Anime/manga megathread


Living room guitarist. Ex-bedroom guitarist.
Apr 26, 2010
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Zankyou no Terror is getting crazier by the minute. Just finished episode 10, and it was absolutely fantastic. This series, so far, is exactly what I expected from the names attached to it. Just one more episode to go; I am very, very curious to see how they'll wrap this one up! At the same time, I almost don't want to watch the last episode for fear that I won't have any more of it to watch. Definitely, hands down, anime of the season - and, so far, anime of the year - for me (though I still have to finish Barakamon. Very different anime from ZnT, but it is speaking to me on a very personal level). Let's see, then, what the fall season has in store for us.

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Silence is Violence
Jan 14, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia
Took me long enough, but I finally saw Attack On Titan (over the course of 2 days :lol:).

Yeah it's good overall and I finally understand what all the hype is about, but I don't really consider it a anime true game changer that so many people say it is. When some of the first few episodes are brilliant (fast paced and doesn't even give me time to breathe) it gets a little cliche-by-anime-standards towards the middle up until the end.

Still I enjoyed the whole ride and eagerly awaiting both Season 2 and the live action. :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2011
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AoT gets even more cliche as it goes on sadly :(

Anyways I finished Aldnoah Zero finally...and I hate it...SOOO MUCH. The anime is good and all, but I just hate how it ended~ I do not approve >_<

Don Vito

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2011
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I'm not watching any anime, but I was on Amazon ordering something this morning, and a plastic statue for the Haruhi character Tsuruya(my first waifu ever btw) popped up in my front page, and I got to thinking about that show. I came across this, which bummed me out, but didn't surprise me, as I was never holding my breath for it, even back in the day. The reasoning behind a lack of Haruhi S3 | Ultimatemegax's blog

I would actually like to catch up on the manga at some point. The last entry I read was no. 10, and it was pretty good, but ended on somewhat of a cliff hanger. (well not really a cliff hanger, but a dramatic ending for the series). To my surprise, they are already up to 20, so I have quite a bit of catching up to do! I'd prefer to have the real book over reading it on mangafox or something, but something tells me they haven't translated all of them yet lol.

I'm so buying that statue too.

And I'm going to make it a personal mission to catch up on Zankyou no Terror today, Alberto. Even if I hated one of the characters. :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
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Slowly watching Psycho Pass right now.

Sword Art Online was pretty good but not amazing to me.

Knights of Sidonia resulted in a full marathon watch session, followed by a full marathon read session. Desperately seeking next chapter.

Tried to watch Attack on Titan the other week, but I've been reading it for months and something didn't seem to click with me. Maybe need another episode or two to get out of the early introduction to everything.


It's all white.
Dec 26, 2010
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I finished NGE (including end of evangelion) a few hours ago, and I do admit it was quite a ride. My problem with it is kinda similar to my problem with SELain, it wasn't very entertaining for me, apart from the plugsuits, those are some great design. I also liked how the plot revealed itself. But it was a rather heavy watch tbh. While I wanted to enjoy the philosophical and psychological aspects to it I just couldn't because of the way a lot of them were presented. I do appreciate the effort though, it's far better than being yet another piece of mindless entertainment.

Don Vito

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2011
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Just watched episode 1 of Sailor Moon Crystal, and my head's gonna explode from the 90's cheese. I don't actually remember this show to well, but if this is supposed to be a remake, it sure doesn't look or feel like it. I caught one more episode of ZnT, but my marathon will have to be postponed due to computer trouble. It's really sucking me in though. I honestly wish I could just stream the next few episodes up until the latest ones, just to catch up quicker.

My problem with it is kinda similar to my problem with SELain, it wasn't very entertaining for me
Still haven't finished Lain. Love it, but yeah, no entertainment value. I think I'm a little over halfway through it. Who knows when I'll finish it. In the mean time, I'll jam this yo.

^ the good kind of 90's cheese


Living room guitarist. Ex-bedroom guitarist.
Apr 26, 2010
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^ Intro sounds like a didgeridoo through an amp with really shitty and gritty distortion. :lol: Cool tune though. Zoned me the f*ck out.

As far the original NGE goes... yeah. I've been watching the show since I'm about 8 years old, so I have no idea how it'll appeal to new viewers. The way I imagine it, it has a lot of entertainment to offer, but the entertaining bits are very intertwined with what might come across as unintelligible pseudo-philosophical gibberish, making having to wait for the next good bit very tiring. Not a lot of cool on that front for someone not used to it. These days, NGE relies a lot on its nostalgia factor, given how big of a thing it was back when it first came out. This is just me speculating, but the Rebuild series might just be a way to expand the Eva fanbase and keep the franchise going, given that an older fanbase will inevitably grow disinterested over time and become a less reliable audience.

Unlike Lain, however, which does have a palpable point and a message behind it all and has a more or less complete plot (with very unorthodox storytelling for sure, but, again, it does not really focus on entertainment per se), Neon Genesis Evangelion is riddled with actual plot holes. These holes are small enough, though, that with a bit of a stretch of the imagination it is not overly hard to gap them, thus all the countless theories about what's actually going on with the show. It is precisely there where I think that the allure of the show lies to a good deal of longtime fans.

I am fairly convinced that the world that Hideaki Anno initially is both a product of his brilliance, a poorly-managed budget that led to incomplete storytelling, and perhaps even a widely misinterpreted message, with people focusing way too much on the face value of the universe he presented rather than on the philosophical message and the deconstruction of the anime itself.

I don't know why I've been so inspired to attempt to break down Evangelion so much on this thread recently. :lol:


It's all white.
Dec 26, 2010
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The way I imagine it, it has a lot of entertainment to offer, but the entertaining bits are very intertwined with what might come across as unintelligible pseudo-philosophical gibberish, making having to wait for the next good bit very tiring. Not a lot of cool on that front for someone not used to it.

idk, I enjoyed the pseudo-philosophical stuff as long as it wasn't just the character raging/being depressive for the whole episode. I liked the questions the show asked, but I don't like the way it asked them. The good bits for me were the grand plot slowly revealing itself and the characters interacting with each other, and the plugsuits. The characters themselves... I think their depiction focused too much on their faults making some of them a bit flat even.

In the end I guess it boils down to how the show resonates with the viewer, and probably I just didn't connect with it like you've done. Also, analyzing things like what makes one like certain things is fascinating every now and then.


Living room guitarist. Ex-bedroom guitarist.
Apr 26, 2010
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^ Agreed. I lean very strongly on nostalgia when it comes to my reasons for liking the show. In reality, I don't necessarily connect with Eva all that much. I honestly can't relate to such outrageously broken characters (not even during the darkest phases of my life), and I've never really interpreted the show's message like some people assert Hideaki Anno wanted it to be interpreted (more on that at this link), but I do find all of its intellectual mumbo-jumbo and its over-the-top references very interesting, regardless. That and what's not to like about giant robot-beasts tearing at each other?

It's honestly hard explaining why one likes a show. Especially one as complicated and controversial as Evangelion. But I agree with you that finding out why one likes these things is really cool.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Even though I've only caught a small glimpse of it, I've had another friend of mine recommend that I check out Deadmans Wonderland. From what I've heard, it's supposed to be pretty bloody. No idea how it compares to X in terms of overall goriness

It's pretty cool!

It gets pretty violent but the most morbid aspect is actually the dialogue, especially around/after the middle of the show. Some seriously morbid shit is said on that show


Nov 19, 2007
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Just marathon-watched Attack on Titan on netflix, and thought it would be relevant to say so since there are posts recently about it! :D Overall I liked it, though it definitely dragged with filler every now and then. It got really interesting with the last 7 or so episodes but now it's over for a good while. :C

One thing I think is odd about AoT is the animation seems to vary a lot between absolutely amazing, and then just kinda meh, or like certain animations didn't seem to be consistent with the rest of the show.

I think I'm ready to go back and watch something a little older, maybe finish up the other Gundam stuff that I haven't seen yet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
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One thing I think is odd about AoT is the animation seems to vary a lot between absolutely amazing, and then just kinda meh, or like certain animations didn't seem to be consistent with the rest of the show.

I think this is one of my issues with the anime. The manga has a very.... I don't have a good word for it. The style is...awkward? It grew on me after a time, and now I'm accustomed to it. Then the anime has a lot of more traditional stylings to it, with occasional throw backs to the manga style, and it bothers me how it jumps about.

I don't know....


Living room guitarist. Ex-bedroom guitarist.
Apr 26, 2010
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Hah, it's funny. I thought the anime had fantastic art and animation; they definitely had someone who knew what they were doing when it came to budget allocation (and it was, by no means, a small budget). In contrast, one of the reasons I haven't bothered with the manga (other than I'm not much of a manga reader to begin with) was that I found the art to be inferior to the anime. I know I could get over it if I began reading the manga, but I haven't been willing to put in the effort.


Living room guitarist. Ex-bedroom guitarist.
Apr 26, 2010
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I finished Aldnoah Zero finally...and I hate it...SOOO MUCH. The anime is good and all, but I just hate how it ended~ I do not approve >_<

A.Z is getting the Fate/Zero treatment. The initial plan was to release 12 episodes, then wait out a season, and then do another 12 episodes. So, technically, no ending thus far. :D You can go back to liking it. Please? I need some reassurance that it got better after episode 6, because I began to lose faith in that show early on. :lol: I need to get back to it. I dropped it at episode 6 (the one with the fist mecha).

I'm not watching any anime, but I was on Amazon ordering something this morning, and a plastic statue for the Haruhi character Tsuruya(my first waifu ever btw) popped up in my front page, and I got to thinking about that show. I came across this, which bummed me out, but didn't surprise me, as I was never holding my breath for it, even back in the day. The reasoning behind a lack of Haruhi S3 | Ultimatemegax's blog

I would actually like to catch up on the manga at some point. The last entry I read was no. 10, and it was pretty good, but ended on somewhat of a cliff hanger. (well not really a cliff hanger, but a dramatic ending for the series). To my surprise, they are already up to 20, so I have quite a bit of catching up to do! I'd prefer to have the real book over reading it on mangafox or something, but something tells me they haven't translated all of them yet lol.

I'm so buying that statue too.

And I'm going to make it a personal mission to catch up on Zankyou no Terror today, Alberto. Even if I hated one of the characters. :D

Hah do catch up with it. I've noticed that most characters fit typical and cheesy anime stereotypes, but they are played out SO well. In that regard, it's like a fine piece of Emmental cheese, if you know what I mean. There is only one character, whom I really like anyway, but whose purpose I still find a little... not the finest of cheeses. Regardless, the plot is fantastically played out, and the animation is beaauuuttiful.

Regarding anime accessories and paraphernalia... I want to see that Tsuruya statue once you get it! That's not something I've come across, I don't think. Just a couple of days ago I caved and bought something really cool to give my Shiki figure some much deserved company. ;) I'll post pictures once I get it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2011
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A.Z is getting the Fate/Zero treatment. The initial plan was to release 12 episodes, then wait out a season, and then do another 12 episodes. So, technically, no ending thus far. :D You can go back to liking it. Please? I need some reassurance that it got better after episode 6, because I began to lose faith in that show early on. :lol: I need to get back to it. I dropped it at episode 6 (the one with the fist mecha).

I actually stopped on episode 6 awhile back and just finished the last 6 yesterday. I love it haha and yeah I know there's a season 2 but it still doesn't make me feel'll just have to watch it to know why :p

Don Vito

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2011
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I've also finished AoT recently. Nice ending I thought, but god damn, it's going to be a while before any new material surfaces. I know a little bit of the manga as well, and where they're at in the story. This series already has so much legacy, but still so much to go on. I've also spent enough time away from watching the English dub to where I'm not taken back by the Japanese voices, which is one reason I was finally able to get through it this time around.

Speaking of figures and statues, I thought they did a good job with the AoT figures, and I'm not normally a fan of anything with ball joints. The design of the boots actually conceal the knee joint, which is quite a nice touch. Might have to get one at some point.