Anyone got any Mind Blowing Questions?

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Oct 2, 2008
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Pittsburgh, PA
The deaf person one is neat. If they were born def and never heard a sound they couldn't have an inner voice due to not knowing what voices sound like nor how to say or read words. I wonder if their voice is just abunch of grunts and moans that they associate with certain feelings/thoughts kinda like how we do but we have a system in which there are rules and standards that give us understanding of what the other person is trying to communicate.


Unexpected Ally
Sep 10, 2009
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How is babby formed?
also this thread =


Fire and Brimstone
Jan 5, 2010
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
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Reidsville, NC USA
Here's a few.

People who are born deaf.
What do they sound like when they are thinking?
Are they only able to create thought through images?

Do blind people dream in colour?

Share yours :agreed:

I love trying to wrap my head around questions like this. Some answers are simple, yet some can really mind %*&^ you for hours.

Without simply researching answers to questions like this.

Try come up with some!


In regards to this, I think in neither words spoken nor written, or pictures or anything. I think in feelings and emotions.. My thought seems to be implied. I understand it perfectly, but it's hard to explain.. So a lot of the time (especially when I spend a lot of the time isolated.. Such as summer) I find it difficult to put things into words. The only time that I'll think in images, etc. is if I'm actually trying to see something in my mind. Maybe it's possible that blind/deaf people think more so that way.


Jul 7, 2009
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Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
This is something I've thought about alot. Are there other colours? Because I know my colours, and my mind can't even fathom the concept of another colour, but do other people see colours different, and would it be possible to have them different, I mean. We see the purple and green and blue etc, but imagine it. I can't really even put into words the way that question makes me feel.

It's the same with aliens. In TV shows and movies Aliens always have features similar to something on earth, using a nose or eyes, and arms and legs, but would they completely different? For some reason would they not breath? Not use eyesight, but also not hear, how would their body work, what would their understanding of the world be?

Would there be a completely separate system of math that made as much sense to them as ours does for us?

I love my mind sometimes.

Herb Dorklift

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
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If the Devil is so evil, why does he punish bad people in hell? Surely the Devil would hail bad people and make Hell an evil person's heaven?
Oct 2, 2008
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Pittsburgh, PA
This is something I've thought about alot. Are there other colours? Because I know my colours, and my mind can't even fathom the concept of another colour, but do other people see colours different, and would it be possible to have them different, I mean. We see the purple and green and blue etc, but imagine it. I can't really even put into words the way that question makes me feel.

It's the same with aliens. In TV shows and movies Aliens always have features similar to something on earth, using a nose or eyes, and arms and legs, but would they completely different? For some reason would they not breath? Not use eyesight, but also not hear, how would their body work, what would their understanding of the world be?

Would there be a completely separate system of math that made as much sense to them as ours does for us?

I love my mind sometimes.

First part question - People do see colors differently between each other in slight variances. People have different levels of "color blind" such as myself, so I've been told. I see colors just fine I believe but when I take those color blind test's with all the dots and 1 eye closed I don't always see the image hidden in color. I mean, hey this txt is white and the background of the page are 2 different shades of gray and lots of the smiley face emoticons are yellow and blue but the test says I am slightly color blind. I can't see through someone elses eyes so I don't know.

Second question - I like how we are always looking for planetes that have the same quality as earth to see if we can find other lifeforms. That makes sense cause we already know what it takes for us to live here and similair places could sustain life like us buttttt who says aliens have to have the same qualities and requirements as us. I mean they could maybe "breath" sunlight or sustain themselves off of xrays or something. Who knows. Maybe they feed on particular particles of certain gases that are poisonous to us. Just look around on earth and life varies soooooo much. Some things breath water lol. Some don't see and just feel. Some shit freaking flies lolol. Guess we can't look for what we can't even imagine.


BlackendCrust Metal™
Mar 29, 2010
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What happens if you divide by Zero?

One question I'd like answered is, how can I get Synesthesia? I want to be able to *see* sounds and hear colors. That to me would be the best.

one word: LSD

Should they allow blind people to drive (cars)?:nuts:


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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This is something I've thought about alot. Are there other colours? Because I know my colours, and my mind can't even fathom the concept of another colour, but do other people see colours different, and would it be possible to have them different, I mean. We see the purple and green and blue etc, but imagine it. I can't really even put into words the way that question makes me feel.

It's the same with aliens. In TV shows and movies Aliens always have features similar to something on earth, using a nose or eyes, and arms and legs, but would they completely different? For some reason would they not breath? Not use eyesight, but also not hear, how would their body work, what would their understanding of the world be?

Would there be a completely separate system of math that made as much sense to them as ours does for us?

I love my mind sometimes.

There are theorised different colours, because as I said we only see a tiny fraction of the light spectrum. Some people have conditions where somehow they can see parts of the spectrum we can't. There are actually some people who can see infrared light in everyday life.

Well theres a concept called the universal laws of nature, which basicaly defines the fact that all life must theoretically live based on the same physics principles as us. Gravity, friction, heat etc these are all forces that do not change however far into the universe you go. Their behaviour may change, but the forces themselves are still the same. Likewise, naturual processes couldn't change. Animals would sill need to eat something, or take in energy somehow. Now obviously ecosystems could be based on a completely different elemental body. There could be organisms that breath methane and have silicon based bodies. Then theres the idea of plants; perhaps plants give off different gases and use different elements to produce energy on another planet. In which case, would they need to be green? You could have jungles full of purple, black or blue plants depending on their makeup. The thing is, the more you look to the animals we have here, the less extreme these concepts of aliens appear to be. We have animals on earth that perform mind boggling feats over nature, and it does beg the question that in different environments, how might other organisms overcome these issues? Also, might whole new branches of organisms evolve, or are the creatures we have on earth the blueprint for all life? Will there be mammals, repltiles and birds on other planets as we know them?

Lots of different civilizations have had different ways of doing maths that are as alien as you could imagine. Even now we won't entirely understand some of them.