AirGigs and SoundBetter Site Feedback

  • Thread starter rahul_mukerji
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Rockville, Maryland, USA

I am on the verge of completing my CD and I've not been able to find musicians to finish the tracks. In my hunt for musicians and Mix Engineers and Mastering Engineers I came upon these two sites:

Air Gigs
Sound Better

Does anyone here have any experience hiring people off these sites and or any feedback / buyer beware suggestions ?

The feedback there from users seem good, and there are some decent references, but I wanted to see if anyone here has used any of these sites with success and what your personal experience was.

Thanks !

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New Member
Mar 25, 2015
Reaction score
New York
Hi Rahul,

I just came across your question so thought I'd jump in.
I founded SoundBetter so can offer some insight, albeit subjective.

I don't know anything about Air Gigs but it looks cool.

On SoundBetter you can post a description of what you're looking for and receive proposals from a handful of pros that we pre-screen for experience and customer service skills.

If you like one of the pros and the proposal fits the bill you can hire them securely through the site. We're proud to have some really well known musicians on the platform and if you'd like I'd be happy to help you choose. You can write me at: info at soundbetter com

We've facilitated thousands of remote jobs so far with a very high return rate so I'm comfortable saying customers are happy.

I'm happy to help, welcome any feedback.

Good luck with your album and release.


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