Anyone here bench, lift weights, etc?


Hwat you call me?
Mar 17, 2010
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Spring, Texas
Over the Easter Weekend we had family come over that we don't get to see often, only usually at holidays such as these, and when my uncle saw me he said "Hey whenever I see you, you get bigger and bigger *demonstrating bigger arms and traps*!" I laughed and accepted his compliment, I guess I must be doing something right haha.

Anyway, I maxed out on my back squat and bench last week. The bench was for fun because I haven't maxed out in a long time, and I went from 170 lbs to 190 lbs, so I'll take that no problem, while my back squat went up from 315 lbs to 335 lbs, which I'll also take no problem as well. Since I focus on Olympic-lifting, I do high bar back squats instead of the low bar or powerlifting squats I read that you guys do. I took a week off, and now it's off to a quick 4 week program, week off, and then 6 week program. Gotta love the snatch and clean and jerk!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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I badly need to get back into the gym, had a hectic 4-6 weeks between work, uni and recording/getting new band members up to speed as well as running a business :lol:. My problem is that I'm a former fatty, use to be 20 stone at 16 and lost 8 of it by the time I was 19 (21 now sitting at 13 stone), with not that much muscle mass and not great cardio, fat man in an average guys body :lol:. Planning on getting on a good 3-day full body 5x5 or 3x8 workout, only have 35-40 minutes to complete it in which is a killer, but more intensity :D.

One thing I'll recommend for folks that struggle with staying within a calorie deficit, psyllium husk. Pretty much all fibre and bought from health shops, 3-5g with a good amount of water and it expands in your stomach, giving the sensation of fullness. Handy if I've had a meal out with friends the evening before and want to cut back more calories today without having food on my mind the entire day.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
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My lifts are down to box squatting, standing military press, kettlebell snatch and swing but my main "lift" is sled drags on grass.

If you are not doing sled drags or pushing a prowler you are really missing out. It is like getting injections of pure energy when you recover.

I was very into the sport of powerlifting when I was younger but the older I've got the more ridiculous it seems. Who can smoke the most weed is not a sport and neither is who can take the most gear.


Hwat you call me?
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
My lifts are down to box squatting, standing military press, kettlebell snatch and swing but my main "lift" is sled drags on grass.

If you are not doing sled drags or pushing a prowler you are really missing out. It is like getting injections of pure energy when you recover.

I was very into the sport of powerlifting when I was younger but the older I've got the more ridiculous it seems. Who can smoke the most weed is not a sport and neither is who can take the most gear.

Pushing prowlers gas me out so fast. That only means I got to do them more! I usually do 3-4 sets of 50m prowler sprints, and I'm usually dead by the 3rd set. It's pretty bad because I also don't have any additional weight on them :lol:


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
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Dayton, OH
Competed in my first powerlifting event yesterday. Weighed in at 160 lbs. the morning of. Finished the day going 6/9 with a 430 squat, 230 bench, and 445 deadlift for an 1,105 total. I gave it everything I had, and the only person I can blame for not having a better total is myself. I'm happy with it, and it was a great experience. I told myself I was done powerlifting until after basic training and tech school, but I think I might do one more meet before I leave. As long as I powerlift and work on endurance as well, I'll be totally fine. :lol:


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
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Pushing prowlers gas me out so fast. That only means I got to do them more! I usually do 3-4 sets of 50m prowler sprints, and I'm usually dead by the 3rd set. It's pretty bad because I also don't have any additional weight on them :lol:

hah nice.
I did bear crawls pulling the sled today at a park and then stand up and go to failure. Feels like I got ran over by a truck right now.

Mike that sounds like a pretty good total at 160. I would think you should be able to get your bench up to 275 no problem.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
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Jesus, this interview is awkward...but hilarious. The guys on Barbell Shrugged dick ride Louie Simmons so hard, so to have Chad Wesley Smith basically say "Well, just because it works for some people doesn't mean Louie is the greatest of all time" and just crush them spiritually makes me laugh. :lol:

Simmons would say Yuri Verkhoshansky is the best strength coach of all time. You do have to appreciate that it wasn't that long ago there was Simmons Powerlifting USA articles and everything else was bodybuilding bro science nonsense as far as training knowledge goes.

Bashing Simmons is just a way to try to make a name for yourself because there really isn't anything left to figure out since Verkhoshansky. Incredibly brilliant guy with the Soviet Olympic team at their disposal to figure out what works and what does not. Simmons adapted those ideas to powerlifting. Barbell Shrugged is fun for awhile but there is only so much to talk about.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
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Competed in my first powerlifting event yesterday. Weighed in at 160 lbs. the morning of. Finished the day going 6/9 with a 430 squat, 230 bench, and 445 deadlift for an 1,105 total. I gave it everything I had, and the only person I can blame for not having a better total is myself. I'm happy with it, and it was a great experience. I told myself I was done powerlifting until after basic training and tech school, but I think I might do one more meet before I leave. As long as I powerlift and work on endurance as well, I'll be totally fine. :lol:

Amazing job bro. You pushed yourself and hit some very good numbers.

Which branch are you going in? I'm in the Air Force currently

Captain Shoggoth

Gotoh 1996T shill
Feb 8, 2011
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Leeds, UK
Competed in my first powerlifting event yesterday. Weighed in at 160 lbs. the morning of. Finished the day going 6/9 with a 430 squat, 230 bench, and 445 deadlift for an 1,105 total. I gave it everything I had, and the only person I can blame for not having a better total is myself. I'm happy with it, and it was a great experience. I told myself I was done powerlifting until after basic training and tech school, but I think I might do one more meet before I leave. As long as I powerlift and work on endurance as well, I'll be totally fine. :lol:

Awesome. Those numbers are pretty close to my current short-term goals, with the exception of the squat which is WAY higher. Really good result man


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Thanks, guys! Also, Metalhead, I'm in the Air Force as well. I leave for Lackland on June 22nd.


SSO's Fat Mac
Aug 31, 2013
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Upstate NY
Hey dudes, I have a question. I've been working out a lot the last few months, and I've noticed that the soreness I get after working out seems to be more delayed. When I was in my earlier stages, when I worked out a body part I would almost always get sore in that part the next day. Now, it seems like the next day I'm not sore, but two days after working out that body part I get sore in that part.

Is this good/bad/normal? I don't mind it at all really.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
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Hey dudes, I have a question. I've been working out a lot the last few months, and I've noticed that the soreness I get after working out seems to be more delayed. When I was in my earlier stages, when I worked out a body part I would almost always get sore in that part the next day. Now, it seems like the next day I'm not sore, but two days after working out that body part I get sore in that part.

Is this good/bad/normal? I don't mind it at all really.

It's normal. That's how it works with me also. Always 2 days after. It's called DOMS, or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It's just your body repairing itself. You just feel the effects a little later


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
Just ordered a pair of those reebok shoes Gunshow was talking about a few pages back. I'm a cheap bastard so i looked for a sale on the cheaper canvas construction versions, so mine won't look nearly as classy as his.

Figured I should get more specific foot gear if I'm going to keep chugging along in squats; lifting in five fingers was starting not work as I'm not as locked into the floor with the smooth soles.

squats and deads have stalled because working them while playing a running sport is making for extremely sore days and affects my performance. figured when the season ends i'll make up for lost time


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
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Ruhrpott, Germany
For some weeks now I try to go to the gym every other day. I noticed that training one body part only once a week doesn't trigger anything. However I want to know if i might improve my schedule.

My routine looks like this right now:

Week 1
Monday: Pull Day including leg workout for leg biceps (or however it's called in english)
Wednesday: Push Day including quads and calves
Friday: Heavy Pull Day (basically dealifts and heavy rows)
Sunday: Heavy Push Day (basically squats and heavy bench press)

Week 2
Tuesday: Pull day (look above)
Thursday: Push day (look above)
Saturday: 300-Workout

repeat week 1 and 2

So what I'm trying to do is implement more powerlifting stuff and HIIT while still maintaining what I would call "pump" days. Also I don't want to overtrain my muscles but still hit each major muscle group at least twice a week.

Any thoughts/comments? Anyway to do this better? Any suggestions?


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Having two heavy days in a row that partially and fully target legs (deadlift and squats) might hinder your recovery time. I would alternate between one week doing heavy deadlifts and high-rep/lightweight squats, then speed deadlifts/heavy squats. I think you'll see more progress that way. Other than that, I don't really have any gripes. :yesway: