Anyone play Awesomenauts?


Chuggasaurus Rex
May 31, 2012
Reaction score
Melbourne, AU
Hey guys,

Lately I've been really getting into Awesomenauts, my housemate and I play almost every night online now :hbang:

For those that don't know about this game: Awesomenauts | Ronimo Games it's basically a MOBA-style game that you can play on a local console, or play online. There's also an expanded PC version and a PS4 version now available. Easily some of the best fun I've had in years online and the characters are totally ridiculous in the best way possible.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else on here has played this game, got some tips on builds, or just want to discuss the game in general? I'm down for playing online so if you're up for it, inbox me (I have the Xbox 360 and PC versions).

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