Born of Osiris MegaThread! - All things BoO

Captain Butterscotch

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2011
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Fayetteville, AR
Just shut the hell up.

OT: I still haven't listened to the album. Trying to avoid any torrenting as of late, so I have to buy a few albums tomorrow. I have a feeling it's way less bad than everyone is making it out to be. Negative hype for the sake of edginess.

Much much less.

EDIT: It's not the greatest, at all. I feel as if The Discovery spoiled us guitar oriented listeners a LOT, which then made this CD a sort of disappointment as far as that is concerned.
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May 27, 2009
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Yep. Like I said earlier on, it won't be long until the people who don't like it will have made all their posts; leaving the thread for those of us who really like it.

I've listened to it, start to finish, 6 times now; with many 2 or 3 song bursts on short drives. But I think I can honestly say that Exhilarate has some of the best riffing I've heard from BoO. And Vengeance just tries to break my neck, love it.

Lorcan Ward

May 15, 2009
Reaction score
Listening to this album on repeat all day today. Divergency, Aeon III, illusionist and Imaginary Condition are my fav songs at the moment. Wish my pre-order would hurry up so I can see the booklet.

Also learned this last night. Its got such a Necrophagist vibe to it. Tab uploaded below for anyone who wants to learn it.


  • Born of Osiris - Illusionist
    22.6 KB · Views: 38


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
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ON, Canada
It's not the greatest, at all. I feel as if The Discovery spoiled us guitar oriented listeners a LOT, which then made this CD a sort of disappointment as far as that is concerned.

This. I gave it some shit earlier in this thread but it's really not that bad; although considering their progression from TNR to the Discovery, I expected more from these guys. I'm sure this was also the case for most others who are hating on it. I still think that the first half is kinda generic for BoO but the second half of the album isn't bad at all. I've actually been spinning it quite a bit while working out and driving. It's simpler but I can still jam to it while not giving it my full attention.


Nov 17, 2007
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I hated everything I listened to yesterday but after reading this thread I gave it another shot. Source Field is groovy as .... and the rest of the album isn't too bad either. It's not a masterpiece but I don't find it any more or less boring than anything else they've done :lol:


Sir Clipsalot
Jun 16, 2012
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Syracuse, NY
considering their progression from TNR to the Discovery, I expected more from these guys.

This seems to be the common theme among those who dislike the album, so I have to ask: expected more of what? Complex riffing? I can understand why people would be a bit surprised at the guitar work given that it's pretty minimal and rhythmic relative to BoO's previous material, but I feel like people who call the album generic or bad based solely on the minimal guitar work aren't really seeing the bigger picture, and probably haven't seen the bigger picture since The Discovery. Everything on this album serves only to create an atmosphere - the heavily rhythmic guitar work, the layered vocals, the non-obtrusive drums, the over the top synths, etc. - and I think it's succeeded in spectacular fashion.


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May 27, 2009
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This seems to be the common theme among those who dislike the album, so I have to ask: expected more of what? Complex riffing? I can understand why people would be a bit surprised at the guitar work given that it's pretty minimal and rhythmic relative to BoO's previous material, but I feel like people who call the album generic or bad based solely on the minimal guitar work aren't really seeing the bigger picture, and probably haven't seen the bigger picture since The Discovery. Everything on this album serves only to create an atmosphere - the heavily rhythmic guitar work, the layered vocals, the non-obtrusive drums, the over the top synths, etc. - and I think it's succeeded in spectacular fashion.

This, on many levels.


H. Maddas
Apr 24, 2011
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Cornwall, UK
Everything on this album serves only to create an atmosphere

You could say that about any album though: you could say that about the most generic mindnumbingly brain-necrosis inducing album ever made, you know, I'm sure most of you (with the exception of a small, small minority) would just hate on the newest one direction album or some other pop group's album, but we could easily just counter any hate with "Everything on this album serves only to create an atmosphere". It doesn't make the album good in the eyes of the target audience (or at least vast majority of target audience). It's perfectly fine if you like it, I'm not going to berate you for enjoying something, but the vast majority of the people in this thread don't enjoy the album because it is completely different from their last album, it's a step down from the last album in terms of originality - yes The Discovery obviously wasn't the shining pinacle of originality that all bands should suckle from and be influenced by - but it was definitely them moving forwards and maturing as artists. The new album however is a complete step backwards, it's fallen into this niche of metal/deathcore that's formulaic and quite incestous (in terms of music, not the band members :lol:). It seems to be pandering towards the trendhopping brootz kid who has a worrying fetish for breakdowns and a love for self-castrating skinny jeans that labels like Rise Records loooove to attract and molest with their selection of genericore artists.

Seriously, listen to The Discovery and tell me that the same passion and effort that went into that album is in the new album. The discovery may have been a bit of a chugfest at times, but you can tell that the band slaved over it and truly cared.

and to anyone who wants to neg me, I'll do this while I read your neg rep


(yes I will be naked)

EDIT: ((and I guess I'll do that to anyone that reps me too))


Sir Clipsalot
Jun 16, 2012
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Syracuse, NY
You could say that about any album though

You really can't, and I find it pretty upsetting that you presume to be in a position to determine whether the band cares about their work. Who are you to say something like that, and who are you to proclaim the album "a complete step backwards"? I'm sorry that you can't hear the album the way others hear it, but that doesn't give you the right to be arrogant and condescending towards both the band and those of us who actually enjoy the album.


H. Maddas
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
I'm sorry that you can't hear the album the way others hear it, but that doesn't give you the right to be arrogant and condescending towards both the band and those of us who actually enjoy the album.

I'm not trying to be arrogant and condescending, I'm trying to speak for those that don't like the album and are being met with responses of "oh my goood edgy bandwagon hater!11".

and I find it pretty upsetting that you presume to be in a position to determine whether the band cares about their work.

I don't presume that I am an omniscient being who knows how much a band cares about their work, but to me, personally, as someone who listens to music, it feels like that to me. Music is a vast and incredibly subjective world, people will always interpret work differently, getting upset because people don't see something the same way as you is an utter waste of time, people will always see things differently to you and will always have a different opinion, get over it. I personally don't care if you enjoy the album, enjoy it, it's of no relevance or importance to me if someone enjoys/dislikes the album or even has an opinion on it.

I'm sorry that you can't hear the album the way others hear it

I really could just throw that back at you.

and here's a gif of a black dude doing the robot.



Sir Clipsalot
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Syracuse, NY
I'm not trying to be arrogant and condescending, I'm trying to speak for those that don't like the album and are being met with responses of "oh my goood edgy bandwagon hater!11".

I'm sure that's exactly what you're trying to do, but you're coming off as though the new album is unquestionably generic, mass-produced garbage deathcore, and that insinuates that everyone who enjoys it is a "trendhopping brootz kid." I mean, you literally say 'It's fine if you like it, but it's unoriginal and generic.' Can you not see how that's mildly condescending to the people you're referring to?

I really could just throw that back at you.

You could, but if nitpicky semantic debates aren't your thing I would advise you not to.


H. Maddas
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
I'm sure that's exactly what you're trying to do, but you're coming off as though the new album is unquestionably generic, mass-produced garbage deathcore, and that insinuates that everyone who enjoys it is a "trendhopping brootz kid." I mean, you literally say 'It's fine if you like it, but it's unoriginal and generic.' Can you not see how that's mildly condescending to the people you're referring to?

I'm trying to say that: 'It's fine that you like it, but to us that don't enjoy it, it seems to be a step back/incesous cousin of their previous album and that it seems to be more akin to something on Rise Records rather than BoO.'

I may come off as condescending, but I'm british and I love dancing gifs, that's basically the definition of condescending.

but if you wanna put this behind us, I am more than willing to share gifs of black, white and hispanic people dancing. :wub:



Mar 2, 2011
Reaction score

This album isn't worth the controversy, it's not at the level that Discovery is and that's a fact. Not because I'm a guitarist who loves riffs and solos all over the place, but as a musician. TWDA is in every sense of the word a big step down sans for the latter half of the album, everything after The Origin is completely fine by me but still not at the same level as anything on The Discovery, or even TNR for that matter.

Regenerate/Devastate/Ascension/Dissimulation/Two Worlds of Design were the main reasons why I loved their previous efforts. The first two being my favorites, as a whole it was a cohesive album that I LOVED to listen to from front to back.

This album doesn't give me the same reaction and desire to enjoy from start to finish, call me a hater if you want and if that makes any of you feel better. The Discover > TWDA.

FFS, some of you just need to accept the fact that others don't agree with you and let it the hell go. This kind of discussion is literally something off of a Facebook discussion where someone states their opinion and gets told they're wrong for their OPINION. Think about that.

Narrillnezzurh, you want to know what I personally expected? The same maturity in the song writing as featured in The Discovery. They had NO songs on that album that were even on the same level as Machine and it's purpose. It's a single, and that's what it's purpose clearly was, same with Divergency.

Personally I STILL think Follow the Signs was the worst song on that record and that was their single representing the album. In it's own right it's an incredible song with great writing and very tasteful synth parts along with a BALANCED mix. Maybe it was Richardson's input, maybe it wasn't we will literally NEVER know.

And Joose those guys are totally trolling haha, that one dude is literally begging to be banned for some reason haha.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2013
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Toronto, Canada
I think, the only people that are disappointed with this album are the people who expected it to be like the discovery. Jason Richardson obviously had a very big influence on the discovery, and once he was kicked out of the band I kind of knew what to expect for the new album. I did not expect this new album to sound like the discovery, and it doesn't. I was expecting something more like The New Reign, which is what we got.
That being said, I love this album.


Custom User Title
May 27, 2009
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Relevant time to post what Mr McKinney posted on Facebook a little while ago.

Lately no matter what metal bands page I'm on it's their fans complaining to them about one thing or the next. Since when is everyone a pissy critic?

Enjoy music for what it is. If you don't like it, move on to the next :) Not everything has to turn into a battle or a debate! Not sure when everyone decided they had to go public anytime they don't like or agree with every decision a band makes... The metal community seems a little cranky lately.

I'm still waiting for my order from Merch Connection. :mad:

Me too. Pretty sure this is my first order from them. Honestly don't remember if I pre-ordered P2 or not. Either way, they haven't failed to live up to all the complaints! Bastards.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2013
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Birmingham, England
i wish boo did something more with their rhythm guitar though, the chugging gets a bit boring. other than that i'm enjoying what i've listened to from the new album, theres some pretty nice sweeping tbf.


Custom User Title
May 27, 2009
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So, has anyone heard Hydr∆?

I've only seen a couple sites that even list it. "Instrumental Bonus Track". Will it be on my hard copy, whenever I receive it? For another country? Not a real song? Lol.