Anyone scuba?

  • Thread starter Cadavuh
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Bounce The ....
May 29, 2008
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Im gonna start my scuba certification process in a few weeks :yesway:. Everyone in my family tells me its heavenly

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Jul 26, 2008
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Nuneaton, England
I did my PADI course thing in Borneo, which was awesome. warm waters, awesome coral. loads of marine life.

unfortunately me personally i am too much of a fanny to carry it on and have to go to cold water places.

i'd definately recommend it. great experience.


Jan 5, 2009
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I did my PADI course thing in Borneo, which was awesome. warm waters, awesome coral. loads of marine life.

unfortunately me personally i am too much of a fanny to carry it on and have to go to cold water places.

i'd definately recommend it. great experience.

Did the same in Perth, Australia and man, it was AWESOME! I can't recommend doing this enough. The equipment has changed fairly significantly since I last went.


I'm a robot...
Dec 5, 2007
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a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
Im gonna start my scuba certification process in a few weeks :yesway:. Everyone in my family tells me its heavenly

Yeah, diving can be really good. I'm actually a divemaster (CMAS *** certified) with Nitrox and Archeology specializations.


Did the same in Perth, Australia and man, it was AWESOME! I can't recommend doing this enough. The equipment has changed fairly significantly since I last went.

the equipment has changed? jeez, when was the last time you went diving?

from the first time I went 12 years ago all the stuff (first and second stages, the suits, the fins, the mask, the gavs and so on) didn't change so much...

the only real change I see are more of design/marketing (changing colours and stuff)

the only thing that come to my mind is that underwater scooter and rebreather (that instead is very risky) started to be more mainstream.

Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
I've never done scuba diving, but I am an avaid snorkeller. The best place I've been so far is Kuredu in the Maldives, so much so that I'm going back next year, I have made it my mission to seek out and observe Moray eels in their natural environments :)


I'm a robot...
Dec 5, 2007
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a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I've never done scuba diving, but I am an avaid snorkeller. The best place I've been so far is Kuredu in the Maldives, so much so that I'm going back next year, I have made it my mission to seek out and observe Moray eels in their natural environments :)

then you should do like Cadavuh and start a scuba certification (in that case I advise CMAS) Maldives are amazing down there so you really should go diving there.

With equipment consider that a lot of stuff is only marketing and is basically fancy design to sell expensive stuff with no real use.

Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
then you should do like Cadavuh and start a scuba certification (in that case I advise CMAS) Maldives are amazing down there so you really should go diving there.

With equipment consider that a lot of stuff is only marketing and is basically fancy design to sell expensive stuff with no real use.

I have considered it, but I don't want the massive expense of buying all of my own equipment, only to use it for two weeks a year. I could rent while I'm there, but that is expensive too, and the fees for the trips out on the diving boat are pricey too. On the other hand, the snorkelling excursions are cheaper, because I have my own snorkelling gear, and since I only needed a snorkel, mask and fins I bought some pretty good stuff.

Unfortunately I broke my mask while on holiday, I always put it on loose and then tightened the straps almost as tight as they would go, but one day I was in too much of a rush to get on the reef, and I tried to pull it on without loosening the straps first. Ping, £60 down the pan! I ended up renting one from the dive shop that was terrible, thank god it was only $4, the rubber was so soft and pliable that it just wouldn't seal onto my face. I ended up using my fiance's mask, which, as a womans mask, was pink and quite a narrow fit, but at least it didn't fog or leak like the one I rented. I won't make the same mistake next year!

I think with the cost involved of just getting to the Maldives, and the fact that I want to spend some money on getting my motorbike certification next year, I probably won't be diving any time soon. One of the best things about the Maldives is that its so flat terrain-wise, and that extends into the sea. Its very shallow for a long way out, and can be snorkelled out to some distance, until the point where it becomes risky to get so far from the beach incase you don't have the strength to get back to the beach. If you are snorkelling from a boat you can see all kinds of awesome stuff and not have to worry about saving energy to get back to the beach.

cataclysm_child UnRegular
Apr 12, 2007
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I took my scuba certification many years ago here in Norway. Took it in the winter, haha, COLD! Ok wasn´t THAT bad, had dry suits or what it´s called in english. I have never been diving in Norway ever since though :p The water is cold, there´s nothing to see and the water is usually muddy -_-

But a couple of years ago I did some scuba diving in the carribean and that, that was AWESOME! All the colorful fishes and the adrenaline with barracudas and everything. Highly recommend it :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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I used to go scuba all the time, almost every weekend when I lived in San Diego. I bought all my gear off of the classifieds for about $150 and it was quite new due to the guy taking up bike racing. We used to catch octupus in the channel and lobster and such in La Jolla. Doesnt have to be expensive if you live near the beach. Most dive shops back then would fill my tank for a buck or so.

I dont go now that I live in Tokyo, too far to get to a dive spot and expensive too. Also I blew out my eardrum 4 years ago in the Philippines, I have a very hard time equalizing. So I really dont do it that often anymore.

I really recommend taking it up and giving a go.

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