Anyone here bench, lift weights, etc?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2015
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Florence, Italy/Dresden, Germany
Taking some time to reflect in the rugby off-season about what i can physically do better to make my game more aggressive (if i know i have physicality, mentally i will be more aggressive).

the short answer: sprinting, speed, strength, and size.

the long answer: more body weight explosive movements, such as squat jumps and burpees for conditioning and speed, might as well throw some speed ladders in there with sprints and prowler work.

strength + size = equals a dedicated deadlift day so tons of volume (bar speed paramount) can be achieved. Bulgarian method for squatting, my daily minimum is 190lbs so working from that is not too terrible. also drop setting for more volume.

continuing bench because why not? but adding more push ups, dips, pullups.

i want to win collisions... plus dropping down to 185lbs sucks and i want to be over 190lbs again :lol::lol:

I'll be blunt...if you squat 190, there's no point in training bulgarian style (not even if that 190 were kilos...!). If you're off-season, use it to build some wheels with squat volume, with some focus on bar speed as you say, while you'll be better off transitioning to BW oriented training in-season.

Bench and OHP, yes...and lots of it.

How long the off-season is? How old are you? If you're in your late teens/early 20's, and have 3 months, a solid run to 200lbs BW should be in the cards.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2015
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Florence, Italy/Dresden, Germany


Sorry Mike...great shape, but it's still a no-go (pet peeve of mine :fawk: )


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
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Dayton, OH
Sorry Mike...great shape, but it's still a no-go (pet peeve of mine :fawk: )

I don't have a more recent photo in a tank top (with no beard and more hair), but how do you feel about cut-offs?



Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2015
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Florence, Italy/Dresden, Germany
Mike, are you ready for the meet? I wish you many PRs!

Also, guys, keep an eye on the IPF raw worlds, currently being held in Finland: some insane numbers are being thrown around...!


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
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Dayton, OH
I think so! Current weight is now 166.4 at night, which gives me hope of morning weight being under 166. Haven't done much at all this week, so my body is certainly getting rest. Gonna lay off carbs for the most part tomorrow, which is going to suck, but it'll be worth it. Ready to lay it down.


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Woke up at 163.5 today. Safe to say that I'm going to hold back on food today, weigh in tomorrow morning, and then eat a bunch of crap to load up my carbs.


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
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Dayton, OH
Sorry, guys. I've been preparing for basic. Meet didn't go as planned, but I still managed a 20 lb total PR. Finished with a 435 squat, 245 bench, and 445 deadlift. Also attempted a 450 squat and cut it high, but the weight was there. Just got into my own head and got scared. Looking to compete early next year, after I'm settled at my duty station and can hold around 180 lbs body weight. Probably won't compete until I have a 500 deadlift.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
I'll be blunt...if you squat 190, there's no point in training bulgarian style (not even if that 190 were kilos...!). If you're off-season, use it to build some wheels with squat volume, with some focus on bar speed as you say, while you'll be better off transitioning to BW oriented training in-season.

Bench and OHP, yes...and lots of it.

How long the off-season is? How old are you? If you're in your late teens/early 20's, and have 3 months, a solid run to 200lbs BW should be in the cards.

ugh, just getting to this now...

I squat 340 at last 1rm check, but i use volume training more than low reps regardless of what time of year it is so my current max is unknown. as of now i had my dad (former track athlete) check my sprinting form, and my fiancee (multiple sports) is doing footwork drills with me now so i have some finesse... emphasis on some lol

but im in my mid-20s, so gains are still there but my metabolism is slowing down noticeably.

and lastly, off-season end i think the last week of August... so there's time but i'm lighting a fire under my ass to perform at a much higher level, cuz better play equals more field time (no B/secondary squad to speak of)


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2009
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I'm trying to get back into lifting but it's difficult since my new job screwed up my sleeping and lifting schedule.
Beginning of the year I was benching 225×9 and now I'm back to 225×4. It really sucks


SSO's Fat Mac
Aug 31, 2013
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Upstate NY
I've been keeping up the 4-5 day workout plan and I'm feeling some improvements, whether on weight, reps, or form. I've been working out my chest 2 times a week because I feel rather underdeveloped there. I last did chest on Monday, pretty sure my last bench set was 135 or 145x5. Not a lot at all but I'm crap at benching.

My highest most recent deadlift set was 260x4. I'm happy with that, my back is the only body part I feel really confident about :lol:

I've been trying to do high rep squats, I was squatting in the 205-225 area last week. Haven't done legs yet this week but I've got a 4 hour drive home today and tomorrow the gym is closed so I may not be able to get it in.

Current goals for myself are: Bench 175, deadlift 300, squat 250. When I'm home for the weekend I'm gonna go restock on protein, that'll help me out a lot since I've been without any protein shakes lately.

Captain Shoggoth

Gotoh 1996T shill
Feb 8, 2011
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Leeds, UK
Goddamn, long time no post. Mike, you look insane, I've never seen anyone transform as fast as you. I know obviously it's super possible with dedication for anyone but not many people have that level.

Fasting for Ramadan and cutting at the same time. ....'s grim but gotta do what you gotta do. Gone down from 94kg to 91 so far (I got super fat), didn't quite meet my 450kg total before the cut but got to 425 (90 B/145 SQ/190 DL) so I'm doing alright. Started doing some direct arm work for the first time and it's paying off, I look and feel a little better already and my noodle arms are finally beginning to look vaguely proportional to my barrel chest :lol:. Planning to cut until October-ish, I'm glad I got wanting to be huge out of my system, and being bearmode was fun but at 5'7 I realised I'd much rather just be ripped and have good relative strength at about 74kg.

some pictures of my fat ass from a few weeks ago pre-cut and pre-arms training (no pump, as you can no doubt tell):





Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
can i share how awful it is to lift and have crohns disease? had a mini flare-up over the past week and a half and of course my weight dropped again and now im back to where i was in may :mad:

starting to think i might just concentrate on strength gains and putting weight on at a slower pace.. seems like anytime i concentrate on bulking i flare up. .... sucks

Captain Shoggoth

Gotoh 1996T shill
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
can i share how awful it is to lift and have crohns disease? had a mini flare-up over the past week and a half and of course my weight dropped again and now im back to where i was in may :mad:

starting to think i might just concentrate on strength gains and putting weight on at a slower pace.. seems like anytime i concentrate on bulking i flare up. .... sucks

jeez man that sucks, my flatmate last year had crohns and she had problems, must be rough.

I think strength is always a good yardstick to aim for. The bar never lies


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Some hip flexor/quad pain kept me out of squatting for a while. Tried to ease back into it in early June, but it seemed to be too early. Stayed out of it for a while, eased back in with some front squats, and recently put the bar on my back on for a second attempt at returning to back squats and had some success. Put up 275x6 (All time squat PR is a 370 single set shortly before the problems arrived). Not bad after so much time off of the movement. I squat with a much slower descent than I used to, seems to help ward off the pain.

Aside from that, I've beat my best deadlift set of 355x6 and went beyond, lifting 370 for a pretty speedy set of 6 last Wednesday. Wouldn't be surprised if I make it to at least 385x6 soon. Ever since I matched my old PR of 355x6 I've been adding 5 pounds each week without difficulty increasing very much. I am also closing in on matching my bench touch and go best of 155x6 with paused reps.

I think I mentioned getting into lifting with a belt the last couple times I posted, but I bailed on it. I prefer to lift beltless. I gave it a shot, at least. I also ditched my knee sleeves and I'm starting to enjoy squatting in chuck taylors again. I'm glad I at least got some use out of those two unlike the belt that I only used for a few weeks. All of these decisions are out of preference. I don't compete, so I pick whatever feels most comfortable and not what helps me lift the most weight.

I went into this summer planning on doing volume training, and now I'm doing the exact opposite by going with around the least amount of volume I can progress with :lol:. I've almost always done one top set of deadlifts once a week, but now I'm cutting more and more bench and squat volume to the point where I am likely to push forward with one top set twice a week on each (top set meaning the heaviest set. I still do a few warm up sets). I'm especially interested to see how my bench responds. My front squats were responding well to the low volume, but I'll have to see how this works out now that the bar is on my back again. Accessory lifts are limited to pullups, dips, some gripper work (I gave it a shot and I'm hooked for the time being, very speedy progress. Can't hurt to work on grip strength when it comes so easily), and some farmer's walks (Not the biggest fan of these anymore, and they would be out if my dad wasn't into them. Gotta fit in that father/son time when I can). From here, I can flesh out my routine and add volume and additional accessory work as needed one variable at a time to get a decently accurate measurement of how it effects my lifts, if at all, instead of throwing in tons of new variables at once and having trouble pinning down what is beneficial and what isn't.

It's too soon to tell for bench if the lower volume approach is working as I recently switched to pause bench to see if it will help bust this ridiculous plateau I have (Closest thing I have to a PR on that lift this summer was a 155x6 that felt easier than a 155x6 I have done in the past, and I also think I may have done 160x5 besting a 160x4 I did back in school but I'm not quite sure). The plan with bench is to focus mostly on sub-max weights, eventually setting a 5 pound PR and then backing off a bit before working back up again to another 5 pound PR.