Advice on tubes/biasing/rack equiptment for a framus cobra would be greatly admired:)

  • Thread starter 7stranguitfidle
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Dylon, Dylon, Dylon.
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
The K-Hole, TN
still searching for the perfect tone... im playing a either a 7321 with stock pickups or a prs custom 24 with HFS treble bridge and vintage bass neck pickup thru a cobra with stock biasing of 25-28mA and stock 6L6s (oops... its been a long night i mean el34s).. mostly playing jazz prog/djent style music.. my original idea was ruby el34bstr's biased @34mA. good idea? or bad idea? also as far as pre-amp tubes and the rack equiptment im clueless... i would love to hear would the ss community's input! thanks :hbang:

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Oct 8, 2006
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Uhhh, the framus comes stock with EH el34s.

I did a "custom" retube kit from Eurotubes, and with the exception getting faulty el34s, I haven't had a problem. The EH el34s are middle line, JJ el34s have more of a bass roll-off (affording me use of the depth knob). DO NOT PUT IN HIGH GAIN TUBES! More gain does not do anything for the cobra :lol: . I have the "standard" JJ set and they are clear to use all the way to 10 (but should never be set there :lol: ).

I have a TC Electronics GSharp in my effects loop. It is a pretty good device, however it alters tone. I wouldn't say "tone suck", but it compresses and smooths the top end (which I like for the cobra).

Are you boosting the amp? If you are not, I would use the "crunch" channel for your gain. However, if you are, I personally find the "Lead" channel to have a more focused character ("lead" channel for rhythm, "crunch" channel for lead stuff).

The Cobra has an active EQ system, so I would recommend putting everything at 5 and then deducting from there. My mids usually set around 5 to 6. I would recommend

-Set the treble to where it doesn't do what you dont want it to (ice pick/shrill out)
-Set the bass to where it doesn't do what you dont want it to (woofy/mud up)
-Adjust mids to fit the rest

So, I have my bass and treble set. If I want a more "sharper" tone, I will roll the mids down a bit (to 5ish). If I want to fill out my tone, I will push them up a bit (5.5-6). This is how I control everything through my g25/t75 cabinet, but this principle works on most active EQ amps.

You may not find the cobra tone with v30s. Make sure you dont write it off because it doesn't sound goo running through your cab. You may want to look at a speaker swap later down the road (I wouldn't recommend doing this until you have had the amp for about 3-4 months, so that you have had adequate time to assimilate what you want/dont want out of the amp/cab).


Dylon, Dylon, Dylon.
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
The K-Hole, TN
Uhhh, the framus comes stock with EH el34s.

I did a "custom" retube kit from Eurotubes, and with the exception getting faulty el34s, I haven't had a problem. The EH el34s are middle line, JJ el34s have more of a bass roll-off (affording me use of the depth knob). DO NOT PUT IN HIGH GAIN TUBES! More gain does not do anything for the cobra :lol: . I have the "standard" JJ set and they are clear to use all the way to 10 (but should never be set there :lol: ).

I have a TC Electronics GSharp in my effects loop. It is a pretty good device, however it alters tone. I wouldn't say "tone suck", but it compresses and smooths the top end (which I like for the cobra).

Are you boosting the amp? If you are not, I would use the "crunch" channel for your gain. However, if you are, I personally find the "Lead" channel to have a more focused character ("lead" channel for rhythm, "crunch" channel for lead stuff).

The Cobra has an active EQ system, so I would recommend putting everything at 5 and then deducting from there. My mids usually set around 5 to 6. I would recommend

-Set the treble to where it doesn't do what you dont want it to (ice pick/shrill out)
-Set the bass to where it doesn't do what you dont want it to (woofy/mud up)
-Adjust mids to fit the rest

So, I have my bass and treble set. If I want a more "sharper" tone, I will roll the mids down a bit (to 5ish). If I want to fill out my tone, I will push them up a bit (5.5-6). This is how I control everything through my g25/t75 cabinet, but this principle works on most active EQ amps.

You may not find the cobra tone with v30s. Make sure you dont write it off because it doesn't sound goo running through your cab. You may want to look at a speaker swap later down the road (I wouldn't recommend doing this until you have had the amp for about 3-4 months, so that you have had adequate time to assimilate what you want/dont want out of the amp/cab).

im using a mesa slant cab right now, but was looking into either VHT or Vader... also as for boosting options/help do you have any advice? also ive been told maybe try an od808 or tubescreamer... what do you think? as for your bass/treble/depth knob settings what are you running? are you running it with the switch on or off? thanks for all the help newamericangospel! :bowdown:
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
DC Area
Uhhh, the framus comes stock with EH el34s.

I did a "custom" retube kit from Eurotubes, and with the exception getting faulty el34s, I haven't had a problem. The EH el34s are middle line, JJ el34s have more of a bass roll-off (affording me use of the depth knob). DO NOT PUT IN HIGH GAIN TUBES! More gain does not do anything for the cobra :lol: . I have the "standard" JJ set and they are clear to use all the way to 10 (but should never be set there :lol: ).

I have a TC Electronics GSharp in my effects loop. It is a pretty good device, however it alters tone. I wouldn't say "tone suck", but it compresses and smooths the top end (which I like for the cobra).

Are you boosting the amp? If you are not, I would use the "crunch" channel for your gain. However, if you are, I personally find the "Lead" channel to have a more focused character ("lead" channel for rhythm, "crunch" channel for lead stuff).

The Cobra has an active EQ system, so I would recommend putting everything at 5 and then deducting from there. My mids usually set around 5 to 6. I would recommend

-Set the treble to where it doesn't do what you dont want it to (ice pick/shrill out)
-Set the bass to where it doesn't do what you dont want it to (woofy/mud up)
-Adjust mids to fit the rest

So, I have my bass and treble set. If I want a more "sharper" tone, I will roll the mids down a bit (to 5ish). If I want to fill out my tone, I will push them up a bit (5.5-6). This is how I control everything through my g25/t75 cabinet, but this principle works on most active EQ amps.

You may not find the cobra tone with v30s. Make sure you dont write it off because it doesn't sound goo running through your cab. You may want to look at a speaker swap later down the road (I wouldn't recommend doing this until you have had the amp for about 3-4 months, so that you have had adequate time to assimilate what you want/dont want out of the amp/cab).

Old thread but bumping to clear up some misinformation.

EQ on the Framus Cobra is not active. And JJ tubes are personally the last tubes I'd put in my Cobra.