Aviator Custom Guitars

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
I've seen more than a few questions about Aviator Guitars on the forums and thought this info would be useful.

ACG have come out with a semi-custom line called the Pilot Edition which has several of their most popular models in a more streamline configuration with more focused options vs their full custom line. There are still options to customize these models but they start at a lower price point and have a smaller range of options however there are some new headstock shapes on offer. Prices seem reasonable for a semi-custom build, a quick spec of a 7 string came out around 2400 EURO's ($3500 CAD) so very competitive compared to other production models on the market and from what I've experienced of their work they are extremely well made guitars. A lot of people see line-up changes like this as a downturn but streamlining a production line often enables the builder to make much better products more quickly, consistently and at a more competitive price, which I believe is the intent here.

What used to be the regular custom line now appears to be the "Ace Edition" and is significantly increased in price from what I can see. I ordered a full custom Fury in Feb/March 2022 and received it in November 2022, a quick rebuild at todays prices seem to show at least a 1000 EURO increase over my cost so there is clearly a re-structuring of the full custom end.

A third line possibly called the "Masterbuilt Edition" (?) shows as coming soon and looks like it will be the AAAAA grade woods, showcase custom line.

They also released a new YouTube video about the company and Jan touches on the new line and the company in general.

I've followed ACG for some years and after taking the plunge on a custom I know they knock out a fantastic instrument, so to see them try to increase their market presence is a great thing IMO. I love to see and support good new brands, especially in the Mid-Top/Top-end range where the offerings are more sparse and certain brands have become complacent charge high prices for what is a very lackluster product. This move by Aviator rings similar to when Skervesen ran their "Velociraptor" model which, as I understand, was a more limited option Raptor at a lower price but still built in the same shop, by the same people as their full custom guitars. I was able to pick one up used for an insane deal and it is easily one of the best guitars I've owned.

I think the small custom shop world is the most interesting and best value-for-money right now but you do need to be diligent when using one as we've all heard the horror stories around some of the smaller builders. From my own experience, ACG are a reputable company, never had an issue with communication during my build, it was completed in the time scale given and the end product was excellent and as spec'd. There are several threads on the forum on ACG so give them a search if your interested, there's lots of pics and good feedback.

As soon as this shit-show of a global recession eases up, that c*nt Putin is put in the ground and the world gets back to some normalcy, I'll be putting my order in for a Predator 7 from the Pilot Edition. Then I can make a direct comparison between that line and the full blown custom.

Anyway, check them out!

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Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
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I was actually looking at these the other day. Been a little while since I played the custom build game, didn't really see a whole lot of draw for the money compared to off the shelf guitars since most places won't do custom neck specs.

Anyone know if these guys will do custom necks?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Yes they do custom neck specs. I ordered mine as a 22 fret instead of 24 with a heel mount truss rod with no issues. Pretty much all aspects can be discussed with Jan.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2021
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@seekfreed has some great aviator guitars . Cool guy we chat in messages too . I should probably get back to him actually . Definitely worth giving him a chat he has some kiilleerr Aviators !