broken ibanez prestige headstock

  • Thread starter guitardoodguy
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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
I was gonna drop it, but y'all got the popcorn out, so I might as well deliver the goods.

do you play so good that stephen taranto says your nuts?
I legitimately don't know who that is.


who has no aspirations of competing with the top players in his field.
I've got a cushy day job that lets me put my feet up all day at home and play expensive guitars while staring at a screen and arguing with grouchy new guys with short tempers who curb stomp their stuff when they don't get their way. I'm already the top of every field I care about.

Welcome to the forum, by the way. We're all argumentative assholes, so you'll fit right in. I still patiently await the evidence of your masterful musicianship.

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Shameless Contrarian
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Chico, CA
Welcome to the forum, by the way. We're all argumentative assholes, so you'll fit right in. I still patiently await the evidence of your masterful musicianship.
This line was 10/10 and all but can we all just....not?
Damn @guitardoodguy I'm sorry I asked. I thought we were all just gunna have a laugh together and move on.

guitardoodguy Regular
Jun 25, 2024
Reaction score
Chill pill, my man. It was a pretty clear joke, and I think pretty warranted given the tone of "hi y'all, I curb stomped my guitar lol".

But also, don't start throwing around this whole Prestige Stompin' Twins have me beat in the music department unless you've got something to back that up. I patiently await your masterpiece.

Chill pill, my man. It was a pretty clear joke, and I think pretty warranted given the tone of "hi y'all, I curb stomped my guitar lol".

But also, don't start throwing around this whole Prestige Stompin' Twins have me beat in the music department unless you've got something to back that up. I patiently await your masterpiece.

I was gonna drop it, but y'all got the popcorn out, so I might as well deliver the goods.

I legitimately don't know who that is.

.....? View attachment 146604

I've got a cushy day job that lets me put my feet up all day at home and play expensive guitars while staring at a screen and arguing with grouchy new guys with short tempers who curb stomp their stuff when they don't get their way. I'm already the top of every field I care about.

Welcome to the forum, by the way. We're all argumentative assholes, so you'll fit right in. I still patiently await the evidence of your masterful musicianship.
you dont know who stephen taranto is lol ya that says it all right there buddy. hes one of the best metal players at the moment. ya you have a lazy boring secure little life and you love to be a little pest in a scene of actual musicians. go tune the LTD 8 string again maybe put some oil on the crusty light brown fretboard mr dream job.


Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
can we all just....not?
you love to be a little pest in a scene of actual musicians
Looks like the answer is no, we can't not. I'm perfectly willing to drop it if new guy can climb down off his high horse because I laughed as his choice of phrasing for "curb stomp". I never implied it was an indicator of his future success, it was a dumb lighthearted joke.

Don't barge into communities boasting about being 100x more a musician than the regulars and expect no pushback. It takes zero effort to not be a dick.

I hope you get your guitar fixed. Good luck becoming the new whoever that guys name was.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Almost all SSO threads I read can be predicted through the following if/then chart's inputs and outputs:

If: Simple and polite
Then: Massive drama + meltdown

If: Rude & obnoxious
Then: Massive drama + meltdown


:lol: Grab the popcorn...
We need to shoehorn Kiesel somehow into this thread to really pop things off


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
I see someone found another instagrammer with all the CTRL+C/V steeze to gatekeep today.

guitardoodguy Regular
Jun 25, 2024
Reaction score
This line was 10/10 and all but can we all just....not?
Damn @guitardoodguy I'm sorry I asked. I thought we were all just gunna have a laugh together and move on.

I was gonna drop it, but y'all got the popcorn out, so I might as well deliver the goods.

I legitimately don't know who that is.

.....? View attachment 146604

I've got a cushy day job that lets me put my feet up all day at home and play expensive guitars while staring at a screen and arguing with grouchy new guys with short tempers who curb stomp their stuff when they don't get their way. I'm already the top of every field I care about.

Welcome to the forum, by the way. We're all argumentative assholes, so you'll fit right in. I still patiently await the evidence of your masterful musicianship.
Looks like the answer is no, we can't not. I'm perfectly willing to drop it if new guy can climb down off his high horse because I laughed as his choice of phrasing for "curb stomp". I never implied it was an indicator of his future success, it was a dumb lighthearted joke.

Don't barge into communities boasting about being 100x more a musician than the regulars and expect no pushback. It takes zero effort to not be a dick.

I hope you get your guitar fixed. Good luck becoming the new whoever that guys name was.
HAHAHAHA this guy thinks being on sevenstring makes him a good musician thats hilarious, ive been on and off this site for 17 years brother you think idk about this site thats funny, and you are the one who started being a dickhead bud. everyone thinks this place is a joke I come here every couple years for advice on something put i dont seem to ever get any help since I'm not a beginner anymore.


resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
Have you considered an Ormsby import model? I heard they're better than the Australian made ones.

*whoops sorry I goat the threads mixed up
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
You wouldn't happen to be an expert in concrete, would you? I don't actually understand why you're mad at me. You, in your own words, "curb stomped" your own guitar. You and I both know that wasn't your brightest moment. I might be the shittiest musician on the forum (I mean, I'm not, but I could be!), that doesn't make it any less stupid to curb stomp your gear. Why would you share that information if you didn't want to make light of it?

Legit request: lets see what all the boasting is about. If it's that good, lets hear it.

In the meantime - there are some builders that sell necks on ebay that, as far as I know, match pretty common specs. Maybe that's a viable repair option. Some of them require some finishing work, but nothing too drastic compared to trying to reconstruct a broken neck. I got a neck from Perle once, and it was fine, and relatively inexpensive.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Never Neverland
pretty big weirdo you are arent ya bud. I mentioned 3 artists and you say i want to be the new animals as leaders but will never make it because i broke my guitar. someone sounds sad that I have big goals lol. I may have broke my own guitar but i would never come on 7 string to shit on random strangers going through something, hope you get the therapy that you need as well. guaranteed im 10 times the musician you are.
You can have whatever goals you want, and hopefully you accomplish them, but “curb stomping” your guitar is a dumbass way to go about trying to accomplish them.

I knew a guy that would get pissed and break his guitars. He was a good player, but also bipolar. One night he tried to stab his roommate with a chef knife and got himself shot and killed.

Hopefully you’re not on the same track.

i havent released anything yet but my brother has and stephen taranto messaged me saying "its nuts" do you play so good that stephen taranto says your nuts? yes i am without i doubt 100 times better than TedEh a lurker who has no aspirations of competing with the top players in his field.
There are plenty of great players here, so take it down a few notches.

Maybe you’re a great player, maybe not, but IME, those who talk the loudest are usually full of shit.

do you know anything about guitar necks
Yes, in fact I do. So do plenty of folks here, but they’re unlikely to help you with an attitude like you’ve shown.

Try being respectful and you’ll find people more willing to help out.

you dont know who stephen taranto is lol ya that says it all right there buddy. hes one of the best metal players at the moment. ya you have a lazy boring secure little life and you love to be a little pest in a scene of actual musicians. go tune the LTD 8 string again maybe put some oil on the crusty light brown fretboard mr dream job.
Frankly, that says more about you than it does anyone else.


HAHAHAHA this guy thinks being on sevenstring makes him a good musician thats hilarious, ive been on and off this site for 17 years brother you think idk about this site thats funny, and you are the one who started being a dickhead bud. everyone thinks this place is a joke I come here every couple years for advice on something put i dont seem to ever get any help since I'm not a beginner anymore.
Project much?

guitardoodguy Regular
Jun 25, 2024
Reaction score
You wouldn't happen to be an expert in concrete, would you? I don't actually understand why you're mad at me. You, in your own words, "curb stomped" your own guitar. You and I both know that wasn't your brightest moment. I might be the shittiest musician on the forum (I mean, I'm not, but I could be!), that doesn't make it any less stupid to curb stomp your gear. Why would you share that information if you didn't want to make light of it?

Legit request: lets see what all the boasting is about. If it's that good, lets hear it.

In the meantime - there are some builders that sell necks on ebay that, as far as I know, match pretty common specs. Maybe that's a viable repair option. Some of them require some finishing work, but nothing too drastic compared to trying to reconstruct a broken neck. I got a neck from Perle once, and it was fine, and relatively inexpensive.
no it was the fact that you shit on my goals, my aspirations and told me i wouldn't amount to anything without even knowing who I am. that is not light hearted at all. thanks for you recommendations.

guitardoodguy Regular
Jun 25, 2024
Reaction score
You can have whatever goals you want, and hopefully you accomplish them, but “curb stomping” your guitar is a dumbass way to go about trying to accomplish them.

I knew a guy that would get pissed and break his guitars. He was a good player, but also bipolar. One night he tried to stab his roommate with a chef knife and got himself shot and killed.

Hopefully you’re not on the same track.

There are plenty of great players here, so take it down a few notches.

Maybe you’re a great player, maybe not, but IME, those who talk the loudest are usually full of shit.

Yes, in fact I do. So do plenty of folks here, but they’re unlikely to help you with an attitude like you’ve shown.

Try being respectful and you’ll find people more willing to help out.

Frankly, that says more about you than it does anyone else.

Project much?
okay so for some reason you want to ignore the fact that TedEh attacked me first and that I gave it back to him. very strange way to navigate through this thread. you are choosing to gang up on someone because they defended themselves. maybe you subconsciously think highly of me so you think it's okay to attack me and try to take my spot.


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
OP, I'm sorry you and Re-pete are having a tiff, but this isn't the place to try to show off how enslaved to your own anger you are. Turn the phone off and get the fuck over it like an adult.

Until then we're all just waiting for Jax or Voldemort to come and molly whop your skill claims. There's always a bigger fish, and you're not that guy.