Bioshock Infinite

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
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Very solid game, glad to have had another Bioshock to run through. Art direction is great, story was fun, and the character banter was top notch.


Dec 6, 2010
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Washington, MA
i just finished it. as the credits rolled i just kinda sat and stared. i need to play it again to fully grasp everything; as my head is still spinning.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
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Estonia, Europe
Friend of mine said this game has one of the best storyline and gameplay ever. And he is one crazy ass gamer too.


Sep 27, 2010
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Santiago, Chile
Can I understand it without playing Bioshock 1 and 2?

I played a goooood chunk of 1 though, I stop playing around the Arcadia chapter


Frets? What frets?
May 8, 2009
Reaction score
Can I understand it without playing Bioshock 1 and 2?

I played a goooood chunk of 1 though, I stop playing around the Arcadia chapter

Yes, it's not a sequel. It's just like you can play Bioshock without having played System Shock 1 or 2. Similar themes, similar gameplay, different stories.


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
So I never even thought about it when I first saw it in game, but during the parade when you first visit Columbia, the angel visits Booker immediately after the battle of Wounded Knee and I think this is also said on one of Comstock's voxophone tapes. I know he questions coming out of the baptism and being both saint and sinner, which is also another clue if you replay it. So many little things that add up over time when you compare what he says to what Booker says.


Being confused on since 2008
Nov 18, 2008
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Chimaera SD
Just beat the game and my brain feels like it just melted.


No longer 7-less
Sep 30, 2010
Reaction score
Ending - Called it. No really. I was piecing together events, the odds, the chances, the... well, you know. It all fell in to place as I expected, and the question Comstock asked Elizabeth towards the end, as soon as it was asked I smiled and knew precisely how that happened too. And yes, I am fucking bragging! Everyone is so WTF and I'm all "Everything turned out exactly how I wanted it too... awesome"


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Ending - Called it. No really. I was piecing together events, the odds, the chances, the... well, you know. It all fell in to place as I expected, and the question Comstock asked Elizabeth towards the end, as soon as it was asked I smiled and knew precisely how that happened too. And yes, I am fucking bragging! Everyone is so WTF and I'm all "Everything turned out exactly how I wanted it too... awesome"

There's one thing you can call easily which is the Elizabeth being his daughter thing, since as you go on their relationship changes and he cares for his far more than for just "wiping away his debt" but I'm sure can't figure out why. But to predict that Booker = Comstock? No way, I don't see anyone making that call, nor the fact that to prevent all of this, Elizabeth kills you. Predicting part of the ending? Yes, but to predict all the parts that went along with it? Nay nay.


No longer 7-less
Sep 30, 2010
Reaction score
There's one thing you can call easily which is the Elizabeth being his daughter thing, since as you go on their relationship changes and he cares for his far more than for just "wiping away his debt" but I'm sure can't figure out why. But to predict that Booker = Comstock? No way, I don't see anyone making that call, nor the fact that to prevent all of this, Elizabeth kills you. Predicting part of the ending? Yes, but to predict all the parts that went along with it? Nay nay.

Nope, I really did.

First hint was the familiarity and intimate knowledge Comstock had on Booker. Their first conversation was littered with it, more so than I believed possible simply by having access to multiversal technology of that nature. It was -too- intimate and detailed in nature. Second was the disjoint between recollections of Wounded Knee - Comstock wasn't there, Comstock was there, Comstock didn't do this, Comstock did do this. Some wrote this off no doubt as Comstock misappropriating the events for his own purposes, but I didn't write that off until proven otherwise. Everything has a seed of truth. Third was the entire theme of rebirth throughout the entire game, including the change of clothes Elizabeth had half way through. Fourth, it's a multiverse story, which was clear to me as soon as there was the Heads/Tails coin toss at the start, which also matched up with various elements of the Lutece's conversation on the rowboat, not to mention the lighthouse being the lighthouse. There were a lot of hints throughout, and it just made sense that Comstock was Dewitt to me. The missing part of Elizabeth's finger I derived from the nature of tears in fiction of this sort and also from watching so very much sci-fi in my time (Stargate being the prime example of what happens when a part of your body is outside of a portal when it closes). I couldn't predict the solution to the issue, but as soon as she said "Comstock is here" in the final sequences, I knew how he'd have to die. Obviously I couldn't predict everything immediately, since some story elements don't come in to play until later, but the core elements - Comstock/Booker, Elizabeth, rebirth - that I was certain of quite early in the game.


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Nope, I really did.

First hint was the familiarity and intimate knowledge Comstock had on Booker. Their first conversation was littered with it, more so than I believed possible simply by having access to multiversal technology of that nature. It was -too- intimate and detailed in nature. Second was the disjoint between recollections of Wounded Knee - Comstock wasn't there, Comstock was there, Comstock didn't do this, Comstock did do this. Some wrote this off no doubt as Comstock misappropriating the events for his own purposes, but I didn't write that off until proven otherwise. Everything has a seed of truth. Third was the entire theme of rebirth throughout the entire game, including the change of clothes Elizabeth had half way through. Fourth, it's a multiverse story, which was clear to me as soon as there was the Heads/Tails coin toss at the start, which also matched up with various elements of the Lutece's conversation on the rowboat, not to mention the lighthouse being the lighthouse. There were a lot of hints throughout, and it just made sense that Comstock was Dewitt to me. The missing part of Elizabeth's finger I derived from the nature of tears in fiction of this sort and also from watching so very much sci-fi in my time (Stargate being the prime example of what happens when a part of your body is outside of a portal when it closes). I couldn't predict the solution to the issue, but as soon as she said "Comstock is here" in the final sequences, I knew how he'd have to die. Obviously I couldn't predict everything immediately, since some story elements don't come in to play until later, but the core elements - Comstock/Booker, Elizabeth, rebirth - that I was certain of quite early in the game.

For me, I chalked up Comstock as the typical 'monologue loving villain' much like those out of a James Bond who know his past and such so him talking about me in detail wasn't too surprising. However, replaying on Hard mode and just finishing the part with Slade and Battle of Wounded Knee, I do see now how he was able to so accurately say he was there while he was there - as Booker DeWitt - not Father Comstock. The finger thing I had assumed was a birth defect that she wasn't proud of and chose to cover up. Can't of accurate, but not 100%.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2010
Reaction score
This game... Oh my.
Just finished it, and I'm blown away. The storytelling is brilliant, the atmosphere is flawless.
But this game felt more "art" than game to me (which is good). The combat could've been more engaging, but it still was fun to discover new ways to use your environment. Figthing on the aerial rails, though, was quite a rush. Especially shotgunning people going your way at full speed.

Verdict : a beautiful, brilliant, well-crafted piece of art that will get you thinking about all the implications and ramifications of the storyline. A good gameplay that, while not being the core-focus of the game, will still keep the player entertained for the duration of the playthough(s).

This is a game that you buy for the whole package : sound, aesthetics, characters, plot. It's probably the best storyline I've ever encountered in a game, and while I enjoyed the sheer fun of filling stuff with bullets and, alternatively, crows, what kept me hooked was this feeling of "Oh crap, what's coming next?" and the mind-blowing attention to details.

So, all in all, if you're not jumping aboard, you are seriously missing out. It's a short game (took me 13 hours on normal), but filled with delicious storytelling. This game will play mindgames, but they are well thought out, and chances are you won't notice them all. I was talking with a friend and we were comparing our experiences, and we both had noticed different ways the game was toying with you that the other hadn't even noticed.

And concerning the ending : When the credits rolled in (and BTW, there is a special ending after the credits that you do not want to miss out on. It brings closure, yet opens up a lot of questions/reflexions), I was floored with all the implications, not only for the characters but also for your relationship, as a gamer, with your characters. This is a game that keeps on giving.


The White-Knuckler
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sarnia, ON, Canada
So, all in all, if you're not jumping aboard, you are seriously missing out. It's a short game (took me 13 hours on normal), but filled with delicious storytelling. This game will play mindgames, but they are well thought out, and chances are you won't notice them all. I was talking with a friend and we were comparing our experiences, and we both had noticed different ways the game was toying with you that the other hadn't even noticed.

Definitely play it through again :) there's so much stuff to find, like those voxophones that tell backstory, or gear and powerups and stuff. I'm pretty bad for exploring everything I can, but it took me around 20 hours to play through. There's a lot going on pretty much everywhere :yesway: not to mention, the extra money Elizabeth finds comes in handy :lol:

Have you played the first one? It kinda sounds like you haven't, so if that's the case, get on that, because it's also insanely awesome.



Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2010
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Definitely play it through again :) there's so much stuff to find, like those voxophones that tell backstory, or gear and powerups and stuff. I'm pretty bad for exploring everything I can, but it took me around 20 hours to play through. There's a lot going on pretty much everywhere :yesway: not to mention, the extra money Elizabeth finds comes in handy :lol:

Have you played the first one? It kinda sounds like you haven't, so if that's the case, get on that, because it's also insanely awesome.

Yeah, I got most of the voxophones (I missed a few because there was one section where I just blasted through without searching, this part of the game felt way uncomfortable to me.) but there are some ciphers I missed. I'll probably give it another playthrough at some point, when I'll need to relive this whole game. And yeah, I always found it funny that Elizabeth would toss you a single coin but your treasury would boost by about 50:lol:

I actually played the 1st Bioshock (though I skipped the second, I'll probably get to it at some point), which was quite something as well. I got the same tingly feeling inside with both games, but I think, in the end, I found the ending of Infinite more "conceptually-challenging", and I liked the gameplay a bit more in infinite as well.

I really should revisit Rapture, though. It's been a long while.


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Yeah, I got most of the voxophones (I missed a few because there was one section where I just blasted through without searching, this part of the game felt way uncomfortable to me.) but there are some ciphers I missed. I'll probably give it another playthrough at some point, when I'll need to relive this whole game. And yeah, I always found it funny that Elizabeth would toss you a single coin but your treasury would boost by about 50:lol:

I actually played the 1st Bioshock (though I skipped the second, I'll probably get to it at some point), which was quite something as well. I got the same tingly feeling inside with both games, but I think, in the end, I found the ending of Infinite more "conceptually-challenging", and I liked the gameplay a bit more in infinite as well.

I really should revisit Rapture, though. It's been a long while.

There's only ...3 actual ciphers and two other things you unlock with keys, so you don't miss out on much but it's enough to miss the achievements


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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London, Ont
just finished the game and blown away by the ending. I can't help but feel that the magnificence of this game was only hindered by the fact that it was an FPS with fairly derivative mechanics after a while. the story, narrative, atmosphere was all amazing.


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Man, I didn't think hard mode would get so intense but FUCK some parts of this shit. IF it weren't for Elizabeth I probably would've been dead in the water ages ago.


The White-Knuckler
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sarnia, ON, Canada
I actually played the 1st Bioshock (though I skipped the second, I'll probably get to it at some point), which was quite something as well. I got the same tingly feeling inside with both games, but I think, in the end, I found the ending of Infinite more "conceptually-challenging", and I liked the gameplay a bit more in infinite as well.

I really should revisit Rapture, though. It's been a long while.

2 is good, but not the same IMHO. The gameplay is better in general (having both hands available all the time, hacking is way better, etc) but you can kinda tell it wasn't made by the Irrational. It just didn't get me hooked like 1 and Infinite did. It's still definitely worth playing :yesway: just don't expect it to be better than the other two.

Man, I didn't think hard mode would get so intense but FUCK some parts of this shit. IF it weren't for Elizabeth I probably would've been dead in the water ages ago.

I couldn't do it, I even had to take the final battle down to easy just to get through it :lol: