OP, i'd look into the LH50 and GH50 offerings from Laney - put a used TS7 in front and you should be in high gain heaven.

Genuine Carrot

Active Member
Dec 5, 2010
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My brother has a Randall G3 212 and that thing kills for the $250 it cost us used at a store.

if I were the OP, i'd look into the LH50 and GH50 offerings from Laney - put a used TS7 in front and you should be in high gain heaven.

Thanks, i never really looked into Laney to be honest, what's their durability like?? I'd prefer to get info here than on a lot of review sites where i find a lot a reviews are either done by spoiled brats (who think their amp is the best thing since sliced) or are biased one way or the other.