Bare Knuckle Pickups

  • Thread starter Ill-Gotten James
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Ill-Gotten James

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2011
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Washington, DC
I was wondering if I get some feed back about peoples experience with Bare Knuckle Pickups, specifically the Aftermath Pickup and the Rebel Yell. I have only listened to samples online of what these pickups sound like, other than that, I really do not know if they will do what I am looking for.

I play in a band, I guess you could call the music progressive/ hardcore metal, and I am looking for pickups with high gain, yet extreme clarity of notes. I do not use a lot great deal of gain on my amp (Peavey XXX), there already seems to be too much gain as it is. Currently the guitar is use, Schecter Damien 7-Elite, has a bridge EMG 707, and a neck EMG 85. What I do not like about the EMGs is that I just cannot seem to get a nice sharp tone out of them. I can really notice it on my clean channel of the XXX. Someone recommended that I check out Bare Knuckles. As I have learned from past mistakes, research your products before you buy them, or else you might not get what you like.

So, can anybody give me some feedback on Bare Knucles, or at least point me towards a brand and model of pickup that may suit my needs?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2009
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Hanford, Ca
I would email tim at bareknuckles website with all of this or zimbloth on this forum. Zimbloth has probably the best knowledge out of anyone around here, he sells bareknuckles at which sell cheaper than everywhere else. I personally switched out my emgs for a calibrated miracle mans set which people compare to being a better passive emg. These sound huge and are really aggressive and clear but aren't the best cleans you can get with bareknuckles. I think your going in the right direction with the aftermath and you should check out painkillers as well. If I were you my next step would be to contact zimbloth because he has tried pretty much all of them and has the most knowledge IMO.


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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I was wondering if I get some feed back about peoples experience with Bare Knuckle Pickups, specifically the Aftermath Pickup and the Rebel Yell. I have only listened to samples online of what these pickups sound like, other than that, I really do not know if they will do what I am looking for.

I play in a band, I guess you could call the music progressive/ hardcore metal, and I am looking for pickups with high gain, yet extreme clarity of notes. I do not use a lot great deal of gain on my amp (Peavey XXX), there already seems to be too much gain as it is. Currently the guitar is use, Schecter Damien 7-Elite, has a bridge EMG 707, and a neck EMG 85. What I do not like about the EMGs is that I just cannot seem to get a nice sharp tone out of them. I can really notice it on my clean channel of the XXX. Someone recommended that I check out Bare Knuckles. As I have learned from past mistakes, research your products before you buy them, or else you might not get what you like.

So, can anybody give me some feedback on Bare Knuckles, or at least point me towards a brand and model of pickup that may suit my needs?


Both the Rebel Yell and Aftermath would be a good fit for both your guitar and also the sound you're aiming for. They both have exceptional attack, clarity, and chunk. The Aftermath is slightly warmer and tighter, whereas the Rebel Yell is slightly brighter in the upper mids. The output is comparable, with the AM being slightly hotter. The RY having an alnico V magnet is going to be a little more organic and clean up better, but the Aftermath is still very articulate and musical. Both are mahogany-friendly and 7-string friendly. Both neck models also sound amazing clean as well as for leads, and both bridge models respond well to being coil split.

I would lean towards the Aftermath just because it's going to be a bit tighter on the lower register and a bit more aggressive, although the RY is still very precise (arguably the tightest alnico V pickup on the market) and plenty heavy. I know you sent me a visitor message about this, but definitely shoot me an email or private message if you'd like to chat about this further. I'll do my best to follow this thread, but contacting me directly is always the fastest way to get a reply :) I'd be happy to hook you up on these, you won't be disappointed.

I would email tim at bareknuckles website with all of this or zimbloth on this forum. Zimbloth has probably the best knowledge out of anyone around here, he sells bareknuckles at which sell cheaper than everywhere else. I personally switched out my emgs for a calibrated miracle mans set which people compare to being a better passive emg. These sound huge and are really aggressive and clear but aren't the best cleans you can get with bareknuckles. I think your going in the right direction with the aftermath and you should check out painkillers as well. If I were you my next step would be to contact zimbloth because he has tried pretty much all of them and has the most knowledge IMO.

Thanks for the kind words :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
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Orlando, FL
i agree with what zimbloth said about the rebel yell.

I have a calibrated RY set in my PRS custom 22 and they sound awesome for just about everything ive played on them. The neck pickup can scream or be bluesy almost almost to the point of a PAF. The bridge pickup is plenty hot and can handle anything from classic rock to modern metal. The thing I love about the RY is how well it responds to rolling back the volume knob. I think that is one of its best traits. If you want a pickup that is a solid middle-ground between a classic rock pickup and a pickup that can bring the br00tz, the RY is the one.:yesway: