Andy Martin's 7 string guitar book

  • Thread starter thor von clemson
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thor von clemson

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Big Lake, MN
I'm looking for a good instructional book,dvd, or cd (preferably book and dvd) for 7 strings. I dont really know a lot about 7 strings other than I am excited for mine to get here:agreed:

I need something with scales, chords, and everything else I can get my hands on.

Can any attest to Andy Martin's 7 book? Its the first one that popped up on a google search and I have not been able to find many others.

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Oct 22, 2007
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Broomfield, Colorado
I own that book its alright, it doesn't include all the 12 notes of the western scale. It doesn't have the accidentals like the sharps and flats. I'm still going to use it though because its the only 7-string book. That I've found at the music store.

El Caco

Djavli te ponesli
Jul 13, 2007
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I own that book its alright, it doesn't include all the 12 notes of the western scale. It doesn't have the accidentals like the sharps and flats. I'm still going to use it though because its the only 7-string book. That I've found at the music store.

:scratch: What do you mean by this?


The book is exactly what it says it is on the cover. It is not a method book. It is a reference book for navigating your fretboard. Half of the book is chords. The other half is Arpeggios, Pentatonic scales, The Major Modes and the last couple of pages have some riffs to practice. The theory is very basic with about 9 pages of text. Everything is in B standard.


Drinkin' a Pizza
Sep 28, 2007
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It's an ok book, but I wouldn't recommend it for beginners to guitar. It's more confusing than helpful for straight up beginners. But if you're just new to 7's, it might be ok. It's pretty much just a chord book for 7's with some modes and scales and such. I never really understood the point of chord books though... most chord shapes are movable, so why list like EVERY chord and position and all that? I'd say just learn some basic chord shapes for a 7 (which are pretty much the same as ones you'd use on a six) and save yourself a few dollars.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2005
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North NJ
I flipped thru this book reading excerpts twice (the 2nd time because it was marked 50% off) but, even at half off, I didn't think it offered anything of note to a 7-String player that already knows the mechanics and basic theory of how to play a 6-string. All it did was add a string to the chord diagrams, add a string to the scale patterns, and add a string to the arpeggio patterns. These are all things you can do yourself and personally I think you'll be better off doing yourself as you'll internalize the 7th string more. There are no sequences, rhythm riffs, etc... in the book. It'd be good if your 1st instrument was a 7-String and you don't know your scales, arps, and chords (or if you don't know those on a 6-String either). In other words this is more of a basics book. This is all IMO of course :cool: