BKP Aftermath bridge - SD Full shred neck combo?


Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Hey guys,

I have an BKP Aftermath (battle worn covers) in my red lawsuit PRS copy (Mahogany body and neck with a prs style trem I never use. if that matters to you, it does to me.) It was my second guitar and surprisingly even after owning and playing crazy custom shops I still love it (and its baseball neck :lol:)

I recently received two white with black bobbin SD full shred pickup in a trade for my old UX2 and was trying to decide whether I should install the Full shred in the neck position. I initially was going to hold out for a BKP Coldsweat in the neck. Has anyone tried this combo or have any opinions on the full shred neck? From what I can tell by looking online theres a lot of people who love it and others who hate it. Not much middle ground.

Bass:6 Mid: 5 Treble: 9 -ceramic

but I happened upon the full shreds. Which are Bass: 4 Mid: 4 Treble: 8 - alnico

I was wondering if I should go through the trouble of soldering the full shred neck in and just selling the bridge or if I should just sell both and try to get a cold sweat or something similar to it. I use the my 6 string for mostly tech death like Death, Atheist, Carcass and even some modern metal like Veil of maya and periphery. I keep it tuned to Drop C/ D Standard.

Any suggestions?

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Oct 10, 2010
Reaction score
Beirut, Lebanon
Don't trust the websites' EQ, they're not entirely viable ways to guess what a pickup sounds like to me, to me my Full Shred bridge is more like 4/6/8, for example. In the bridge, it's pretty clear and tight, with a little vintage hint, which makes it perfect for the old school tech death you mentioned. It's also very well suited for newer, lower tuned stuff. I can imagine it's also great in the neck position. I've got no experience with BKP's yet thoughh, so i can't help you with those :/ sorry!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
I have a full shred set in my rg920 and they are really great pickups.

The advertised eg is not what my ear hears at all. I find it to be a 4/7/6 type of eq. It shares the same coils with the SD custom pickup but exchanges the slug coil for a 2nd screw coil. The highs and lows come from a slug coil in a regular humbucker, so, that is what is lost in the full shred design. You can really crank your bass knob without you tone turning to mud.

To me, it has a really full, flat middle frequency response with the bass and high treble pulled back a bit. A dimarzio norton is a brighter pickup.

The bridge pickup does the super tight and clear modern metal sound but also soften up a bit when you turn the volume an tone pots down. Then, it gets a nice classic rock sound.

The neck pickup is strange to me. I think it's wind similar to the jazz neck pickup. I find it a bit bland at times. Perhaps lacking a bit of character clean. With gain, it can get a very fluid, clear shred sound.

Both pickups together (full or split to the inside coils) are awesome.

are they the best out there? Probably not. But for some reason i keep reaching for this guitar first.

One more thing, the added tightness works really well with a triode powered amp.