Anyone here bench, lift weights, etc?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2015
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Florence, Italy/Dresden, Germany
The plan looks good man...not completely sold on mid-to-low-volume benching, but give it an honest shot and see how it goes!
Strange that the bench lags so much behind the other lifts, though...!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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The plan looks good man...not completely sold on mid-to-low-volume benching, but give it an honest shot and see how it goes!
Strange that the bench lags so much behind the other lifts, though...!

It's always been behind my other lifts. Could have something to do with my build/leverages. I don't know. I do what I can to work with it. Prior to June I was doing a lot more volume as a part of lifting at school, but I think there was a lot of junk thrown in there that may have pushed me over the sweet spot. I've never given lower volume benching a shot, so that's why I'm experimenting with it now. I'd rather waste time trying something new than waste time doing the same thing I was doing before and hoping that it magically starts working. If I do add more bench volume I'll probably try having a heavier, lower rep set, followed by one or more lighter, higher rep sets considering I've taken the same weight, same rep range, but more sets approach to volume since I've started lifting and my bench seemed to not really respond to it.

Hopefully it picks up sometime soon; otherwise, I might end up a freak with a sub 200 bench and a 500 deadlift by the end of the year (The disparity might be even larger if I was proficient with a belt) :lol:.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
Deadlift, and squat today... decided pyramid prowler sprints were a good idea...

probably one of my worst ideas... dat pump tho


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2007
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Just setup my own PT gym. I am now 100% self employed - teaching instruments and training people at home.



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
anyone ever had an experience with gym trainers giving you the fuzzy eyeball or treating you rudely?

i've been at a healthclub style place for the past year because of a discount i get with work, it has a decent weight room but only one squat rack :ugh:

needless to say when a trainer needs a squat rack for a client i go out of my way to cut my sets short and then go back later to get my volume (i also share if other people need to use the rack).

but for whatever reason, this one guy constantly gives me the "when will this douche be done?" face whenever i show up and always asks when my sets will be over.

this is starting to come to a head with me as none of the other trainers act this way.

last night i went to do 3 prowler sets after asking permission from another trainer to use it (gym policy says the sled is for clients, but they hardly use it). The best part is, the head trainer who ordered the damn thing is right there when i asked.

of course rude trainer sees me and starts bugging the other guy "is this ok? are you sure about that?" after stripping the sled down i even disinfected it and put it away for the guy.. still got attitude for it!

it's pretty aggravating.. i really can't wait to move soon and find a new gym centered around lifting... maybe this won't be a reoccurring theme.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2015
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Florence, Italy/Dresden, Germany
I see no issues with him asking you how many sets you've left...but the "move on" face is downright unprofessional.

I'd just ask him the reason for this confrontational behaviour...if nothing good comes out of it, have a talk with the head trainer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2015
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Florence, Italy/Dresden, Germany
It looks like I'll be going to the IPF World Championships this November in Hamm, Luxembourg, as a handler/helper to my good friend and training mate Massimiliano Buccioni, who'll compete in the -83 class.

Looking forward to this will be great to be able to see all the monsters from up close, and I hope Max will put up a good show and make PR's!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
It looks like I'll be going to the IPF World Championships this November in Hamm, Luxembourg, as a handler/helper to my good friend and training mate Massimiliano Buccioni, who'll compete in the -83 class.

Looking forward to this will be great to be able to see all the monsters from up close, and I hope Max will put up a good show and make PR's!

that's pretty cool. i can only imagine what the atmosphere is like at that level


finally got seven
Nov 12, 2013
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South Carolina - Upstate
anyone ever had an experience with gym trainers giving you the fuzzy eyeball or treating you rudely? .

It's too bad you're having this problem.

I have held personal training and group training certs, but just don't need the hassle. So I've let them lapse.

Normally, I'm moving 2-3 x the weight their clients are moving, so they don't say anything.

BRB for my next set of ~600lb~ shrugs while your guy curls his 15's.... :lol:

I would, but I'm this way, go right up to him, when he's not with someone, and ask him if he has some problem with me and what it is.
You don't have to be confrontational, just questioning.
Because YOU PAY to be there and he's getting paid to be there.
You have as much right to any 'gym equipment' as anyone else.

Now, before you do this, ask yourself:
Do you grunt a lot
Do you stink, fart, eat tuna out of a can in the weight area (we'd just kill you, not be rude)
Do you sweat stuff up and leave it (example seems to say no)
Do you leave your plates on the bar
IE.. are you a gym idiot...


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
Now, before you do this, ask yourself:
Do you grunt a lot
Do you stink, fart, eat tuna out of a can in the weight area (we'd just kill you, not be rude)
Do you sweat stuff up and leave it (example seems to say no)
Do you leave your plates on the bar
IE.. are you a gym idiot...

This is mainly why i was confused. other than sweating alot because because the AC is busted or the heat turned up too much, i don't do any of this.

i honestly wish at this point i did a Maori war dance in front of the squat rack before i started because then it would be a legitimate gripe.

i've decided that if i am doing squats i just go a little after 6pm when the gym is dead. it's only 1 day a week i have to deal with this.

anyhow, found an interesting article today about vegan bodybuilders getting more notoriety

Vegan bodybuilders reveal how they got ripped by eating just vegetables | Daily Mail Online

what do y'all think?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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West Coast, The Netherlands
Im very interested in/by the vegan and vegetarian lifting stuff. Since Ill probably go vegetarian when me and the gf move in together I've been reading up on it a bunch and it seems doable.

That said a lot of the really big guys built most of their physique on meat and other stuff. They mostly turn vegetarian or vegan later on in their career.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI
Im very interested in/by the vegan and vegetarian lifting stuff. Since Ill probably go vegetarian when me and the gf move in together I've been reading up on it a bunch and it seems doable.

That said a lot of the really big guys built most of their physique on meat and other stuff. They mostly turn vegetarian or vegan later on in their career.

i have a mixed diet, im trying to get waaay more veggies in my system while still eating meat. if anything switching to vegan protein powder is a great start. pound for pound its cheaper, just as effective and won't give you gas


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2008
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Toronto Canada
Update for me that helps the vegan topic above.

Pretty much all my life I have been a veggie that only ate cheese, no meats of any kind.

After a few recovery issues from cycling and a general lack of strength I started to eat a bit of meats. It took two months to get over the various meat hangovers, same as alcohol but from meat. I still can't eat red meat or pork without serious issues.

I also started lifting weights and went from 145 to 160 and can't believe how strong I am. My recovery for cycling is much faster and my power is 25% better across the board. My bench went from a skinny cyclist 45 lb for 5 rally hard reps to 140 for 5 no spotter. 200 is my goal for early next year before I turn 50... Yeah I'm old!

Meat wise I still don't like it, not a fan of the taste and don't crave it at all. Once I get my 200 bench I am going to back off and just do eggs and a bit of chicken but stay with whey protein. For next summer I will need to lean out for bike season but still want to lift, less heavy and more maintenance I think.

Another note on Creatine, I used it for 4 months and it does work as advertised BUT, if your an endurance athlete it does not. The benifit it gives you in strength slows down the muscle speed and increases the lactic acid production, what an unbelievable burn! The coach got me off it and in a week or so the lactic issue went away, I tried it again to be sure and the burn was back in 4 days of loading.



Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2015
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Florence, Italy/Dresden, Germany
Bevo, for some sound advice on combining endurance sports with weight training, make sure to check out Alex Viada's work...he's also recently published a book on the subject, "The hybrid athlete"


Уродливый, но честны
Aug 30, 2007
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成都, 中国
Well, alright. I'm back at it. After a year of setback after setback. Hernias, sickness, brutal schedules, lack of sleep. I made the commitment this week to being in the gym at least 5 days a week again and I'm planning to be back where I was at this time last year by November - 172 lbs. That's a 12-pound gain, but seeing how I was able to hit that goal in 2 months last year, I don't see why I couldn't do it again. But this time, I'm going to try to do it without gainer and I haven't had surgery on my hernia, so I'll have to avoid squats and deadlifts. Leg presses galore, I guess. With supplemental core work.