Bad eBay experience

  • Thread starter MoshJosh
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Grand Junction, CO
So I've been using eBay for about a year and a half now and had my share of lame experiences from not getting what I ordered, to having people win my auction and never pay, but this has been my least favorite.

Sorry mods if this is in the wrong place and or not aloud

So as some of you know I was selling my Gibson SG, I just got it but needed the cash. Well dude buys it Saturday night or Sunday morning, I don't know because I was asleep, and my add said to allow 2 business days for processing or whatever.

Well guy emails me this morning asking if I had shipped the guitar yet. I thought I had replied to said message but something didn't work, possibly because I was on the mobile site on my phone, but whatever I take responsibility because I know how it can look from the other side.

Guy messages again say in more words I need to ship the guitar or give him a refund, and he's mad(thats my interpretation) that I didn't email back

so I say very nicely I'm sorry I meant to write him and the guitar will be shipped first thing tomorrow

he reply saying in more or less words (quotes can be provided) Oh I'm glad I could help you out and now the guitars gonna sit on a freezing truck all weekend. better be excellent condition no warps or I'm opening a claim. . .

I politely returned his funds. . .

I didn't say this but it's like heres your money, and thanks for screwing me over and whoever else might have wanted the guitar because I took 3 business days to ship. . .

I know, I know, its not that bad but it really bummed me out. . . and now I get to go take an exam, PEACE!

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So Did We
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
Wow. Entitled asshole.

I'm pretty damn sure they don't just leave crap sitting in a truck when it's not being moved, also.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2014
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Princeton, NJ
Ebay is like a sociopath's wet dream.

When the wife used to occasionally sell mid-price fashion in the UK we came across one buyer who thought it was fair game to buy multiple pairs of the same 300GBP/$500 shoes in different sizes from different sellers at the same time and then just invoke the sellers' return policy when she decided which ones to reject.


Mr. Tophat Jones
Dec 3, 2012
Reaction score
Lawn Guyland
He sounds like a fist sized asshole.

If you buy a guitar and expect it not to need a setup after shipping no matter what time of year it is, you're gonna have a bad time.


Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Some people like to take advantage of Ebay's buyer protection policy and treat it like a try-before-you-buy service. It can be pretty bad. :<


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
In my experience the moment someone starts being less than polite it's best to end the transaction right there. In almost every instance where someone was either picky or frustrated early on in the transaction it resulted in a headache once they received it.


ESP Cult Member
Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
I had a guy get mad because he bought the black chrome tuners I had for sale and they weren't "black". He apparently had no idea what black chrome was. It was clearly listed and pictured in the listing. I told him he could send it back and I would refund them, but I never heard back. I think he was a little embarrassed by that point and also the fact that I refused to pay for shipping.


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Unfortunately ebay doesn't shield us from the asshats out there. I heard that 1% of the population is psycopathic - meaning that they have a poor sense of empathy and cannot put themselves in other peoples shoes to see other points of view. Which, convenientyly, is also the definition of an asshole. So technically, every 100 people we run into are going to produce, on average, 1 asshole. That's pretty depressing odds!

The only saving grace here is that if you had gone through with the sale something tells me this guy would not be out of your hair.


Dang tootin
Jan 2, 2012
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
I've always been lucky with ebay somehow. I hear borrow stories and such, but I've always had no trouble. I laughed when you said you are supposed to ship it out in two days; I don't think I ever shipped something that fast.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Lafayette, IN
I had an experience where a guy sold me a used Mesa Mini Recto in "mint shape". Looked great... arrived and popped like a ............ in use. Was still under warranty, but paperwork wasn't included. Contacted him and he got nasty saying it worked fine. Sent him video footage and his deal was "send it back IMMEDIATELY". Told him I would have to file a claim to cover myself and wait for their approval. He got even nastier, threatening and then said we handle the claim through them and he was disputing it. Upon approval for return and refund, I emailed him the tracking info and he told I shouldn't bother sending it because "it's not going to happen dude". I still shipped it as instructed per Ebay. He refused delivery, which reverted the amp back to me. I contacted Ebay, who promptly refunded my money upon seeing that the shipment was refused. When it came back to me they told me to hold on to it until I heard further from them. After waiting a month, I called them again and was told it was mine, as he violated his terms of the agreement and I was under no obligation to send it back. I told them I'd wait one more month and if contacted me and agreed to pay the shipping, I would return it again.

Fast forward almost 6 weeks and no word from the guy. I called mesa, got approval, and got the amp repaired. Tube sockets were damaged. Sold the amp a few weeks after. Moral of the story... be straight about your stuff, and don't try to break it off in someone. Karma I guess.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2012
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Melbourne, AUS
I sold a tuner once, showed a photo of it working the day I put it up for auction.
Sold the thing, sent it.

I went to sell something a few months later and someone pm'd me asking why I sold something that didn't work. WTF? I thought. Looked through my ratings girl gave me a zero star rating and left comment 'doesn't work I demand a refund' didn't even contact me about the tuner.

It left my place in working condition, would have happily discussed it with her as she was clearly unhappy.

I should check my BPay account to see if she did a reverse charge, but for $20, it probably ain't worth it.
Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
I was going to buy an Ibanez 2127x last December from a guy on eBay and it was the absolute worst experience I've ever had on there. I actually haven't been back on there ever since. For those of you that don't know what the 2127x is, it's just like the 2027x but with a different finish and even more rare. Seeing how I regret not buying a 2027x when I had the chance to play one, I was all over this thing! I messaged the seller and he said he had multiple offers, but they all needed a couple of weeks before they could buy it. I on the other had was ready to pay full price for it on the spot. That being said, I still haggled him a bit, especially since I had the funds to actually buy it. I knew exactly what he had and bartered with respect as to not give a disrespectful low ball offer. After a few messages back and forth, we came to a price that was fair for both of us. I have my bank card set up to only allow small transactions online. So when I make a large purchase, I call in and tell them that I'm making a purchase or X amount of money. I did just that and went to confirm the order, it wouldn't go through. I scratched my head wondering what the Hell was going on and saw that he'd he'd gone in and lowered the price of the guitar down to our agreed price but had increased the shipping by $300!! I messaged him asking if he'd done that by accident and was met with extreme rudeness telling me it wasn't an accident and that he had every right to change the price without telling me and that if I didn't pay he'd report me for not paying. Seeing how I had our all of our communication saved and had proof that he and I agreed on the price of the guitar and the shipping, I firmly said that I would still buy the guitar but only for the price we'd agreed on. He came back with more threats of reporting me for not paying and in the nicest way possible, told him that I would be reporting him and that I'd be showing all of our messages to the powers that be to see how he attempted to rip me off. Someone at eBay reached out to me after investigating the claims and told me that they were in fact sorry about what happened and that he was getting some kind of punishment.... which honestly couldn't have been anything serious unfortunately. They then told me that the seller was "sorry" :rolleyes: and would sell it to me for the price he and I had agreed on. At that point, I didn't want that guy to get one penny from me. So I politely declined the offer.

I'd had nothing but good experiences on there up until that happened. That one bad experience was bad enough that I haven't bought anything since then. :noplease:


Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
"Albuquerque, NM"
I have had many problems on ebay listings. From people trying to scam me, and getting crappy products, and everything in between. One time I bought a pod hd pro on ebay and the guy sent it to me in some pieces of cardboard taped together (I have no idea how or why the post office even accepted it), and the only thing protecting it was like 5 pieces of crumbled newspaper in between the pieces of cardboard. So when I saw it at my door a whole corner of the unit is sticking out and bashed in like no other. I e-mailed the seller and told him what was up, and he was just cursing at me saying that I tried to scam him. I sent him pictures of the item before I even opened the box. So I had to do the ebay buyer protection thing to get my money back.

I have had people buy stuff that is brand new with tags before, and then they send back the same item that is completely used and crappy saying that the item was used.

I have had people ask for discounts because they say the item isnt in the condition that was stated in the auction despite it being a brand new item in the box, and say that they are going to give me a negative feedback and threatening me with that ..... (Which in all honesty is the best thing that they can do because ebay always sides with the seller whenever somebody makes a threat like that)

Tons of people simply buy items and never pay for them.

I have had people buy an item that I have for sale, and then they list the same item that I have for sale, and the only reason why they buy my item is to eliminate me as the competition.

I once bought a bottle of cologne that was supposed to be brand new in box, and it was sent to me with absolutely zero padding and in a full size shoe box not in the box. So when I went to my mailbox all I could smell was "z zegna" for like 100 feet away, and picked up the box and heard nothing but the rattling of glass.

I bought a copy of windows 7 ultimate one time and when it came in it was printed on the most fake paper and box ever. So it was an obvious fake and it came in from singapore. (they said they were a us seller)

I have bought rare NES games before and they were fake (I open them up to look at the circuit board and stuff to authenticate them, it is a big problem)

These days if somebody asks me a stupid question about an item I immediately block them as a buyer because more than likely they will complain about the item and be a fvcking idiot.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Lafayette, IN
I have had many problems on ebay listings. From people trying to scam me, and getting crappy products, and everything in between. One time I bought a pod hd pro on ebay and the guy sent it to me in some pieces of cardboard taped together (I have no idea how or why the post office even accepted it), and the only thing protecting it was like 5 pieces of crumbled newspaper in between the pieces of cardboard. So when I saw it at my door a whole corner of the unit is sticking out and bashed in like no other. I e-mailed the seller and told him what was up, and he was just cursing at me saying that I tried to scam him. I sent him pictures of the item before I even opened the box. So I had to do the ebay buyer protection thing to get my money back.

I have had people buy stuff that is brand new with tags before, and then they send back the same item that is completely used and crappy saying that the item was used.

I have had people ask for discounts because they say the item isnt in the condition that was stated in the auction despite it being a brand new item in the box, and say that they are going to give me a negative feedback and threatening me with that ..... (Which in all honesty is the best thing that they can do because ebay always sides with the seller whenever somebody makes a threat like that)

Tons of people simply buy items and never pay for them.

I have had people buy an item that I have for sale, and then they list the same item that I have for sale, and the only reason why they buy my item is to eliminate me as the competition.

I once bought a bottle of cologne that was supposed to be brand new in box, and it was sent to me with absolutely zero padding and in a full size shoe box not in the box. So when I went to my mailbox all I could smell was "z zegna" for like 100 feet away, and picked up the box and heard nothing but the rattling of glass.

I bought a copy of windows 7 ultimate one time and when it came in it was printed on the most fake paper and box ever. So it was an obvious fake and it came in from singapore. (they said they were a us seller)

I have bought rare NES games before and they were fake (I open them up to look at the circuit board and stuff to authenticate them, it is a big problem)

These days if somebody asks me a stupid question about an item I immediately block them as a buyer because more than likely they will complain about the item and be a fvcking idiot.

Be smart, use a camcorder. I use a cheaper one and videotape everything for condition and functionality just before packing it, as well as showing the date and time on the iPad during recording. Saved me the one time someone tried to .... me on EBay on a Les Paul Supreme I sold. Just uploaded the videos to youtube and linked them to the Ebay people and he lost his claim. Simple as that. Cover thy ass!


Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
"Albuquerque, NM"
Be smart, use a camcorder. I use a cheaper one and videotape everything for condition and functionality just before packing it, as well as showing the date and time on the iPad during recording. Saved me the one time someone tried to .... me on EBay on a Les Paul Supreme I sold. Just uploaded the videos to youtube and linked them to the Ebay people and he lost his claim. Simple as that. Cover thy ass!

On more expensive items I actually do that. I take a small video of the item. Especially if it is something unique. Sometimes people are just assholes though and will try and screw you over on a 20 dollar item, and most of the time the hassle isn't even worth going through.


Ironically enough, now in Jesus Land
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
I had an experience where a guy sold me a used Mesa Mini Recto in "mint shape". Looked great... arrived and popped like a ............ in use. Was still under warranty, but paperwork wasn't included. Contacted him and he got nasty saying it worked fine. Sent him video footage and his deal was "send it back IMMEDIATELY". Told him I would have to file a claim to cover myself and wait for their approval. He got even nastier, threatening and then said we handle the claim through them and he was disputing it. Upon approval for return and refund, I emailed him the tracking info and he told I shouldn't bother sending it because "it's not going to happen dude". I still shipped it as instructed per Ebay. He refused delivery, which reverted the amp back to me. I contacted Ebay, who promptly refunded my money upon seeing that the shipment was refused. When it came back to me they told me to hold on to it until I heard further from them. After waiting a month, I called them again and was told it was mine, as he violated his terms of the agreement and I was under no obligation to send it back. I told them I'd wait one more month and if contacted me and agreed to pay the shipping, I would return it again.

Fast forward almost 6 weeks and no word from the guy. I called mesa, got approval, and got the amp repaired. Tube sockets were damaged. Sold the amp a few weeks after. Moral of the story... be straight about your stuff, and don't try to break it off in someone. Karma I guess.

I had a sneaky jerk while reading this :lol: such supreme justice.


Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
I bought a used Pro Tone Jason Becker pedal from Thailand on eBay a few months ago. The price was astronomical to begin with. It was described as a demo unit and in great condition. When I received it, the thing looked like it was gigged with hard for several years. The bottom was covered in glue from tape, the pots were very scratchy, the paint was scarred, and when you engaged the on/off switch it popped so loud it almost blew my speakers. I had paid $50 in shipping to the US and another $50 to send back. So in the end I had nothing to show for my $100, and it took him 2 months to refund the rest of the money. :noway: