Anyone here bench, lift weights, etc?

Captain Shoggoth

Gotoh 1996T shill
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Was checking progress and pulled 3plate deadlift for 2 reps last week. Goal of hitting 4plate before I go to university feeling a lot more realistic :yesway:

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Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
corncountry IL
Haha, this made me laugh. I got stuck in my forever belt too, years ago. If you can find a pillar you can wrap the loose portion around it and twist your hips til it comes undone.

:lol: Happened to me also, a couple times.
Learned my lesson ended up using a small screwdriver to effectively ream-out the holes just enough to not get stuck again.
I only use belts on barbell curls and overhead pressing.


Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Yorkshire, U.K
Strength has been going up very steady on my new routine, but I'm starting to have a knee issue on the squat now I'm up to a fairly heavy weight (repping 130kg). I feel like I have my form down pretty tight and others agree - fairly wide stance with toes pointed out and my knees tracking over my feet. However I started getting a 'tight' left knee - it would take a fair amount of warming up. Felt like I was stretching some tight band over it when I squatted, until I had a couple of sets out at which point it was fine. Now however I'm having a dull ache lasting days after the workouts, and it's come to a point this week where I think it's on the border of injury. What do I do at this point to begin to sort it out?

Also, my girlfriend is joining my gym :hbang: I liked a pic of Jen Selters ass on Facebook and she popped up requesting I make her like that, so :lol: Thankfully she's well into the idea of training properly and lifting heavy weights. Should be fun! I need tips for what routine to put her on. She just needs to lose a bit of weight (probably 27% bf) and build some muscle. Her job and training traveling to a hospital mean she isn't here a lot and can't train too frequently. Some weeks would be weekends and Wednesday, some weeks weekends only. Other weeks 4 or 5 days a week no problem. So it's pretty inconsistent. I feel like Squats, Deads, Bench, Rows and Overhead Press combined with some interval sprinting would be a good start - but how to split it up so the days are flexible, infrequent weeks are still as effective as can be, and each single workout isn't too much?

Lifting meet this weekend. Shooting for 100kg bench, 170kg deadlift and 150kg squat (if my knee is ok after a week of rest) at 74kg bw


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Tried the new plan I posted above. Almost everything is super-setted (that's a word now). I haven't had too many sore days since starting and drinking a shit ton of BCAAs everyday, but I did back and chest yesterday, and holy shit am I sore. Today is legs/abs, so I can already tell walking up the stairs for a shower is going to be a treacherous feat. :lol:


Schecter faithful
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Tarleton State University
Just got my $100 order of supps from Bodybuilding and what do you know? They put (almost) everything on the site 15% off the day after. Just my luck. I guess I might get some Casein and BCAAs...


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
Was checking progress and pulled 3plate deadlift for 2 reps last week. Goal of hitting 4plate before I go to university feeling a lot more realistic :yesway:

Nice. 3 plates on any lift is a big milestone. I just hit 4 plates on DL 4ish months ago and it was an amazing feeling. A few weeks later I pulled 425. I'm not sure what my true max is, I keep getting tired before I think my strength has really given out.


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Just got my $100 order of supps from Bodybuilding and what do you know? They put (almost) everything on the site 15% off the day after. Just my luck. I guess I might get some Casein and BCAAs...

For BCAAs, GET MUSCLEPHARM'S AMINO1! That shit is magical. I bought the lemon-lime flavor. Tastes straight up like Kool-aid, and it makes recovery so much easier. I'm hardly ever sore for more than a day when drinking it. Usually leg days take me like 3 days to fully recover. I'm down to one now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2008
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I've gone full circle basically in my years of training. I'm really getting away from heavy free weights and doing much more light resistance, body weight, plyo, agility, running, yoga etc. training basically crossfit/P90x stuff. The heavy weights just seem to wear on my joints and make me feel old and broken for lack of a better term. I have wayy more energy and explosiveness now, feels great.


Schecter faithful
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Tarleton State University
For BCAAs, GET MUSCLEPHARM'S AMINO1! That shit is magical. I bought the lemon-lime flavor. Tastes straight up like Kool-aid, and it makes recovery so much easier. I'm hardly ever sore for more than a day when drinking it. Usually leg days take me like 3 days to fully recover. I'm down to one now.

Thanks man, and I feel ya on the leg day recovery, I'm in the same boat you were. I'm on a 3 day rotation of legs/core, arms, chest and back, then repeat with a rest on every Tuesday, so sometimes my legs aren't even back to feeling right before I have to do them again. I decided I couldn't justify spending more money right now. I should have enough of a supply to last until I'm back to work, so maybe next time. Musclepharm stuff is so expensive though, it really puts me off. I've been bouncing around between BPI(and it's subsidiary, Image Sports), Met-Rx, and Body Fortress(ultra cheap). Are Musclepharm sups really that much better to justify the extra cost?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
Thanks man, and I feel ya on the leg day recovery, I'm in the same boat you were. I'm on a 3 day rotation of legs/core, arms, chest and back, then repeat with a rest on every Tuesday, so sometimes my legs aren't even back to feeling right before I have to do them again. I decided I couldn't justify spending more money right now. I should have enough of a supply to last until I'm back to work, so maybe next time. Musclepharm stuff is so expensive though, it really puts me off. I've been bouncing around between BPI(and it's subsidiary, Image Sports), Met-Rx, and Body Fortress(ultra cheap). Are Musclepharm sups really that much better to justify the extra cost?

they have big doses of ingredients + a good marketing scheme and thus a large following. there's enough companies doing what their doing so it all comes down to personal preference at this point. im a huge allmax fan cuz they dont use proprietary blends, but i dont think i could say reliably that their products would give better results than musclepharm. just remember...



Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Thanks man, and I feel ya on the leg day recovery, I'm in the same boat you were. I'm on a 3 day rotation of legs/core, arms, chest and back, then repeat with a rest on every Tuesday, so sometimes my legs aren't even back to feeling right before I have to do them again. I decided I couldn't justify spending more money right now. I should have enough of a supply to last until I'm back to work, so maybe next time. Musclepharm stuff is so expensive though, it really puts me off. I've been bouncing around between BPI(and it's subsidiary, Image Sports), Met-Rx, and Body Fortress(ultra cheap). Are Musclepharm sups really that much better to justify the extra cost?

Would I say that they're worlds better? Not necessarily. Obviously some of the increased cost comes from their marketing campaign and affiliation with Arnold, including the new Arnold Series supplements. But I don't have a great frame of reference since this is the first time I've used MP stuff. I don't use it for everything, as I currently use Body Fortress for my whey protein, and Six Star for creatine. But I do like the results I've had, therefor I'm going to try more of their products.


Beef Jerky Time
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
Canyon Lake, TX
:woot: Feeling on top of the world right now. Hit a huge milestone on bench today. Did heavy singles trying to find out my "true" max. Did 315, 320, 325, 330, 335 and 340. The 340 took a lot out of me. I didn't think I had 345, but I decided to Yolo it for 350 instead (because I'm smart like that). And................................ I actually locked it out (full pause at the bottom too)! :yesway:

I'm actually maxing out on everything this week. I need to adjust my 1RM for the percentages, since I'm way ahead of the Wendler schedule on bench and deadlift (my 1+ set last cycle on bench I did 10 reps).


Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
corncountry IL
Maybe there's a reason I'm not seeing, but why buy BCAAs separately?

You can get whey isolate for about $1.25 per 60g serving, but you not only get about 10g of BCAAs out of it, you also get another 50g of whey isolate on top of the BCAAs for your $1.25.

Looks like BCAAs alone for a 10g serving is pushing $1 per serving.

Even for someone cutting weight, pure whey-isolate powder has only a gram or two of added carbs and/or fat.

edit; well my math was a little off, looks closer to like $1.50 vs $.75 per serving, but still, if you're using whey-isolate I wouldn't think there would be a need for a BCAA sup., especially if you eat many other quality protein sources like eggs, dairy, meat ect..


Beef Jerky Time
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
Canyon Lake, TX
Did heavy singles on squat today, hit an all-time PR of 440 (belted, no wraps). :yesway:

Question: I don't post workout stuff to Facebook because I think it's too narcissistic. Do you guys think it's better or worse posting it here, semi-anonymously? :scratch: :lol:


Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
corncountry IL
Did heavy singles on squat today, hit an all-time PR of 440 (belted, no wraps). :yesway:

Question: I don't post workout stuff to Facebook because I think it's too narcissistic. Do you guys think it's better or worse posting it here, semi-anonymously? :scratch: :lol:

If I were hitting PRs I'd probably be posting it also.

Have you done a good photo spread on here yet?
Can't really be considered a legit self-absorb until you do some good public flex-posing:lol:.