Anybody Up For An Adventure?


New Member
Sep 13, 2012
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Saint Louis, MI
Hey Guys,
I have been a long time follower of this site as well as a long time fan of extended range guitars and standards as well. I am currently in the process of possibly putting together or developing a marketing plan that would allow me and a few investors "skilled crafstmen" to start a custom guitar company. Our goal would be to simply meet the standards of our customers and that is it. I am not looking to make a fortune, nor am I looking to become a mass production company. I have a bachelors degree in Economics & Statistics, an Associates in Marketing, and a heavy concentration with the Business world. I have studied the process of luthiers, dealt with guitar companies, and have had many conversations with Ed Roman from Ed Roman guitars about this and I think I am ready. Let me assure you this is not going to take off tomorrow, but I am looking for the right group of investors who are willing to make a stamp on the industry we all love so much and help meet the demands of musicians on a budget and those who have plenty to spend. We are not going to make fun of people and deny service because of personal likes and dislikes. If anyone is interested feel free to thread on here. If wanting to discuss things more personally simply email me at I would give my number out, but not on a mass forum site haha... Thank You All

Nicholas Brennan - Current Guitarist of Ancient Observer

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spontaneus orgasmer
Jun 11, 2011
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pickala, nyland.

nobody knows you here. and i think this isn't a site to look for investors/business partners.

ed roman is very know of being quite a shady man. and also known for being quite dead.

"on a budget" guitars are usually produced in asia (or mexico). very rarely is anyone able to sell handmade guitars from their own local shop to people "on a budget".

but good luck anyway.
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canadia
If you were too stupid to realize Ed Roman was a scam artist I'm not sure anyone would want to do business with you. :lol:

Not trying to be a dick, but rather stating the obvious. You clearly don't know what you're doing :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2011
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nobody knows you here. and i think this isn't a site to look for investors/business partners.

ed roman is very know of being quite a shady man. and also known for being quite dead.

"on a budget" guitars are usually produced in asia (or mexico). very rarely is anyone able to sell handmade guitars from their own local shop to people "on a budget".

but good luck anyway.

If you were too stupid to realize Ed Roman was a scam artist I'm not sure anyone would want to do business with you. :lol:

Not trying to be a dick, but rather stating the obvious. You clearly don't know what you're doing :)

Yes, when facepalm is not enough ^Grab My Face!

There are "skilled craftsmen" on this forum, and I think they're already selling their guitars under their own name.

... meet the demands of musicians on a budget and those who have plenty to spend.

That's like asking a horse to race with a Lamborghini.
What you're asking is a factory in somewhere with cheap labor, not hand made customs. Hand made guitar by a luthier is always built to be perfect and to meet the expectations of the customer and that is something you cannot sell to customers with "on a budget". Your plan needs to be iterated through.

skeels pay the beels
Oct 7, 2009
Reaction score
I think we should hear this guy out. I mean, if he can talk to dead guys, then there's no telling what he's capable of!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I just received a large inheritance that should hopefully clear in around 6-12 months. If you can send me your credit card details now, I will happily secure $50,000 from my inheritance as startup funds for your venture and reimburse you any money spent from your credit card, plus 40% interest.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
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New Zealand
I just received a large inheritance that should hopefully clear in around 6-12 months. If you can send me your credit card details now, I will happily secure $50,000 from my inheritance as startup funds for your venture and reimburse you any money spent from your credit card, plus 40% interest.

Seems legit. :yesway:


New Member
Sep 13, 2012
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Saint Louis, MI
Honestly didn't realize how narrow minded and inconsiderate the people on this forum are, I am not nor have I ever thus far attempted to ask anybody for money. Just because I do not post on this website on a daily basis does not mean I haven't used this site for multiple reasons reviews, gear, tech questions, general q & a's. Let me explain who I am before everyone else decides to team up against this scam artist who has simply been trying to do something impactful on this world that he could be proud of. I am a 23 year old Central Michigan University graduate who just got accepted to Notre Dame's grad program, I don't have a family and I work 45+ hours a week at a local convience store to pay bills for my piece of shit apartment, while maintaning a 3.9 gpa.

I wasn't on here to be made fun of, I was hoping to network maybe find a couple skilled luthiers, artists, guitar geeks, and passionate people like myself.

I realize it would be to hard to actually ask a person what exactly he has in mind or what he envisions. It's way easier to be like the reply ahead of him and make fun of the person posting the forum so they can recieve cognitive gratification while avoiding the hardships of their own life.

I hope you guys realize how unhelpful you have been, and i'm sure tomorrow you guys can wake up and make fun of more people.... You guys are not bad people i'm sure, but to be so disrespectful when a young adult was just trying to find some possible connections to help turn a dream into reality is crude, pointless, and shows how poor spirited humanity can be.

Sorry To Waste Everyone's Time

-Nick Brennan

iron blast

Northern Winds
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois
Nick to be fair you did come off abit shady there have been alot of bad apples that have came thru and scammed members here. Sarcasm is also big here try to be a little thicker skinned bro
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canadia
I have studied the process of luthiers, dealt with guitar companies, and have had many conversations with Ed Roman from Ed Roman guitars about this and I think I am ready.

This is the problem in your original post. You clearly are NOT ready for anything if you don't realize who Ed Roman really was.

Honestly didn't realize how narrow minded and inconsiderate the people on this forum are, I am not nor have I ever thus far attempted to ask anybody for money. Just because I do not post on this website on a daily basis does not mean I haven't used this site for multiple reasons reviews, gear, tech questions, general q & a's. Let me explain who I am before everyone else decides to team up against this scam artist who has simply been trying to do something impactful on this world that he could be proud of. I am a 23 year old Central Michigan University graduate who just got accepted to Notre Dame's grad program, I don't have a family and I work 45+ hours a week at a local convience store to pay bills for my piece of shit apartment, while maintaning a 3.9 gpa.

I wasn't on here to be made fun of, I was hoping to network maybe find a couple skilled luthiers, artists, guitar geeks, and passionate people like myself.

I realize it would be to hard to actually ask a person what exactly he has in mind or what he envisions. It's way easier to be like the reply ahead of him and make fun of the person posting the forum so they can recieve cognitive gratification while avoiding the hardships of their own life.

I hope you guys realize how unhelpful you have been, and i'm sure tomorrow you guys can wake up and make fun of more people.... You guys are not bad people i'm sure, but to be so disrespectful when a young adult was just trying to find some possible connections to help turn a dream into reality is crude, pointless, and shows how poor spirited humanity can be.

Sorry To Waste Everyone's Time

-Nick Brennan

Your SOB story is great, and all, but actually you DID ask for money and insulting us isn't really doing you any favours.

Good luck with your endeavours, but you might want to bother doing real research before you ask for money next time though. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2011
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I wasn't on here to be made fun of, I was hoping to network maybe find a couple skilled luthiers, artists, guitar geeks, and passionate people like myself.
From as long as i can remember, when someone wants to network or find people with similar interests, does so in easy steps. Imagine getting into a bar where a known group of guitar geeks hang out, get close and say: "Hey I'm Joe, let's start a guitar company"

"Yeah! Why not?"
Whatever happens in real life applies to internet forums as well


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
If you've been lurking on here a lot, then you'll know there have been numerous guitar companies that have started up, scammed people out of money, and then skipped town. So you'll have to excuse us if we aren't so optimistic as to think, "this time it'll be different." There isn't a person on here who wouldn't be interested in being affiliated with a guitar company or making money off of an investment. But unfortunately the burden is going to call on you to prove that you're not just going to take our money or time and disappear.


spontaneus orgasmer
Jun 11, 2011
Reaction score
pickala, nyland.
if you've really done your research and know so much of this and that and whatnot, you should also know:

you never look for business partners publicly, you do not put up a message saying you want people to come to you. NO! YOU go to them!

because it sends a message to people saying "give me your money, you don't know who i am, what i look like and what do i do. but give me your money"

YOU search for the business partner! YOU get in contact with to potential individuals personally! YOU will do ALL the research yourself!

and you definetly should not give statements like that publicly because you're basicly destroying any credibility you might have had.

now everyone knows that you're and idiot who goes trough the wrong ways and then gets pissed at everyone else for your own mistakes!

people also know now, that you may have had dealings with the fraud king of luthier business himself mr. ed roman. who, like i said, has been dead for a long while now. yet you made it seem like you've had talks with him very recently.

you're giving a shady image of yourself.

nobody believes in what you're trying to get at here.