Bronies of SS.Org

  • Thread starter Hemi-Powered Drone
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Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL

But it is.

I think the fact that this thread exists proves it's more about the ironic following (the I'm in the brony club! thing) than just appreciation for the show.

No, I wanted to see if there was anyone else that watched the show and wanted to, I don't know, discuss it in an open forum? I guess the Movies, Books, TV & Media section of a discussion forum isn't the right place for discussing a TV show.

The word "brony" is even a shot at irony. I mean the show is watchable, but I'm not sure it's so great that it must become part of one's identity...especially older dudes.

I understand the root words lol. But it's totally about irony itself. "Bros" typically "Guy" guys, liking ponies (typically something that little girls want more than anything in the world, and even more, a cartoon show about ponies meant for young girls).

To clarify, brony is a combination of something masculine with something that isn't. I mean, I understand it's kind of a joke name, but I think it's also telling.

No, it's just a portmanteau of bro and pony, and that's what the fandom calls itself. It's the same as Star Trek fans being Trekkies, Doctor Who fans Whovians, and Firefly fans Browncoats.

This Brony thing, what're we gonna do if someone says, "anypony" or "everypony"?

I do admit that annoys the fuck out of me.

I don't see why people can't just accept the fact that people like a show for what it is. I understand if someone doesn't like something and I respect their opinion in all instances. I wouldn't dare try shoving anything down someones throat, but when I initially clicked on this thread, I expected to see people legitimately discussing the show, not bashing it and its fans. To clarify(I really shouldn't have to though): I'm not into the show for the "irony factor". To be honest, it actually didn't hit me until I saw this thread haha. I started watching out of curiosity and then I got hooked. Thats it.

That was why I started the thread, so we could discuss the show. It's a thread on a forum, anyone that doesn't like the show can just avoid it.

seriously, these guys need some DBZ, Gundam Wing, some Ronin Warriors, and a little Zoids.

Whoa, whoa whoa, now where the hell did any of us say we didn't like those shows? They're fantastic! I miss Zoids, actually.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
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Yeah, well, you like a little girl's show about magic ponies.

Well, some of us are secure enough about our masculinity and are actually comfortable watching "a little girl's show about magic ponies". Some of us, though, apparently are not.

You know, judging by some of the posts in this thread and by overall reaction of some people over the internet, it seems mind boggling that grown men are feeling uneasy about a cartoon for kids. That's just... hilarious.


Reggie J Worthington
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Conroe, Tx
Well, some of us are secure enough about our masculinity and are actually comfortable watching "a little girl's show about magic ponies". Some of us, though, apparently are not.

You know, judging by some of the posts in this thread and by overall reaction of some people over the internet, it seems mind boggling that grown men are feeling uneasy about a cartoon for kids. That's just... hilarious.

This isn't about being secure or not in one's own sexuality. This is about grown men watching a cartoon for little girls.

I love RomComs, and musicals, and plenty of other things that aren't deemed "masculine". But I'm not above ridiculing another man for watching a little girl's cartoon show.

That's what's fun about being an adult male. If you do something stupid, you're going to get your balls busted.

Idgaf what you watch, but if you're going to openly watch My Little Pony and identify yourself as a "brony" and you expect complete understanding instead of the outpouring of ball busting, then that's pretty naive thinking.

But that's just me.


Nov 19, 2007
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No, I wanted to see if there was anyone else that watched the show and wanted to, I don't know, discuss it in an open forum? I guess the Movies, Books, TV & Media section of a discussion forum isn't the right place for discussing a TV show.

No, it's just a portmanteau of bro and pony, and that's what the fandom calls itself. It's the same as Star Trek fans being Trekkies, Doctor Who fans Whovians, and Firefly fans Browncoats.

I mean, technically we're all discussing the show in this thread..XD

It is, but it also is an ironic joke name. It's what the fandom calls itself because the majority are guys, usually older than the targeted demographic, and guys surely aren't supposed to like pastel colored cartoons about ponies, right? (that's the irony. I mean people can like whatever, but it's just not expected for older men to like a little girl show, hence irony). I mean surely you can understand my post you quoted.

Browncoats, whovians, and trekkies don't imply gender-specificity nor are a joke (except maybe people who hate star trek haha), however I can see what you mean by it being just another fandom label.

Well, some of us are secure enough about our masculinity and are actually comfortable watching "a little girl's show about magic ponies". Some of us, though, apparently are not.

You know, judging by some of the posts in this thread and by overall reaction of some people over the internet, it seems mind boggling that grown men are feeling uneasy about a cartoon for kids. That's just... hilarious.

Don't turn this into a conflict for masculinity, it's silly and nobody has anything to prove. I have watched the show, and am not uncomfortable watching it. Wasn't necessarily bad, but IMO wasn't great. I just don't understand the huge following really (the internet presence really makes it feel much larger than it probably actually is).

Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL
I mean, technically we're all discussing the show in this thread..XD

It is, but it also is an ironic joke name. It's what the fandom calls itself because the majority are guys, usually older than the targeted demographic, and guys surely aren't supposed to like pastel colored cartoons about ponies, right? (that's the irony. I mean people can like whatever, but it's just not expected for older men to like a little girl show, hence irony). I mean surely you can understand my post you quoted.

Browncoats, whovians, and trekkies don't imply gender-specificity nor are a joke (except maybe people who hate star trek haha), however I can see what you mean by it being just another fandom label.

It's not a joke, that was a coincidence. Remember, the word came from /b/.


Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
It's not a joke, that was a coincidence. Remember, the word came from /b/.

How can a label be a coincidence? And I know, and /b/ isn't entirely serious last I heard. IE: it's a joke name that got embraced.

edit: To clarify, I get what you're trying to say, but I doubt it was coincidental. It became a label when it got embraced so openly by guys. Mostly. Except for the occasional girl who may adopt the label as a joke in itself because a girl isn't really a "bro" so to speak.


Reggie J Worthington
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Conroe, Tx
If there's anything in this world I hate, it's Hipsters, and Trekkies.

And those weird guys that like pastel colored ponies.

wait a minute....:squint:


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
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This isn't about being secure or not in one's own sexuality. This is about grown men watching a cartoon for little girls

You haven't actually watched it, have you?

Don't turn this into a conflict for masculinity, it's silly and nobody has anything to prove

Um... why the hell not? That's pretty much the whole issue with people ridiculing it - because they consider it to be a "cartoon for little girls" and that for some reason it is considered to be unacceptable for adult men to watch this kind of thing because... I dunno why. Just because.

I'm not just talking about MLP, mind you, it's much broader than that. How about Harry Potter's adult covers? You think that wasn't related to "masculinity" and "maturity" issues? What about heavy metal being ridiculed as music for adolescents? As I've said, a much broader issue.


Reggie J Worthington
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Conroe, Tx
You haven't actually watched it, have you?

Um... why the hell not? That's pretty much the whole issue with people ridiculing it - because they consider it to be a "cartoon for little girls" and that for some reason it is considered to be unacceptable for adult men to watch this kind of thing because... I dunno why. Just because.

I'm not just talking about MLP, mind you, it's much broader than that. How about Harry Potter's adult covers? You think that wasn't related to "masculinity" and "maturity" issues? What about heavy metal being ridiculed as music for adolescents? As I've said, a much broader issue.
I have no interest in watching a show about magic ponies, so no, I haven't.

It's considered a "cartoon for little girls" because that's what it is... This isn't a show that was created for boys and girls, it's My Little Pony. A Hasbro toy that was marketed to young (little) girls, and turned into a terrible TV show in the 80s. They saw how much they were raking in with Transformers and said, "Fuck it, let's resurrect something else." You are getting symantic about nothing, and making this about gender security when it's nothing about it.

Its about a group of men, identifying themselves as die hard fans of a TV cartoon created for young girls, and then getting upset when they're made fun of about it, as though they're completely clueless as to why it's happening in the first place. Completely ignoring or forgetting the fact they're identifying themselves as diehard fans of a cartoon created for the amusement of young girls to get them to buy My Little Pony merchandise and memorabilia.

NO one is seriously taking your gender security into question, except you with the anti-brony crowd. So grow up, and be tolerant and loving like the fucking ponies say to do.

Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL
Actually it was meant to appeal to all audiences, that's why they hired Lauren Faust as creative director/producer for the first season. The massive appeal in the 18-34 demo, though, was unexpected.


Reggie J Worthington
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Conroe, Tx
Yes I'm sure we've all read the Wikipedia article about it by now, so you can stop quoting it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
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I have no interest in watching a show about magic ponies, so no, I haven't

Well, that kind of sums it up quite nicely.

Actually it was meant to appeal to all audiences

Indeed. That's what really surprised me about the show. I finally decided to watch one episode just for the hell of it and to be honest, it was nothing like I was expecting it to be. Turns out, Friendship is Magic is just a nice, cute cartoon that can be appealing to anybody.


For Mod
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
So grow up, and be tolerant and loving like the fucking ponies say to do.

I don't even watch the show, but these guys seems pretty tolerant, and you're busting your nut over this. Maybe you should read everything you've said, watch the show and learn some tolerance.

People liking MLP isn't ironic, what you just said is ironic and highly hypocritical since this whole thread you have just ridiculed everything without even watching the show.

E: I mean, I dont even understand why you're here? You're not going to give the show a chance, but you feel the need to write paragraphs upon paragraphs about people who do like it being idiots.

Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL
Yes I'm sure we've all read the Wikipedia article about it by now, so you can stop quoting it.

Then do you understand it isn't just a show for little girls? The one in the 80s, yeah, that was a rainbow colored vomit of commercialism marketed to little girls. Not this one.


Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
You haven't actually watched it, have you?

Um... why the hell not? That's pretty much the whole issue with people ridiculing it - because they consider it to be a "cartoon for little girls" and that for some reason it is considered to be unacceptable for adult men to watch this kind of thing because... I dunno why. Just because.

I'm not just talking about MLP, mind you, it's much broader than that. How about Harry Potter's adult covers? You think that wasn't related to "masculinity" and "maturity" issues? What about heavy metal being ridiculed as music for adolescents? As I've said, a much broader issue.

Starting your reply with "Um..." makes you seem kind of arrogant, and also makes it seem like you may not know what you're talking about, so maybe that isn't the best way to open up (unless that's what you were going for, and for that I say "nice work").

I haven't watched it much, I think like 3 or 4 episodes (with my roommate, when we were trying to dissect its popularity). I wouldn't say it's *unacceptable* for adult men to watch it, but adult men definitely weren't the target audience and it's probably not considered a norm for adult men to like a cartoon like mlp. Are you trying to say it was a cartoon created with adult men in mind? Of course we can like whatever we want. I like spongebob and that cartoon is definitely not specifically aimed at my age group haha. However I don't identify with a label about liking spongebob or kid shows or something, even though it may be slightly ironic that I would be a guy who likes spongebob.

I only say to not bring masculinity into it because I could just as easily say that "I'm comfortable with my masculinity, but you're getting pretty defensive about this MLP thing", and then you could say "prove it" (your masculinity, at which moment you dismiss everything I say because I am in your opinion, not comfortable with my masculinity however logical my arguments are), and I wouldn't be able to unless I confessed to being a rabid fan and a brony, which I'm not. It's lazy and we wouldn't get anywhere.

I'm not trying to shit on the show. I guess what I'm trying to do is challenge those who are self-proclaimed bronies with a question about why you really like the show. Is it actually that awesome, or is it a fad-like internet phenomenon?

Just food for thought.


Reggie J Worthington
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Conroe, Tx
Then do you understand it isn't just a show for little girls? The one in the 80s, yeah, that was a rainbow colored vomit of commercialism marketed to little girls. Not this one.
Just because a show is "deemed" suitable for everyone, doesn't mean it was created and marketed for them..

I don't even watch the show, but these guys seems pretty tolerant, and you're busting your nut over this. Maybe you should read everything you've said, watch the show and learn some tolerance.

People liking MLP isn't ironic, what you just said is ironic and highly hypocritical since this whole thread you have just ridiculed everything without even watching the show.

E: I mean, I dont even understand why you're here? You're not going to give the show a chance, but you feel the need to write paragraphs upon paragraphs about people who do like it being idiots.
The last thing I'd "bust my nut" over would be My Little Pony. I've far too attracted to real women, to even consider bestiality, cartoon or real.

Men liking My Little Pony is ironic, that's the point that's been made over and over now. I don't have to be tolerant, I don't have to be anything, because I've never claimed to be in any group that promotes such things.

I've also never called anyone an idiot either :/


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
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Starting your reply with "Um..." makes you seem kind of arrogant

Wasn't trying to be.

and it's probably not considered a norm for adult men to like a cartoon like mlp

By whom? As I've said, it's a much more broad issue. Some people consider heavy metal to be music for teenagers. Some shy away from reading Harry Potter in public. There is no "norm" and quite frankly, who cares what people consider to be something? At the end of the day, there will always be people who will tell you how and what you should think.

Are you trying to say it was a cartoon created with adult men in mind?

No, but I would say that it's perfectly watchable by anyone. The creators probably have tried to appeal to the parents who watched the show with their kids and it sort of... misfired a bit.

However I don't identify with a label about liking spongebob

So if you don't identify with a label about liking spongebob, why do you think every person who likes MiF should? The "Brony" thing is amusing, but nobody forces you to call yourself a Brony if you enjoy this cartoon. I don't, for instance, though I might use it in an joking/sarcastic kind of fashion.

but you're getting pretty defensive about this MLP thing

Actually, the thing that bothered me the most is this guy who didn't even watch it, but apparently knows all about it. Then, of course, there's this "it's a show for little girls and that's why you shouldn't watch it" type of argument. Iron-proof, dare I say.

Is it actually that awesome, or is it a fad-like internet phenomenon?

I've already said it in my previous post, but I'll just repeat it: I thought it was a fad-like phenomenon at first, decided to finally watch one episode just for the hell of it, and guess what? It was nothing like I expected it to be. Turns out, it's a nice, perfectly watchable cute cartoon.


For Mod
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
No no no, bust your nut, meaning, you're putting way to much effort into something (arguing something that has no relation to you).

Not having super happy fun time :lol:

For the record Prince is a terrible artist, he is a man that dresses in purple and wears make-up, pretty ironic, I think his fans should tolerate the fact that I hate him and think his fans are sucked into the irony not the actual content of his music.
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